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王筹萱 杨航 赵中国 刘欣月 薛嵘 陈承志 王开源

王筹萱, 杨航, 赵中国, 等. 具有取向导热结构柔性相变复合材料的制备及导热性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 王筹萱, 杨航, 赵中国, 等. 具有取向导热结构柔性相变复合材料的制备及导热性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
WANG Chouxuan, YANG Hang, ZHAO Zhonguo, et al. Preparation and thermal conductivity of flexible phase change composite materials with oriented thermal conductivity structure[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: WANG Chouxuan, YANG Hang, ZHAO Zhonguo, et al. Preparation and thermal conductivity of flexible phase change composite materials with oriented thermal conductivity structure[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 陕西理工大学博士启动人才项目(SLGRCQD2329);陕西省大学生创新创业大赛项目(S202310720045)

    赵中国,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为功能化高分子纳米复合材料的制备及性能研究 E-mail:zhaozhongguo@snut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Preparation and thermal conductivity of flexible phase change composite materials with oriented thermal conductivity structure

Funds: Doctoral Startup Talent Project of Shaanxi University of Technology (SLGRCQD2329); Shaanxi Province College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Project (S202310720045)
  • 摘要: 为解决高分子基复合材料固有热导率较差这一问题,本研究采用简单高效、易工业化的开炼法在聚乙烯辛烯共弹性体(POE)基体中构建有序的取向结构,制备了一种具有优异综合性能的柔性相变复合材料。在开炼机的强剪切场作用下,石蜡(PW)和氮化硼(BN)在POE基体内部沿剪切场方向发生了定向取向排列,促进了导热通路的构建。当石墨烯纳米片(GNPs)和BN添加量分别为2wt%和25wt%时,PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE相变复合材料热导率(λ)从1.01W·m−1·K−1 (PW/POE)提高到2.59 W·m−1·K−1,提高了156%。并且PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE相变复合材料具有优异的拉伸强度(18.3MPa)和断裂伸长率(720%),在弯曲、折叠成复杂的形状后不会出现任何的破裂,在10次循环往复拉伸测试中具有良好的可回复性。此外,添加30wt%的PW能够赋予PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE一定的焓值44.1 J·g−1;当施加80 mW·cm−2的光照强度时,表面贴有PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE复合材料的瓶内温度高达54.3℃,较未添加GNPs的PW/POE提高了20℃,并且在光照条件下,PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE复合材料具有优异的光驱动可恢复性能,使其具有潜在的光热转换应用前景,在实际应用和工业化生产方面具备巨大潜力。


  • 图  1  (a)和(b)分别为氮化硼(BN)和石墨烯纳米片(GNPs)的SEM图像

    Figure  1.  SEM images of (a) boron nitride (BN) and (b) graphene nanosheets (GNPs), respectively

    图  2  石蜡(PW)-GNPs-BN/聚乙烯辛烯共弹性体(POE)相变复合材料的制备工艺示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the preparation process of paraffin wax (PW)-GNPs-BN/ polyolefin elastomer (POE) phase change composite materials

    图  3  SEM图像:(a)PW/POE,(a1)高温处理的PW/POE,(b) PW-2wt%GNPs/POE,(c) PW-25wt%BN/POE,(d) PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE,(e) PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE,(f) PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE,(g) PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE以及局部放大图(g1) PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE

    Figure  3.  SEM images: (a) PW/POE, (a1) thermal heated PW/POE, (b) PW-2wt%GNPs/POE, (c) PW-25wt%BN/POE, (d) PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE, (e) PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE, (f) PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE, (g) PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE and local magnified image (g1) PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE

    图  4  PW和PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的XRD图像:(a)表面,(b)断面

    Figure  4.  XRD images of PW and PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials: (a) surface, (b) section

    图  5  (a)PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的DSC熔融曲线,(b)PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE的循环熔融曲线

    Figure  5.  (a) DSC melting curve of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials, (b) cycle melting curve of PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE

    图  6  PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的力学性能曲线:(b):1#、2#、3#、4#、5#、6#和7#分别代表PW/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE和PW-25wt%BN/POE

    Figure  6.  Mechanical property curve of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials: (b): 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5#, 6#, and 7# represent PW/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE, and PW-25wt%BN/POE, respectively.

    图  7  PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的(a)热扩散系数,(b)λ。其中,1#、2#、3#、4#、5#、6#和7#分别代表PW/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE和PW-25wt%BN/POE

    Figure  7.  (a) Thermal diffusion coefficient, (b) λ of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials. Among them, 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5#, 6#, and 7# represent PW/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE, and PW-25wt%BN/POE respectively.

    图  8  POE-PW-GNPS/BN相变复合材料的导热提高率,其中,1#、2#、3#、4#、5#、6#和7#分别代表PW/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE和PW-25wt%BN/POE

    Figure  8.  Thermal conductivity enhancement of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials. Among them, 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5#, 6#, and 7# represent PW/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE, and PW-25wt%BN/POE respectively.

    图  9  PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的LED灯热管理应用:(a)时间-温度曲线,(b)红外热成像图像

    Figure  9.  PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials for LED lamp thermal management applications: (a) time-temperature curves; (b) corresponding infrared thermography images

    图  10  (a)光-热转换测量装置示意图,PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料分别在(b) 80 mW·cm−2和(c)在不同光照强度下的光热转换曲线图。其中,1#、2#、3#、4#、5#、6#和7#分别代表PW/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE和PW-25wt%BN/POE

    Figure  10.  (a) Schematic diagram of the light-to-heat conversion measurement device, photothermal conversion curve of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials (b) under 80 mW cm−2 and (c) under different light intensities. Among them, 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5#, 6#, and 7# represent PW/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE, and PW-25wt%BN/POE respectively.

    图  11  通过模拟热管理应用得到不同样品的时间-温度曲线。其中,1#、2#、6#和7#分别代表PW/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs/POE、PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE和PW-25wt%BN/POE

    Figure  11.  Time-temperature curves of different samples obtained by simulated thermal management application. Among them, 1#, 2#, 6#, and 7# represent PW/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs/POE, PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE, and PW-25wt%BN/POE respectively.

    图  12  在光照强度为80 mW·cm−2时PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的红外热成像

    Figure  12.  Infrared thermography of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials at a light intensity of 80 mW·cm−2

    图  13  PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的光驱动恢复图像:(a)光照强度为80 mW·cm−2,(b)无光照

    Figure  13.  Photographs of light-driven recoverability of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials:(a) the light intensity is 80 mW·cm−2, (b) no illumination

    表  1  样品配方

    Table  1.   Sample Formula

    SamplesPOE/wt%PW/wt%Mass ratio of PW/POEGNPs/wt%BN/wt%
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    表  2  PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的取向度

    Table  2.   Orientation degree of PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials

    SamplesOrientation factor
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    表  3  在融化过程中PW和PW-GNPs-BN/POE相变复合材料的相变参数

    Table  3.   Phase transition parameters of PW and PW-GNPs-BN/POE phase change composite materials during the melting process.

    Samples TM/℃ HM/(J·g−1)
    PW 56.2 141.2
    PW/POE 52.3 46.6
    PW-2wt%GNPs/POE 49.6 56.6
    PW-2wt%GNPs-5wt%BN/POE 50.16 51.9
    PW-2wt%GNPs-10wt%BN/POE 49.8 51.9
    PW-2wt%GNPs-15wt%BN/POE 49.8 47.5
    PW-2wt%GNPs-25wt%BN/POE 49.8 44.1
    PW-25wt%BN/POE 49.8 45.1
    Notes:TM: Melting temperature; HM: Melting enthalpy.
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