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邵凌峰 魏洋 王高飞 张依睿 李国芬

邵凌峰, 魏洋, 王高飞, 等. FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱轴压性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
引用本文: 邵凌峰, 魏洋, 王高飞, 等. FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱轴压性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-13.
SHAO Lingfeng, WEI Yang, WANG Gaofei, et al. Axial compression performance of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: SHAO Lingfeng, WEI Yang, WANG Gaofei, et al. Axial compression performance of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52378244);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20231293)

    魏洋,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为新型材料与新型结构 E-mail: wy78@njfu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Axial compression performance of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 52378244);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20231293)
  • 摘要: 提出了一种纤维增强复合材料(FRP)-镀锌波纹钢管(CST)-海水海砂混凝土(SSC)柱的新型组合柱,该结构由内侧海水海砂混凝土、中间波纹钢管、外侧纤维布组成。为了研究这种新型组合柱的轴压性能,共制备了14个试件,主要参数为纤维布层数(0、1、2、3)和类型(BFRP、CFRP)。试验结果表明,FRP-波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的主要破坏模式为剪切破坏和局部屈曲破坏,增加纤维布层数可提高其极限荷载、极限应变;特殊的波纹结构使得钢管只提供环向约束而避免轴向荷载传递,发挥具有类似于箍筋的约束作用。与无纤维布约束试件相比,BFRP约束试件的极限荷载和极限应变分别增加了13.9%~15.8%和16.2%~33.7%;CFRP约束试件的极限荷载和极限应变分别增加了19.6%~28%和14.5%~24.1%,结合试验数据对现有FRP-箍筋复合约束混凝土强度计算模型进行了评估。


  • 图  1  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱结构概念图

    Figure  1.  Structural concept diagram of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    D0, Din, Dout—Nominal, inner and outer diameters of the corrugated steel tube

    图  2  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的制备过程

    Figure  2.  Manufacture process of structural concept diagram of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  3  波纹钢管几何结构

    Figure  3.  Geometry of corrugated steel tube

    Bf—Width of galvanized steel sheet before pressing corrugated sheets, B0—Width of spirally coiled sheet; θ—Helical angle of the CST; h—Corrugation height; l—Corrugation length; lcr, lmid, ltr—Length for the crest, trough, and middle of the CST; cs—Ripple length corresponding to one ripple period; t0—Thickness of the CST

    图  4  试验加载及测量装置

    Figure  4.  Test loading and measuring device

    图  5  镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的破坏形态

    Figure  5.  Failure modes of galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  6  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的破坏形态

    Figure  6.  Failure modes of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  7  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的核心混凝土破坏形态

    Figure  7.  Failure modes of core concrete of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  8  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的轴向荷载-位移关系曲线

    Figure  8.  Axial load-displacement curves of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  9  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的轴向荷载-应变关系曲线

    Figure  9.  Axial load-strain curves of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  10  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱的轴压试验结果参数化分析

    Figure  10.  Parametric analysis of axial compression test results of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  11  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土受力等效转化

    Figure  11.  Equivalent conversion of the force of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  12  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土圆形截面等效受力

    Figure  12.  Equivalent force diagram of the round cross-section of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    图  13  波纹钢管不同区域应力状态

    Figure  13.  Stress state in different zones of corrugated steel tube

    图  14  各模型对FRP-镀锌波纹钢管混凝土柱计算值与试验值对比

    Figure  14.  Comparison between the calculated values and the experimental values of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns by different models

    表  1  FRP-镀锌波纹钢管海水海砂混凝土柱试件的具体参数

    Table  1.   Detailed parameters of structural concept diagram of FRP-galvanized corrugated steel tube seawater sea-sand concrete columns

    SpecimenH/mmD0/mmt0/mmtf/mmNu/kNfcu/MPaεcuOuter FRP layersFRP type
    Notes: Specimens were numbered according to the different parameters of the specimens. "CST" represents the corrugated steel tube; "1.6" represents the thickness of the corrugated steel tube; "-B/C" represents the types of FRP (BFRP/CFRP); furthermore, the numbers “1”, “2”, “3” represents the number of FRP layers (1, 2, 3); the labels “1”, “2” were assigned to differentiate between two specimens with identical parameters. H—Height of all specimens; D0—Nominal of the corrugated steel tube; t0—Thickness of the corrugated steel tube; tf—Thickness of the outer FRP; Nu—Ultimate load of specimen; fcu—Ultimate stress of specimen; εcu—Ultimate strain of specimen.
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    表  2  波纹钢管截面尺寸

    Table  2.   Section size of corrugated steel tube

    Notes: p—Corrugation length; h—Corrugation height; lcr—Lengths of the crest; lmid—Lengths of the middle; ltr—Lengths of the trough; cs—Ripple length corresponding to one ripple period; λcr—Lengths coefficients of the crest; λmid—Lengths coefficients of the middle; λtr—Lengths coefficients of the trough.
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    表  3  人工海水化学掺比

    Table  3.   Chemical admixture ratio of artificial seawater

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    表  4  FRP-箍筋约束混凝土柱的强度计算模型

    Table  4.   Strength calculation models of FRP-stirrup confined concrete columns

    Model source Calculation formula
    Ilki et al. (2008)[39] $ \dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{cu}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}} = \left[ {1 + 2.54\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{lf}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right) + 4.54\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{ls}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right)} \right] $
    Issa et al.(2009)[40] $ \dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{cu}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}} = 1 + 3.4\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{ls}}}} + {f_{{\mathrm{lf}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right) $
    Hu et al. (2013)[41] $ \dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{cu}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}} = 1 + 3.5\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{\mathrm{l}}}_{\mathrm{f}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right) + \left( {2.254\sqrt {1 + 7.94\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{\mathrm{l}}}_{\mathrm{s}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right)} - 2\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{\mathrm{l}}}_{\mathrm{s}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right) - 2.254} \right) $
    Chastre et al. (2013)[42] $ \dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{cu}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}} = \dfrac{{1.5 + D/H}}{2} + 5.29\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{ls}}}} + 0.6{f_{{\mathrm{lf}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right) $
    Miao et al. (2021)[43] $ \begin{gathered} \dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{cu}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}} = 0.75 + 2.7\left( {1 + \gamma } \right){\left( {\dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{lf}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}}} \right)^{0.9}} + 4.1\dfrac{{{f_{{\mathrm{ls}}}}}}{{{f_{{\mathrm{co}}}}}} \cdot \dfrac{{{A_{\mathrm{c}}}}}{{{A_{\mathrm{g}}}}} \\ \gamma = 1.03 \\ \end{gathered} $
    Notes:fcu—Ultimate stress of specimen; fco—Peak stress of unconfined concrete; fls—Lateral confining stress exerted by the stirrup; flf—Later confining stress exerted by FRP; D—Diameter of the column; H—Height of the column; Ac—Area of the core concrete; Ag—Area of the total specimen area.
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    表  5  FRP-箍筋约束混凝土柱的强度计算模型评估

    Table  5.   Evaluation of strength calculation models of FRP-hoop confined concrete columns

    Model sourceAVSDAAE
    Ilki et al. (2008)[39]0.9590.0344.8%
    Issa et al.(2009)[40]1.1190.03111.9%
    Hu et al. (2013)[41]1.1020.02910.2%
    Chastre et al.(2013)[42]1.0530.0285.3%
    Miao et al. (2021)[43]1.1940.11319.5%
    Notes:AV—Average value; SD—Standard deviation; AAE—Average absolute error.
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