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倪彤元 姚水丰 陈卫忠 杨杨 刘金涛 聂海波

倪彤元, 姚水丰, 陈卫忠, 等. 浆体流变特性对大掺量粉煤灰混凝土早龄期拉伸徐变的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(11): 6111-6121. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240131.002
引用本文: 倪彤元, 姚水丰, 陈卫忠, 等. 浆体流变特性对大掺量粉煤灰混凝土早龄期拉伸徐变的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(11): 6111-6121. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240131.002
NI Tongyuan, YAO Shuifeng, CHEN Weizhong, et al. Influence of the rheological properties of paste on the early-age tensile creep of high-volume fly ash concrete[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(11): 6111-6121. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240131.002
Citation: NI Tongyuan, YAO Shuifeng, CHEN Weizhong, et al. Influence of the rheological properties of paste on the early-age tensile creep of high-volume fly ash concrete[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(11): 6111-6121. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240131.002


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240131.002
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51778583;52379136);浙江省重点研发计划项目(2021C01060)

    倪彤元,博士,高级工程师,硕士生导师,研究方向为高性能混凝土材料与结构 E-mail: hznity@zjut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Influence of the rheological properties of paste on the early-age tensile creep of high-volume fly ash concrete

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51778583; 52379136); Zhejiang Province Key R&D Program (2021C01060)
  • 摘要: 混凝土中浆体的流变特性是影响其拉伸徐变的重要因素之一。通过纳米压痕技术分析大掺量粉煤灰水泥基浆体(掺量为60wt%)微观力学性能、微观徐变等流变特性;同时实验研究相同水泥基浆体的大掺量粉煤灰混凝土(HVFAC)拉伸徐变时变规律,提出考虑浆体流变特性的HVFAC拉伸徐变ZC模型预测表达式。结果表明:水泥基浆体在相同测试龄期时,粉煤灰对其微观徐变的发展有促进作用;而等质量粉煤灰替代时,微观徐变随着测试龄期的后延更快趋于收敛;粉煤灰、加载龄期对徐变发展的影响与其不含骨料水泥基浆体的微观徐变影响规律具有一致性。在 0 d~28 d龄期内某一龄期时的混凝土弹模与ZC模型中的Maxwell体、Kelvin弹簧组合体最终比徐变的乘积(Et,28 d/(EV+EH)、Et,28 d/χφ)、混凝土黏性系数(φ)与相对抗压强度(fc(t0)/fc,28 d)、浆体微观徐变模量(C)、特征时间(τ)与测试龄期相关性分析表明这些参数与函数y=axb有较好的吻合度。水泥基浆体流变特性参数与ZC拉伸徐变模型参数相结合建立考虑水泥浆体流变特性的HVFAC拉伸徐变发展的预测表达式能反映模型单元体结构。


  • 图  1  基于纳米压痕技术表征浆体微观徐变行为

    Figure  1.  Characterization of paste microscopic creep behavior based on nanoindentation technique

    hmax—Maximum indentation depth; hf—Residual indentation depth after complete unloading; hc—Indentation contact depth; S—Contact stiffness; CH—Ca(OH)2; C-S-H—Calcium silicate hydrate; h—Cumulative depth of indentation; c—Cohesion of the microparticles in the paste; d—Microparticle diameter in the paste; D—Nanoindentation affects the diameter of the projected area; dP—Unit load force; dh—Unit the indentation contact depth; A—Comhead contact projection area

    图  2  ZC模型单元体徐变机制及混凝土中浆体微观徐变

    Figure  2.  Creep mechanism of ZC model the paste micro creep of concrete

    EM(t), EV(t)—Elastic coefficient of elastic element Maxwell and Kelvin, respectively; ηM(t), ηV(t)—Viscous coefficients of viscous element Maxwell and Kelvin respectively; EH(t)—Elasticity coefficient in Hooke's element; σ—Tensile stress imposed on the cell body; εd—Stress of element Maxwell; εv—Stress of element Kelvin; ηir(t)—Time-varying function of the (cuckoo) paste viscosity; η0—Initial viscosity of the (cuckoo) paste; L(0)—Initial contact creep compliance; L(t)—Contact creep compliance at time t; τ—Characteristic time; C—Microscopic creep modulus of paste; k—Growth coefficient of the (cuckoo) paste's viscosity; εe—Elastic strain

    图  3  持荷阶段的HVFAC拉伸徐变实验场景

    Figure  3.  Experimental scene of tensile creep specimens of HVFAC during load holding stage

    图  4  P0、P60试样微观力学性能的平均值变化

    Figure  4.  Mean changes in micromechanical properties of P0 and P60 specimens

    图  5  不同粉煤灰掺量下的微观徐变经时变化


    Figure  5.  Variation of microscopic creep through time for different fly ash dosages

    图  6  FA0、FA60拉伸徐变实验值与ZC模型预测值

    Figure  6.  Tensile creep experimental values and ZC model predictions of FA0 and FA60

    图  7  FA0、FA60模型参数与相对抗压强度的相关性

    Et,28 d/(EV+EH), Et,28 d/χφ is the products of concrete elastic modulus at some age (0-28 d) and the final specific creep of Maxwell body and Kelvin spring body in the ZC model respectively; fc(t0)/fc,28 d is the ratio of concrete rupture strength at age of t0 to at age of 28 d

    Figure  7.  Fitted relationships between the parameters in the model and relative compressive strength for FA0 and FA60

    图  8  P0、P60的Cτ与龄期的关系

    Figure  8.  Relationship between C, τ and age for P0 and P60

    表  1  水泥和粉煤灰的化学成分

    Table  1.   Chemical compositions of fly ash and cement

    Material Content/wt%
    CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Fe2O3 SO3 K2O Na2O Other
    Cement 62.04 22.07 4.23 4.01 3.04 2.710 0.762 0.392 0.746
    Fly ash 4.43 51.63 33.98 1.16 4.40 0.260 0.905 0.888 2.347
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    表  2  净浆配合比

    Table  2.   Proportions of paste

    W/(C+FA) FA/% C/%
    P0 0.4 0 100
    P60 60 40
    Notes: W—Water; C—Cement; FA—Fly ash; P0—Paste group without fly ash; P60—Paste group with 60% of fly ash replacing cement by equal mass.
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    表  3  大掺量粉煤灰混凝土(HVFAC)的配合比(kg/m3)

    Table  3.   Proportions of high volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC) (kg/m3)

    W/(C+FA) Cement Fly ash Water Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Superplasticizer
    FA0 0.4 450 0 180 654 1113 0.720
    FA60 180 270 180 654 1113 0.855
    Notes: FA0—Group of concrete without fly ash; FA60—Group of concrete with 60% of fly ash replacing cement by equal mass.
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    表  4  HVFAC的基本力学性能

    Table  4.   Basic mechanical properties of HVFAC

    Age of testing/d Compressive strength/MPa Splitting tensile strength/MPa Tensile elastic modulus/GPa
    FA0 346.244.0037.36
    FA60 311.561.5124.30
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    表  5  P0、P60的微观徐变参数

    Table  5.   Microscopic creep parameters for P0, P60

    Age of testing/d C/GPa τ/s
    P0 3 97.1 6.0
    7 106.5 8.1
    28 110.4 9.3
    P60 3 89.0 2.6
    7 99.5 3.1
    28 108.9 4.7
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    表  6  FA0、FA60的ZC模型参数

    Table  6.   ZC model parameters for FA0, FA60

    Loading age/d φ (χφ)−1/
    (10−6 MPa−1)
    (10−6 MPa−1)
    FA0 30.19124.6011.50
    70.15916.39 8.89
    280.148 6.04 3.98
    FA60 30.21856.4719.65
    280.16517.82 5.01
    Notes: φ—Coefficient affecting the growth rate of the coefficient of viscosity; The parameter of 1/χφ and 1/(EV+EH) is the final specific creep of the spring assemblies Maxwell and Kelvin, respectively.
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