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汪浩祥 汤成莉

汪浩祥, 汤成莉. 羧甲基纤维素-MgCl2复合物基自驱动多功能柔性湿度传感器[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(11): 5902-5911.
引用本文: 汪浩祥, 汤成莉. 羧甲基纤维素-MgCl2复合物基自驱动多功能柔性湿度传感器[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(11): 5902-5911.
WANG Haoxiang, TANG Chengli. Carboxymethyl cellulose-MgCl2 composite based humidity sensor: self-powered, flexible, and multifunctional sensing applications[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(11): 5902-5911.
Citation: WANG Haoxiang, TANG Chengli. Carboxymethyl cellulose-MgCl2 composite based humidity sensor: self-powered, flexible, and multifunctional sensing applications[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(11): 5902-5911.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (61704067);嘉兴市公益性研究计划项目(2021AY10066)

    汤成莉,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为柔性传感器,功能材料 E-mail: tcl-lily@zjxu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Carboxymethyl cellulose-MgCl2 composite based humidity sensor: self-powered, flexible, and multifunctional sensing applications

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61704067); Public Welfare Project of Jiaxing Science and Technology Bureau (No. 2021AY10066)
  • 摘要: 湿度传感器在农业、工业生产、精密仪器及人体健康监测等领域有着广泛的应用。针对湿度传感器需要外加电源驱动的问题,本文借鉴原电池原理,将具有湿敏特性的羧甲基纤维素和具有吸湿特性的MgCl2复合物作为敏感层,并用商品化的导电铜胶带和镍胶带作为正、负极,制备自驱动的柔性湿度传感器。通过SEM、EDS对传感器敏感层的微观形貌和表面元素进行表征,通过复阻抗谱分析其湿敏机制,并对其多功能应用进行探索。该传感器敏感层具有良好的亲水性,在接触环境中的水分子后可将其中的MgCl2离子化产生Mg2+、Cl等载流子,并定向移动而形成输出电压,相对湿度从11%到95%时其响应值可达177%。该传感器可用于人体呼吸频率和呼吸类型检测、土壤湿度和尿不湿湿度检测、手指距离检测、提供电能,显示其在健康监测、环境湿度监测、非接触开关、供能领域的应用潜力。


  • 图  1  自驱动柔性湿度传感器的制备过程示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the preparation process of the flexible sensor and humidity sensing measurement

    图  2  (a)不同MgCl2含量的传感器在不同相对湿度下产生的电压值;(b)不同MgCl2含量的传感器在对不同相对湿度的响应-恢复曲线,(c)湿度滞回特性曲线(相对湿度均从11%至95%再到11%)

    Figure  2.  (a) Output voltage for the sensors with different MgCl2 contents at different relative humidities; (b) Response-recovery curves of sensors with different MgCl2 contents at different relative humidities; (c) Humidity hysteresis characteristic curves (relative humidity from 11% to 95% at to 11%)

    图  3  (a)羧甲基纤维素(CMC)-MgCl2敏感膜表面的SEM图像;(b) CMC-MgCl2敏感膜表面的EDS图谱

    Figure  3.  (a) SEM image of the surface of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-MgCl2 sensitive membrane; (b) EDS mapping of the surface of CMC-MgCl2 sensitive membrane

    图  4  CMC-MgCl2基湿度传感器敏感层在20 s之内的接触角变化

    Figure  4.  Contact angle of the CMC-MgCl2-based sensitive layer of the humidity sensor within 20 s

    图  5  (a) 传感器在不同相对湿度下的重复响应性能; (b)传感器对不同湿度的连续响应值

    Figure  5.  (a-e) Repeatability of the sensor response to different RHs; (b) Continuous response values of the sensor to different RHs

    图  6  CMC-MgCl2基传感器正接合反接的情况下在RH从11%到54%的条件下输出的电压响应-恢复曲线

    Figure  6.  Response and recovery curve of the CMC-MgCl2-based humidity sensor at positive and negative connections

    图  7  CMC-MgCl2基湿度传感器敏感层在RH为11%,54%和95%时的复阻抗曲线

    Figure  7.  The complex impedance spectroscopy plots of CMC-MgCl2-based sensitive layer under RH 11%, 54%, and 95%.

    图  8  CMC-MgCl2基自驱动湿度传感器湿敏机制示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of the sensing mechanism for the CMC-MgCl2-based self-powered humidity sensor

    图  9  (a)传感器对不同类型鼻呼吸的电压响应曲线;(b)传感器对不同类型嘴呼吸的电压响应曲线

    Figure  9.  (a) Response curve under different nasal breathing conditions;(b) Response curve under different oral breathing conditions

    图  10  (a)传感器对土壤湿度变化的电压响应曲线;(b)传感器对尿不湿表面湿度变化的电压响应曲线(插图为实验照片)

    Figure  10.  (a) Output voltage curve of the sensor to the soil humidity change; (b) Output voltage curve of the sensor to the diaper humidity change (the insert shows the digital photograph of the experiment)

    图  11  手指距离感知的电压响应曲线(插图为实验照片)

    Figure  11.  Output voltage curve of the finger distance (the insert shows the digital photograph of the experiment)

    图  12  (a) 输出电压和串联传感器个数之间关系曲线(插图为实验照片);(b) 5个串联的湿度传感器电量LED的照片

    Figure  12.  (a) Output voltages of the humidity sensors versus serial numbers; (b) Digital photograph of the LED lighten up by five humidity sensors in series (the insert shows the digital photograph of the experiment)

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