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张鹏 祁国成 付平俊 李健芳 王乐辰 左小彪 孙宏杰 王荣 张博明

张鹏, 祁国成, 付平俊, 等. 复合材料回转体网格结构热矫形机理及仿真模型研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-10.
引用本文: 张鹏, 祁国成, 付平俊, 等. 复合材料回转体网格结构热矫形机理及仿真模型研究[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-10.
ZHANG Peng, QI Guocheng, FU Pingjun, et al. Research on hot sizing mechanism and simulation model of composite cylindrical grid structures[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: ZHANG Peng, QI Guocheng, FU Pingjun, et al. Research on hot sizing mechanism and simulation model of composite cylindrical grid structures[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12302162)

    祁国成,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为复合材料力学 E-mail: gchqi@bjtu.edu.cn

Research on hot sizing mechanism and simulation model of composite cylindrical grid structures

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (12302162)
  • 摘要: 复合材料回转体网格结构呈现多特征复杂结构属性,工艺固化变形限制了结构的制造装配精度。基于双马树脂的粘弹性,开展航天802双马树脂高温蠕变拉伸测试,证实双马树脂蠕变卸载后存在不可恢复的粘性流动应变,揭示了可以通过热矫形减少大型复合材料网格结构工艺变形的微观组分材料机理。推导建立复合材料网格结构的应变能增量理论,模拟复合材料网格结构热矫形荷载施加、松弛以及回弹过程,确定网格结构矫形回弹轮廓,与实验结果对比验证应变能理论模型有效性。分析复合材料网格结构热矫形内应力失效、矫形点个数、基于时温等效的工艺条件等影响因素,形成了复合材料网格舱段结构热矫形变形控制工艺变形仿真方法。


  • 图  1  树脂基复合材料结构热矫形机理

    Figure  1.  Mechanism of hot sizing of polymer matrix composite structures

    U—Displacement imposed by the correction; T—Temperature imposed by the correction; $ {{ \varepsilon }}_{\text{1}} $—General elastic deformation; $ {{ \varepsilon }}_{\text{2}} $—High elastic deformation; $ {{ \varepsilon }}_{\text{3}} $—Viscous flow deformation; E—Modulus of elasticity; $ \eta $—Coefficient of viscous flow

    图  2  复合材料网格结构热矫形全过程轮廓变化

    Figure  2.  Profile changes throughout the entire process of hot sizing of composite gird structures

    $ {\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\rightharpoonup}$}} {u } _1} $—Field of change of applied corrective displacement; $ {\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\rightharpoonup}$}} {u } _2} $—Field of displacement change when deformation rebound occurs in the interstage segment; $ {\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\rightharpoonup}$}} {u } _3} $—Difference between the residual deformation and the initial deformation displacement field after the cabin segment has undergone creep

    图  3  802双马树脂在210℃不同应力水平下的高温蠕变及恢复过程中的应变-时间关系

    Figure  3.  Strain and time relationships of 802 bismaleimide resin during high temperature creep and recovery under different stress at 210℃

    图  4  802双马树脂高温蠕变应变曲线拟合

    Figure  4.  Strain curve fitting of 802 bismaleimide resin for high temperature creep

    图  5  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格结构热矫形模拟流程图

    Figure  5.  Flow chart for hot sizing simulation of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid structures

    图  6  圆度定义(a)、TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段结构(b)、TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段固化变形预报结果((c)、(d))

    Figure  6.  Definition of roundness (a), TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment (b), predicted results of curing deformation of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment ((c), (d))

    图  7  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段16点矫形位移载荷大小

    Figure  7.  Magnitude of displacement loads at 16 sizing points in the TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment

    图  8  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段热矫形全过程应变能变化

    Figure  8.  Changes in strain energy during hot sizing of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid inter-stage segment

    图  9  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段“固化变形-矫形荷载施加后-残留变形”轮廓

    Figure  9.  Profiles of “curing deformation, application of corrective load, and residual deformation”of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment

    图  10  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段热矫形内应力云图:(a)S22;(b)最大主应力;(c)S12;(d)S13

    Figure  10.  Internal stress distribution of hot sizing of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment: (a) S22; (b) Max principle; (c) S12; (d) S13

    图  11  不同矫形点个数下的TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段轮廓

    Figure  11.  Contours of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment with different number of corrective points

    图  12  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料网格舱段热矫形后残留横向拉应力S22:(a)树脂模量衰减5%;(b)树脂模量衰减9%

    Figure  12.  Residual transverse tensile stress after hot sizing of TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite grid interstage segment S22:(a) Resin modulus attenuation by 5%; (b) Resin modulus attenuation by 9%

    表  1  TG800/802双马树脂复合材料室温力学性能

    Table  1.   TG800/802 bismaleimide resin composite properties at room temperature

    E11/MPa E22/MPa G12/MPa G23/MPa $ {\mu }_{\text{12}} $ $ {\sigma }_{\text{11}}\text{/MPa} $ $ {\sigma}_{\text{22}}\text{/MPa} $ ILSS/MPa $ {\sigma}_{\text{12}}\text{/MPa} $
    164000 9310 5690 3280 0.38 2482 59 101 88
    Notes: E—Modulus of elasticity; G—Modulus of shear; μ—Poisson’s ratio; σ—Intensity of stress; ILSS—Interlaminar shear strength.
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    表  2  TG800/802复合材料平板及舱段结构铺层

    Table  2.   Plying of TG800/802 composite laminate and grid interstage segment

    Composite Ply
    Skin [45/−45/0/90/0/0/90/0/−45/45]
    End frame [45/−45/0/90/0/0/90/0/−45/45]3
    Thickened zone [45/0/−45/0/15/0/−15/0/15/90]6
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    表  3  网格舱段层合板单元失效指数

    Table  3.   Failure index of grid interstage segment laminate unit

    Failure modeHashin
    Fiber tensile failure0.008
    Fiber compression failure0.000
    Matrix tension failure0.889
    Matrix compression failure0.157
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    表  4  树脂模量等效衰减程度对应残留应力水平

    Table  4.   Equivalent attenuation degree of resin modulus corresponding to residual stress

    Decay of
    Internal stress/MPa
    principal stress
    S22 S12 S13
    5% 194.7 17.1 6.9 19.6
    6% 227.4 19.8 8.1 22.9
    9% 410.8 33.2 18.6 40.5
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