
Thermal conductivity analysis of fiber-reinforced resin-based honeycomb sandwich materials

  • 摘要: 玻璃纤维/环氧树脂蜂窝夹层复合材料由于重量轻、阻燃性能优异等优点,已成为民用飞机内饰壁板的主要材料。该类材料在高温下具有火灾危险性,因此研究其导热性对于飞机防火具有重要意义。以玻璃纤维/环氧树脂预浸料和芳纶纸蜂窝芯为原料制备9种不同厚度的蜂窝夹层材料开展导热性能研究,基于Fourier定律和Swan-Pittman半经验公式建立适用于树脂基复合材料蜂窝夹层结构板的传热理论模型,基于有限元软件模拟所得相关数据,计算蜂窝夹层材料导热系数的理论值。采用导热系数测试仪开展蜂窝夹层材料导热系数实验,并比较试验值和理论值。研究结果表明:室温情况下不同厚度蜂窝夹层材料导热系数的理论值与试验平均值吻合度较高,该理论模型适用于树脂基复合材料蜂窝夹层结构板;相比于面板厚度,蜂窝芯才是影响蜂窝夹层材料导热系数的主要因素。蜂窝夹层材料的孔隙率与导热系数成反比关系,比表面积与导热系数呈正比关系;随着蜂窝芯高度增加,热辐射取代热传导逐渐成为蜂窝芯内部热量传递的主要方式。


    Abstract: Fiber glass/epoxy honeycomb sandwich composites have become the main materials for interior wall panels of civil aircraft due to their light weight and excellent flame retardant properties. These materials are fire hazardous at high temperatures, so the study of their thermal conductivity is of great significance for aircraft fire protection. Nine kinds of honeycomb sandwich materials with different thicknesses were prepared from glass fiber/epoxy resin prepreg and aramid paper honeycomb core to carry out the thermal conductivity study. Based on Fourier's law and the semi-empirical formula of Swan-Pittman, a theoretical model of heat transfer of fiber-reinforced resin matrix composites was established, and the theoretical value of thermal conductivity of honeycomb sandwich materials was calculated based on the data obtained from the simulation of finite element software. Based on the data obtained from the finite element software simulation, the theoretical value of thermal conductivity of the honeycomb sandwich is calculated. The thermal conductivity tester is used to carry out experiments on the thermal conductivity of honeycomb sandwich materials and compare the experimental and theoretical values. The results show that the theoretical values of the thermal conductivity of honeycomb sandwich materials with different thicknesses at room temperature are in good agreement with the average values of the experiments, and the theoretical model is applicable to the fiber-reinforced resin matrix composites with honeycomb sandwich structure. Compared with the thickness of the panels, the honeycomb core is the main factor affecting the thermal conductivity of honeycomb sandwich materials. The porosity of the honeycomb sandwich material is inversely related to the thermal conductivity, and the specific surface area is positively related to the thermal conductivity. With the increase of the height of the honeycomb core, the thermal radiation replaces the thermal conduction to become the main way of heat transfer inside the honeycomb core gradually.


