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赵新波 何晓红 吕健 翟少杰 詹志新 杨尚谕

赵新波, 何晓红, 吕健, 等. 钢-CFRP接头胶-编混合搭接模式及力学性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 43(0): 1-16.
引用本文: 赵新波, 何晓红, 吕健, 等. 钢-CFRP接头胶-编混合搭接模式及力学性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 43(0): 1-16.
ZHAO Xinbo, HE Xiaohong, LV Jian, et al. Hybrid adhesive-woven lap mode and mechanical properties of steel-CFRP joints[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHAO Xinbo, HE Xiaohong, LV Jian, et al. Hybrid adhesive-woven lap mode and mechanical properties of steel-CFRP joints[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52104004)

    赵新波,博士,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为复合材料力学、油气井套管柱安全评估和油气井井筒系统完整性 Email: zxbups@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Hybrid adhesive-woven lap mode and mechanical properties of steel-CFRP joints

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52104004)
  • 摘要: CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, CFRP)以其轻质高强的特性在航天、汽车、土木和石油等领域广泛应用,但其与钢材的连接强度成为当前研究的重要问题。本文进行了五种试验,每种试验设有三个平行试件,总计15组试验,研究了单层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头在不同孔距和孔形组合下的最优设计。基于单层试验结果,进一步开展了六种试验,每种试验设有三个平行试样,总计18组试验,探讨了三种不同搭接形式和四种不同搭接长度对多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头力学性能的影响。实验分析了不同搭接形式和长度下的接头荷载-位移曲线、失效模式、单位厚度峰值强度和极限承载力。同时,结合数字图像相关方法详细分析了接头的应变分布和演化过程。研究结果显示,相较于椭圆形开孔,单层矩形开孔接头的强度提高了23.51%,并且在孔距为20 mm时达到了最高强度。在多层搭接接头中,双层碳纤维布和双层钢带搭接形式显著提高了接头的强度,分别比前两种形式提升了160.33%和119.26%。进一步分析表明,增加搭接长度有效提升了接头的承载能力,但随着搭接长度进一步增加,接头强度逐渐趋于稳定甚至略有下降;当搭接长度增至60 mm时,接头强度达到最高点,比40 mm长度的接头提升了20.94%。


  • 图  1  钢-CFRP 钻杆应用场景示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the application scenarios of steel-CFRP drill pipes

    图  2  碳纤维布、UHU300胶黏剂及304超薄不锈钢带实物图(单位:mm)

    Figure  2.  Physical display of carbon fiber fabric, UHU300 adhesive and 304 ultra-thin stainless steel strip (Unit: mm)

    图  3  试验加载装置

    Figure  3.  Test loading device

    图  4  钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头试件制备流程图

    Figure  4.  Preparation process diagram of steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints specimens

    图  5  钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头散斑处理试件图

    Figure  5.  Speckle treatment specimen diagram of steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints

    图  6  钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头拉伸试验及应变采集设备

    Figure  6.  Tensile test and strain collection equipment of steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints

    图  7  单层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头的拉伸过程

    Figure  7.  Process of tensile failure of single-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints

    图  8  不同孔距单层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头荷载-位移曲线

    Figure  8.  Load-displacement curve of single-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different hole spacing

    图  9  不同孔形单层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头荷载-位移曲线

    Figure  9.  Load-displacement curve of single-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different hole shape

    (The second number in specimen number is the parallel specimen serial number)

    图  10  单层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头典型失效模式ssss

    Figure  10.  Typical failure modes of single-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint

    图  11  不同开孔间距单层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头应变分布

    Figure  11.  Strain distribution of single-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different hole spacing

    图  12  多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头的拉伸过程

    Figure  12.  Process of tensile failure of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints

    图  13  不同搭接长度多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头荷载-位移曲线

    Figure  13.  Load-displacement curves of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different lap lengths

    图  14  不同搭接形式多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头荷载-位移曲线

    Figure  14.  Load-displacement curves of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different overlapping

    图  15  多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头破坏模式

    Figure  15.  Failure modes of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints

    图  16  不同搭接长度多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头应变分布

    Figure  16.  Strain distribution of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different lap lengths

    图  17  不同搭接形式多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头应变分布

    Figure  17.  Strain distribution of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different lap forms

    图  18  不同搭接形式多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头强度和极限承载力

    Figure  18.  Strength and ultimate load-bearing capacity of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different lap configurations

    图  19  不同搭接长度多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头强度和极限承载力

    Figure  19.  Strength and ultimate load of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven joints with different lap lengths

    表  1  碳纤维布、304超薄不锈钢带及UHU300胶黏剂材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of carbon fiber cloth, 304 ultra-thin stainless steel strip, and UHU300 adhesive

    Material name Tensile strength/MPa Tensile Young's modulus/GPa Thickness/mm
    1 K double-sided plain weave CFRP 3800 230 0.15
    304 ultra-thin stainless steel strip 510 190 0.15
    UHU300 epoxy adhesive 12 2
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    表  2  钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头试验方案

    Table  2.   Test plan for steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints

    Serial number Specimen number Perforation spacing/mm Perforation shape Overlap length (L)/mm Overlap forms
    1 SHJ-R-5 5 Rectangular 40 Single-layer Overlap: A single layer of carbon fiber fabric is overlapped with a single layer of ultra-thin stainless steel strip.
    2 SHJ-R-10 10
    3 SHJ-R-15 15
    4 SHJ-R-20 20
    5 SHJ-E-15 15 Elliptical
    6 MHJ1-40 20 Rectangular 40 Overlap forms 1: Two layers of carbon fiber fabric are bonded with adhesive and then combined with a single layer of steel to form a hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint
    7 MHJ1-50 50
    8 MHJ1-60 60
    9 MHJ1-70 70
    10 MHJ2-40 40 Overlap forms 2: One layer of carbon fiber fabric and two layers of steel bonded with adhesive to form a hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint
    11 MHJ3-40 40 Overlap forms 3: Two layers of carbon fiber fabric and two layers of steel, each bonded with adhesive, are combined to form a hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint
    Notes: The SHJ represents the single-layer hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint, The MHJ represents the multi-layer hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint; R represents the rectangular opening, E represents the elliptical opening; the number represent the lap length for SHJ, the first number represents the lap forms, the second number represents the lap length for MHJ.
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    表  3  不同搭接形式和搭接长度多层钢-CFRP胶-编混合搭接接头试件参数

    Table  3.   Specimen parameters of multi-layer steel-CFRP hybrid adhesive-woven lap joints with different lap configurations and lap lengths

    Overlap forms Overlap lenth/mm Serial number Ultimate load/N Effective joint area/mm2 Unit thickness peak strength/(MPa/mm) Failure modes
    Single-layer Overlap: A single layer of carbon fiber fabric is overlapped with a single layer of ultra-thin stainless steel strip 40 SHJ-R-5 945.33 950 6.63 Steel-adhesive interface failure; Cohesion failure; CFRP (damage) breaks; CFRP slippage
    SHJ-R-10 1034.17 7.26
    SHJ-R-15 1183.00 8.30
    SHJ-R-20 1268.83 8.90
    SHJ-E-15 958.17 6.72
    Overlap forms 1 70 MHJ1-70 2015.33 1700 3.95 Cohesion failure; Steel-adhesive interface failure; CFRP slippage; Steel warping
    60 MHJ1-60 1903.17 1450 4.38 Cohesion failure; Steel-adhesive interface failure; CFRP slippage
    50 MHJ1-50 1557.67 1200 4.33 Steel-adhesive interface failure; CFRP slippage; The steel breaks
    40 MHJ1-40 1034.17 950 3.63 Steel-adhesive interface failure; CFRP slippage
    Overlap forms 2 40 MHJ2-40 1228.67 950 4.31 Steel-adhesive interface failure; CFRP (damage) breaks; CFRP slippage
    Overlap forms 3 40 MHJ3-40 2694.33 950 9.45 Steel-adhesive interface failure; CFRP slippage; Delamination failure
    Notes: Overlap forms 1:Two layers of carbon fiber fabric are bonded with adhesive and then combined with a single layer of steel to form a hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint; Overlap forms 2: One layer of carbon fiber fabric and two layers of steel bonded with 40 adhesive to form a hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint; Overlap forms 3: Two layers of carbon fiber fabric and two layers of steel, each bonded with adhesive, are combined to form a hybrid adhesive-woven lap joint.
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-08-12
  • 修回日期:  2024-09-16
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