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王昆 王一帆 陈南梁

王昆, 王一帆, 陈南梁. 金属化碳纤维连续制备方法及应用研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-17.
引用本文: 王昆, 王一帆, 陈南梁. 金属化碳纤维连续制备方法及应用研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-17.
WANG Kun, WANG Yifan, CHEN Nanliang. Advance in the continuous preparation methods and applications of metallized carbon fiber[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: WANG Kun, WANG Yifan, CHEN Nanliang. Advance in the continuous preparation methods and applications of metallized carbon fiber[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 上海市科委启明星计划扬帆专项(23YF1414200)

    王 昆,博士,工程师,研究方向为碳纤维及其复合材料 E-mail: wangkun@secri.com

    陈南梁,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为特种编织织造技术与复合材料 E-mail: chennanliang@dhu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Advance in the continuous preparation methods and applications of metallized carbon fiber

Funds: STCSM.SH.GOV.CN Development Funds (23YF1414200)
  • 摘要: 金属化处理的碳纤维(CF)能兼备原始纤维轻质高强和金属高导电/导热等多重性能,在电磁屏蔽、防雷击、除冰/防冰、电能传输、超级电容、信号传感、复合材料结构功能一体化等领域,可一定程度替代传统金属材料使用,是跨越材料属性限制的创新,市场应用潜力突出。本文综述了研究学者在CF表面金属化方面取得的进展。具体从金属化工艺入手,分析了近年来主要CF金属化工艺路线,包括喷涂、磁控溅射(PVD)、化学气相沉积(CVD)、电镀、化学镀等,从商业化工程应用角度重点分析了具有大长度连续金属化潜力的电镀和化学镀的核心环节和工艺特点。总结了金属化碳纤维(MCF)的应用现状,展望了CF表面金属化将面临的挑战及未来发展趋势。


  • 图  1  不同喷涂次数下CFFs@Ag的SEM图[5],(a,b)原始CFFs,(c,d)喷10 次,(e,f)喷30 次,(g-h)喷50 次,(i-k)喷70 次,(l-n)喷100 次,(o)壳状结构

    Figure  1.  SEM images of CFFs@Ag with different spraying times[5], (a,b) pristine CFFs, (c,d) 10 times, (e,f) 30 times, (g-h) 50 times, (i-k) 70 times,(l-n) 100 times, (o) picture of shells

    图  2  不同涂覆量下CFFs@Ag的SEM图[6],(a,b)原始CFFs,(c,d)涂覆量6.5 mg/cm2,(e,f)涂覆量17.5 mg/cm2

    Figure  2.  SEM images of CFFS@Ag with different spraying weight[6], (a,b) pristine CFFs, (c,d) spraying weight 6.5 mg/cm2, (e,f) spraying weight 17.5 mg/cm2

    图  3  CFs@Ag/Fe3O4/AgNPs复合织物在不同磨损和弯折次数下的电导率[7]

    Figure  3.  The conductivity of CFs@Ag/Fe3O4/AgNPs composite fabric with different abrasion and bending cycles[7]

    图  4  溅射20 min下CFFs@Cu的SEM [12]

    Figure  4.  SEM images of CFFS@Cu with sputtering 20 min[12]

    图  5  PVD工艺CF@Hf-Ta的SEM图[13]

    Figure  5.  SEM images of CF@Hf-Ta under the PVD process[13]

    图  6  金属化织物在不同溅射功率下的方块电阻[11]

    Figure  6.  Metallized fabric sheet resistance with different sputtering power[11]

    图  7  CVD工艺CF@Ni 的SEM图[15]

    Figure  7.  SEM images of CF@Ni under the CVD process[15].

    图  8  电镀工艺下不同活化法CF@Ni的SEM和AFM图[22],(a,e,i)二步Pd活化,(b,f,j)一步Pd胶体活化,(c,g,k)强氧化混合酸刻蚀,(d,h,i)一步Pd与混合酸组合活化

    Figure  8.  SEM and AFM images of CF@Ni with different activation method by the PVD process[22], (a,e,i)two-step Pd activation, (b,f,j)one-step Pd-colloid activation, (c,g,k)strong oxidizing mixed acid(SMA) etching, (d,h,i) with the combination of SMA etching and one-step Pd-colloid activation

    图  9  (a,b) CF和CF@Ni的SEM图,(c,d) CF IFSS和CF@Ni IFSS的SEM图,(e,f) CF/EP和CF@Ni/EP拉伸断面SEM图[23]

    Figure  9.  SEM images of (a,b) CF and CF@Ni, (c,d) CF IFSS and CF@Ni IFSS, (e,f) CF/EP and CF@Ni/EP tensile fracture cross section[23]

    图  10  化学镀工艺下不同镀覆时间PFs@Ni-P的SEM图[29],(a-c) 镀覆300 s,(d-f) 镀覆600 s

    Figure  10.  SEM images of PFs@Ni-P with different plating time by electroless plating process[29], (a-c) plating 300 s, (d-f) plating 600 s

    图  11  化学镀工艺下不同阶段CF的SEM图[30],(a) 原始CF,(b) PDA涂层CF,(C-f) AgNO3浓度分别为10、20、30、40的CF-PDA@Ag;(g) CF和CF-PDA@Ag的XED图谱,(h) 不同AgNO3浓度下Ag增加量

    Figure  11.  SEM images of CF with different stage by electroless plating process[30],(a) pristine CF, (b) CF coated PDA, (c-f) CF-PDA@Ag with AgNO3 concentrations 10, 20, 30, 40; (g) XED patterns of CF and CF-PDA@Ag, (h) Loading of CF-PDA@Ag with different AgNO3 concentrations.

    图  12  Sn/Pd活化法CF化学镀Ni[42]

    Figure  12.  CF electroless plating Ni with Sn/Pd activation method[42]

    图  13  (a) 不同pH值下CFFs@Ni形貌,(b) pH 10下Ni层SEM,(c) pH 4下Ni层SEM[43]

    Figure  13.  (a)macro-morphology of CFFs@Ni under different pH, (b) SEM image of Ni under pH 10, (c) SEM image of Ni under pH 4[43]

    图  14  CF@Ni/Mg复合材料TEM图[58]

    Figure  14.  TEM image of CF@Ni/Mg composite[58]

    图  15  同轴射频电缆[63]

    Figure  15.  Coaxial RF Cable[63]

    图  16  CF结构电池管工艺示意图[75]

    Figure  16.  Process schematic image of CF structure battery tube[75]

    图  17  MCF芯导线结构图

    Figure  17.  Structure image of cable with MCF conductor core

    表  1  不同预处理方法下金属化纤维复合材料的IFSS

    Table  1.   Metallized fiber composites IFSS with different pretreatment method

    Treatment condition IFSS rate/% Reference
    Electroplating (strong-oxidizing mixed acid etching and Pd-colloid activation) 31.5 [22]
    Sputtering (low temperature plasma) 40.0 [36]
    Electroplating (coated with polydopamine) 21.0 [47]
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