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袁明珠 赵立环 王玉稳 张蓉 李长静

袁明珠, 赵立环, 王玉稳, 等. 纱线基柔性应变传感器制备方法研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 袁明珠, 赵立环, 王玉稳, 等. 纱线基柔性应变传感器制备方法研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
YUAN Mingzhu, ZHAOLihuan, WANG Yuwen, et al. Research progress on preparation methods of yarn based flexible strain sensors[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: YUAN Mingzhu, ZHAOLihuan, WANG Yuwen, et al. Research progress on preparation methods of yarn based flexible strain sensors[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 天津市科技计划项目(23YFYSHZ00220);中国纺织工业联合会科技指导性计划项目(2021065)

    赵立环,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为新型非织造材料的制备、理论及应用;纺织基柔性纱线/织物基传感器和智能可穿戴设备E-mail: zhaolihuan@tiangong.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP212; TS104.2; TB332

Research progress on preparation methods of yarn based flexible strain sensors

Funds: Science and Technology Plan Project of Tianjin (23YFYSHZ00220); Science and Technology Guidance Project of China National Textile and Apparel Association (2021065)
  • 摘要: 纱线基柔性应变传感器作为一维传感器具有较好的柔韧性、可编织特性以及可拉伸性能,使得其在人体运动监测方面有很大的应用优势。纱线基柔性应变传感器的制备方法主要包括纺丝法、纺纱法、后整理以及复合方法,以其制备方法为切入点阐述了各类纱线基柔性应变传感器的制备过程及研究进展,并归纳了各类制备方法的特征和优缺点,最后提出了纱线基柔性应变传感器的未来研究方向,为进一步制备和研究该类传感器提供参考。


  • 图  1  挤出模具的图像(a)及涂层纱线直径的示意图(b)[33]

    Figure  1.  Image of extrusion die (a) and schematic diagram of coated yarn diameter (b)[33]

    图  2  PVA/WPU/MXene复合纤维的合成机制示意图[37]

    Figure  2.  schematic diagram of the synthesis mechanism of PVA/WPU/MXene synthetic fibers[37]

    图  3  纺丝过程中PTCF空芯-护套结构形成机制示意图(a)及形貌表征(b)[40]

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the formation mechanism of PTCF hollow-sheath structure during spinning process (a) and morphological characterization (b)[40]

    图  4  CNTS/TPU芯鞘纤维的制备。CNTs/TPU皮芯纤维同轴湿法纺丝工艺图(a)及基于微裂纹的皮芯纤维以及TPU和CNT在微裂纹结构处的分布示意图(b)及光纤传感器微裂纹结构形成示意图(c)[42]

    Figure  4.  Preparation of CNTS/TPU core sheath fibers. Schematic diagram of coaxial wet spinning process of CNTs/TPU core fibers (a), schematic diagram of the distribution of microcrack-based cortex fibers, TPU and CNT at microcrack structure (b) and microcrack structure formation of optical fiber sensor (c)[42]

    图  5  MCN/TPU-NY的生产工艺[49]

    Figure  5.  Production process of MCN/TPU-NY[49]

    图  6  传感器的概念图和光学图像[51]

    Figure  6.  Concept art and optical image of the sensor[51]

    图  7  LTPCY传感器的制备[55]

    Figure  7.  Preparation of LTPCY sensors[55]

    图  8  DTY的制备过程示意图(a)及Ecoflex/CNT/DTY应变传感器的制备示意图(b)[71]

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of the preparation process of DTY (a) and preparation of Ecoflex/CNT/DTY strain sensor (b)[71]

    图  9  SCFY应变传感器的制备流程图[74]

    Figure  9.  Flow chart for the preparation of SCFY strain sensors[74]

    表  1  纱线基柔性应变传感器制备方法及其优缺点

    Table  1.   Preparation methods for Yarn-based flexible strain sensors and their advantage and disadvantage

    Preparation of yarn-based sensors Preparation characteristics Advantages Disadvantages
    Melt spinning A conductive substance is added to the spinning stock solution to spin and form, and it is cured into silk in hot air The spinning speed is faster and it is easy to achieve industrial production There is limitations in the volume fraction of the filler, which damages the mechanical properties
    Wet spinning The conductive substance is added to the spinning stock solution to spin and mold, and the silk is cured into silk in a coagulation bath The conductive material is more evenly dispersed, the fiber fineness is more consistent, and a special leather core structure can be spun The spinning speed is low and the cost is high
    Electrospinning Polymers or melts are mixed with conductive substances and spun
    directly in a strong electric field
    Strong spinnability, strong designability, low production cost Low production efficiency
    Spinning Using traditional spinning technology, conductive materials are combined
    with flexible materials
    The operation is simple and the equipment is mature It is often necessary to combine with other preparation techniques
    Coating method Conductive materials are coated on the yarn matrix The preparation process is simple and fast The coating is easy to peel off
    Impregnation method Immersing the yarn in a solution containing a conductive substance for
    a certain period of time, so that the conductive substance is deposited on the yarn
    The conductive material is well combined with the flexible matrix The conductive layer is prone to detachment
    Composite method Yarn-based flexible strain sensors are produced by combining two or more preparation methods The operation is more complicated The shortcomings of a single approach can be improved
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-05-07
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  • 网络出版日期:  2024-07-13


