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肖玉善 吴振 任晓辉

肖玉善, 吴振, 任晓辉. 基于压电信号的复合材料疲劳寿命评估方法[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(9): 4897-4908. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240019.003
引用本文: 肖玉善, 吴振, 任晓辉. 基于压电信号的复合材料疲劳寿命评估方法[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(9): 4897-4908. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240019.003
XIAO Yushan, WU Zhen, REN Xiaohui. Fatigue assessment for composites by using piezoelectric signal[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(9): 4897-4908. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240019.003
Citation: XIAO Yushan, WU Zhen, REN Xiaohui. Fatigue assessment for composites by using piezoelectric signal[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(9): 4897-4908. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240019.003


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240019.003
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (12172295)

    吴振,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为复合材料结构力学 E-mail: wuzhenhk@nwpu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Fatigue assessment for composites by using piezoelectric signal

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (12172295)
  • 摘要: 复合材料结构应变特征随着疲劳加载发生变化,因此本文尝试实时监测疲劳周期内复合材料结构的应变特征信号,通过应变信号评估结构疲劳寿命。然而已有研究表明,电阻式应变片在长时间动态测试中经常出现提前疲劳失效,不适合疲劳全周期内应变信号采集。为此,具有高耐疲劳性的新型聚偏氟乙烯压电薄膜(Polyvinylidene difluoride piezoelectric film,PVDF)被用于采集复合材料结构疲劳特征信号。通过在碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(T700/9A16)层合板表面粘贴PVDF薄膜,获取层合板疲劳过程中的压电信号。基于压电效应,将表征疲劳损伤状态的应变信息转化为PVDF压电信号输出。基于试验生成的压电信号数据库,采用随机森林回归算法高效地建立压电信号与复合材料层合板疲劳循环次数之间的关联。通过不同循环次数下的PVDF压电信号可以准确预测试验件的实际疲劳加载次数,实现了对复合材料结构疲劳状态的有效评估。


  • 图  1  碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)疲劳试验件(T700/9A16)尺寸

    Figure  1.  Geometry of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) fatigue test piece (T700/9A16)

    图  2  碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件破坏模式示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of damage mode of CFRP test piece subjected to fatigue loading (T700/9A16)

    图  3  加载n次疲劳载荷后的碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件静力拉伸试验

    Figure  3.  Static tensile test of CFRP (T700/9A16) testing pieces after n number cycles of fatigue loading

    图  4  碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件刚度退化曲线

    Figure  4.  Stiffness degradation curves of CFRP test pieces (T700/9A16)

    图  5  含聚偏氟乙烯压电薄膜(PVDF)的碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)疲劳试验件

    Figure  5.  CFRP (T700/9A16) test pieces with polyvinylidene fluoride piezoelectric film (PVDF) for fatigue test

    图  6  含聚偏氟乙烯压电薄膜(PVDF)的碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)疲劳试验

    Figure  6.  Fatigue test of the CFRP (T700/9A16) pieces with polyvinylidene difluoride piezoelectric film (PVDF)

    图  7  含PVDF的碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件疲劳试验输出的压电信号

    Figure  7.  Piezoelectric signals from PVDF during fatigue test on CFRP test pieces (T700/9A16)

    图  8  疲劳周期内PVDF输出的归一化压电信号变化

    Figure  8.  Change of normalized piezoelectric signals from PVDF during fatigue test

    图  9  基于随机森林(RFR) 的含PVDF碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件疲劳加载次数估计方法

    Figure  9.  Random forest regression (RFR) for predicting the number of fatigue cycles of CFRP (T700/9A16) pieces with PVDF

    图  10  预测疲劳循环次数与测试集原始数据相关性分析

    Figure  10.  Correlation between number of the predicted fatigue cycles and original data in testing set

    RFR—Random Forest Regression; SVM—Support Vector Machine; BPNN—Back propagation neural network;XGBoost—EXtreme Gradient Boosting; α—Pearson correlation coefficient

    图  11  不同疲劳加载次数下含PVDF的碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件输出的压电信号

    Figure  11.  Piezoelectric signals from PVDF during fatigue test on CFRP test pieces (T700/9A16) under different fatigue cycles

    算法I. 随机森林回归算法
    Step1: For i = 1 to Ntree
    (a) 从初始训练集DNum中随机且有放回地抽取训练样本z*;(b) 基于抽取样本z*开展决策树训练。训练决策树模型节点时,在所有样本特征中随机选取部分特征,确定最优切分变量与切分点[26],完成最优决策树训练。
    Step2: 基于Step1,完成所有最优决策树训练${\{ {T_{{\mathrm{best}}}}\} ^{{N_{{\mathrm{tree}}}}}} $。
    Step3: 输入任意的电压信号Vt,输出疲劳循环周次预测结果$ {n_{{\mathrm{predict}}}}({V_t}) $ = $ \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{{N_{{\mathrm{tree}}}}} {{T_{{\mathrm{best}}}}} ({V_t})/{N_{{\mathrm{tree}}}} $。
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    表  1  T700/9A16的基本材料参数

    Table  1.   Material properties of the T700/9A16

    Material properties Value
    E11/GPa 126.97
    E22/GPa 8.52
    G12/GPa 3.41
    XT/MPa 2433.05
    XC/MPa 1063.25
    YT/MPa 37.85
    YC/MPa 118.30
    S12/MPa 61.30
    Notes: E11 and E22 represent the tensile moduli in the fiber and matrix directions, respectively; G12 denotes the shear modulus; XT and YT represent tensile strength in the fiber and matrix directions; XC and YC represent compression strength in the fiber and matrix directions; S12 denotes the shear strength.
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    表  2  碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)疲劳试验件疲劳寿命

    Table  2.   Fatigue life of the carbon fiber reinforced plastic laminates (T700/9A16)

    Test piece number Fatigue life/cycle Logarithmic fatigue life
    PL-1 9302 3.97
    PL-2 25642 4.41
    PL-3 26324 4.42
    PL-5 20175 4.30
    PL-6 9715 3.99
    Mean 18231.6 4.22
    SD 8313.36 0.22
    CoV 0.46 0.05
    Notes: SD—Standard deviation; CoV—Coefficient of variation; PL—Plant.
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    表  3  加载n次疲劳载荷后的碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件剩余刚度及剩余强度

    Table  3.   Residual stiffness and residual strength of CFRP (T700/9A16) test pieces after n number cycles of fatigue loading

    Test piece number Cyclic number (n) Ultimate load/N Residual strength/MPa Residual stiffness/GPa
    PLE-0-1 0 9646.8 643.1 34.48
    PLE-0-2 0 10461.7 697.4 33.45
    PLE-2000-1 2 000 8806.4 587.1 21.77
    PLE-2000-2 2 000 9750.8 650.1 19.26
    PLE-5000-1 5 000 8773.8 584.9 21.77
    PLE-5000-2 5 000 9807.1 653.8 20.41
    PLE-10000-1 10000 8336 555.7 19.08
    PLE-10000-2 10000 9253.3 616.9 16.28
    PLE-15000-1 15000 8964 597.6 11.29
    Note: The test piece number is defined as PLE-X-Y, in which PLE represents the residual properties of fatigue test pieces, X denotes the number cycles of fatigue loading and Y denotes the test number.
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    表  4  含PVDF碳纤维复合材料(T700/9A16)试验件疲劳开始阶段与结束阶段输出的压电信号峰值平均值

    Table  4.   Average peak value of piezoelectric signals at starting/ending stage for CFRP (T700/9A16) test pieces with PVDF

    Test piece number Average peak voltage at starting stage/V Average peak voltage at ending stage/V
    PL-PVDF-1 3.02 3.49
    PL-PVDF-2 2.63 2.76
    PL-PVDF-3 3.09 3.23
    PL-PVDF-4 3.63 3.80
    PL-PVDF-5 3.05 3.42
    PL-PVDF-6 3.17 3.52
    PL-PVDF-7 3.07 3.56
    PL-PVDF-8 3.08 3.48
    PL-PVDF-9 2.68 2.84
    PL-PVDF-10 2.84 3.12
    PL-PVDF-11 3.08 3.47
    PL-PVDF-12 3.56 3.88
    PL-PVDF-13 3.11 3.52
    PL-PVDF-14 3.04 3.48
    Note: The test piece number is defined as PL-PVDF-NN, in which PL represents fatigue test pieces, PVDF denotes the polyvinylidene fluoride piezoelectric film and NN denotes the test number.
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    表  5  随机森林算法中超参数选取值

    Table  5.   Selected values for hyperparameters in RFR

    Number of treesMethodMin leaf size/timesSurrogate
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    表  6  数据驱动算法误差指标对比

    Table  6.   Comparison of error indicators for different models

    Data-driven algorithm MAE MSE R2
    RFR 0.0946 0.0200 0.9201
    SVM 0.1315 0.0292 0.8845
    XGBoost 0.0761 0.0065 0.9461
    BPNN 0.3347 0.0672 0.8281
    Note: MAE, MSE and R2 denote the mean absolute error, mean square error and coefficient of determination, respectively.
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    表  7  基于压电信号的碳纤维复合材料试验件(T700/9A16)疲劳循环周次及剩余寿命估计结果

    Table  7.   Fatigue cycles and remaining life of CFRP test pieces (T700/9A16) predicted by using RFR

    Test piece number $ n\mathrm{_{test}} $ $ n\mathrm{_{pre}} $ Error $ \tilde{n}\mathrm{_{test}} $ $ \tilde{n}_{\mathrm{pre}} $ Error
    Piece 1 3.30 3.24 1.93% 4.39 4.21 4.10%
    Piece 2 3.70 3.86 4.48% 4.18 4.03 3.59%
    Piece 3 4.00 4.13 3.27% 3.92 3.65 6.89%
    Notes: $ n\mathrm{_{test}} $ denotes the logarithms of tested cycling number; $ n\mathrm{_{pre}} $ denotes the logarithms of predicted cycling number by using trained RFR; $ \tilde{n}_{\mathrm{test}} $ represents the tested remaining logarithmic fatigue life; $ \tilde{n}\mathrm{_{pre}} $ represents the predicted remaining logarithmic fatigue life.
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