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蹇汉杰 鲍康馨 孙旗 王力 盛汝昌 赵利明 冒爱琴 郑翠红

蹇汉杰, 鲍康馨, 孙旗, 等. 超低损耗FeSiAl磁粉芯的制备与性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-9.
引用本文: 蹇汉杰, 鲍康馨, 孙旗, 等. 超低损耗FeSiAl磁粉芯的制备与性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 42(0): 1-9.
JIAN Hanjie, BAO Kangxin, SUN Qi, et al. Preparation and performance of ultra-low core loss FeSiAl soft magnetic composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.
Citation: JIAN Hanjie, BAO Kangxin, SUN Qi, et al. Preparation and performance of ultra-low core loss FeSiAl soft magnetic composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica.


基金项目: 安徽省科技厅重点研发项目(202104a05020031)

    郑翠红,硕士,教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为无机非金属材料 E-mail: zhch@ahut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TM271; TB332

Preparation and performance of ultra-low core loss FeSiAl soft magnetic composites

Funds: Key R&D Project of Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology (202104a05020031)
  • 摘要: 目前家电、汽车和手机等产品的电子元器件日益呈现小型化、智能化的发展趋势,因此,降低磁粉芯(SMCs)在高频、大功率下应用时的功率损耗是适应其发展的必要措施。将气雾化Fe-9.6 wt%Si-5.4 wt%Al(FeSiAl)磁粉进行磷化绝缘处理,经预热处理、成型和退火热处理,得到了超低损耗FeSiAl复合磁粉芯(SMCs)。分析结果表明,磷化后的FeSiAl磁粉经热处理后,颗粒表面包覆的磷酸盐转变为硅酸盐,且磁粉中晶粒长大,磁粉的矫顽力降低;制得的磁粉芯功率损耗也明显降低,这主要归因于磁滞损耗的显著降低;当磷酸使用量为0.5 wt%时,50 kHz下功率损耗由79.44 mW·cm−3降低至58.56 mW·cm−3


  • 图  1  实验流程示意图

    Figure  1.  Diagram of experimental proces

    图  2  (a)磷化后及 (b)预热处理磁粉颗粒SEM图像;(c)磷化后颗粒EDS元素分布图;磁粉XRD分析图谱

    Figure  2.  SEM images of (a)phosphated and (b)heated powders, (c)EDS results of phosphated powders

    图  3  磷酸含量对磁粉芯(SMCs) (a)密度、(b)有效磁导率的影响

    Figure  3.  Effects of the proportion of H3PO4 on the SMCs (a)ρ, (b)μe

    图  4  磁粉芯的功率损耗随频率变化图

    Figure  4.  Pcv of SMCs varies with frequency

    图  5  样品的涡流损耗和磁滞损耗随频率变化关系图

    Figure  5.  Pe and Ph of SMCs varies with frequency

    图  6  FeSiAl磁粉的XRD 图谱

    Figure  6.  XRD pattern of FeSiAl magnetic powder

    图  7  磁粉芯样品磁滞回线

    Figure  7.  Hysteresis loops of SMCs

    图  8  FeSiAl粉的XPS分析图谱

    Figure  8.  XPS spectra of FeSiAl powder

    图  10  磷化后及预热处理FeSiAl粉 (a)XRD图谱(b)FTIR光谱

    Figure  10.  (a) XRD pattern (b) FTIR spectrum of FeSiAl powder after phosphating and heating

    图  9  磷化后磁粉XPS分析图谱

    Figure  9.  XPS spectra of phosphated FeSiAl powder

    图  11  磷化预热处理后磁粉的 XPS分析图谱

    Figure  11.  XPS spectra of heated FeSiAl powder after phosphating

    图  12  磷化及预热处理过程磁粉表面反应示意图

    Figure  12.  Diagram about reactions of phosphating and heating process on the surface of FeSiAl powder

    表  1  磁粉芯的电阻率、功率损耗、涡流损耗和磁滞损耗

    Table  1.   Comparison of electrical resistivity, core loss, eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of SMCs

    SampleCore loss/(mW·cm−3)Eddy current coefficientEddy current loss/(mW·cm−3)Hysteresis coefficientHysteresis loss/(mW·cm−3)Electrical resistivity/(Ω·cm)
    0.5 wt%HP/FeSiAl79.441.74×10−643.537.01×10−335.0325.23×106
    0.5 wt%HPT/FeSiAl58.561.63×10−640.733.23×10−316.172.48×106
    Notes: Bm—Maximum magnetic induction intensity=100 mT; f—Frequency=50 kHz
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    表  2  本文与此前报道磁粉芯性能对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of previously reported SMCs properties and this work

    Sample Core loss/(mW·cm−3) Permeability Refs
    f=50 kHz f=100 kHz
    0.5 wt%HPT/FeSiAl 58.56 190.1 52.1 (f=100 kHz) This work
    SiO2@FeSiAl 77.6 216.53 57(f=1 MHz) [18]
    MoS2/FeSiAl 181 454 90.6(f=1 MHz) [19]
    2.25 wt%WS2/FeSiAl 171 431 62~64(f=50 kHz) [20]
    Commercially SMCs <120 60(f=100 kHz) NCD Co., Ltd.
    Notes:Bm—Maximum magnetic induction intensity=100 mT; f—Frequency; SiO2@FeSiAl—SiO2 coated spherical-FeSiAl SMC;MoS2/FeSiAl and 2.25 wt%—WS2/FeSiAl MoS2 and 2.25 wt%WS2 coated FeSiAl SMCs respectively;Commercially SMCs—Atomized FeSiAl SMCs produced by Ma’anshan New Conda Magnetic Industrial Co., Ltd.
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