Effect of structural parameters on the low-velocity impact performance of aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets
摘要: 针对碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(CFRP)蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层结构,使用半球头式落锤冲击试验平台进行了低速冲击载荷下蜂窝芯单元尺寸对夹层板冲击性能影响的试验探究,并基于渐进损伤模型、内聚力模型和三维Hashin失效准则,在有限元仿真软件ABAQUS中建立了含蒙皮、蜂窝芯、胶层的CFRP蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层板精细化低速冲击仿真模型,仿真结果与试验结果吻合较好。利用该数值模型进一步探究了蜂窝芯高度、蒙皮厚度和蜂窝芯壁厚等结构参数对于蜂窝夹层板低速冲击吸能效果的影响。结果表明:增大铝蜂窝芯的单元边长,会减小蜂窝夹层板的刚度,提升夹层板的吸能效果;芯层高度对夹层板的刚度及抗低速冲击性能影响较小;增大蜂窝夹层板的蒙皮厚度,可以提高夹层板的刚度,但会降低夹层板的吸能效果;增大蜂窝芯的壁厚,可以提高夹层板的刚度和抗低速冲击性能。Abstract: The effect of the size of honeycomb core unit on the resistance of sandwich plate of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) under low-velocity impact load was investigated by using the impact test system of hemisphere-head drop hammer. Based on the continuous damage mechanics model, cohesive element model and 3D Hashin damage criteria, a refined low-velocity impact simulation model for honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets, aluminum honeycomb core and cohesive films was established in finite element simulation software ABAQUS. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. The effects of structural parameters, such as the height of honeycomb core, the thickness of face sheets and the thickness of honeycomb cell wall, on the energy absorption of honeycomb sandwich plate were further investigated by using the numerical model. The results show that increasing the cell side length of aluminum honeycomb core can reduce the stiffness of honeycomb sandwich plate and improve the energy absorption effect of sandwich plate. The core height has little effect on the stiffness and low-velocity impact resistance of the sandwich plate. Increasing the skin thickness of honeycomb sandwich board can improve the stiffness of sandwich board, but reduce the energy absorption effect of sandwich board. Increasing the cell wall thickness can improve the stiffness and low-velocity impact resistance of sandwich board.
表 1 CFRP蒙皮的材料参数
Table 1 Mechanical properties of CFRP laminates
T300/7901 Value Adhesive Value E1/MPa 125 000 GCn/(N⋅mm−1) 0.52 E2,E3/MPa 11 300 GCs,GCt/(N⋅mm−1) 0.92 G12,G13/MPa 5 430 σn,max 50 {G_{23}}{\rm{/MPa}} 3 979 {\sigma _{{\rm{s}},\max }}{\rm{/MPa}} 94 ν12, ν23 0.3 {\sigma _{{\rm{t}},\max }}{\rm{/MPa}} 94 ν23 0.42 {K_{\rm{n}}}{\rm{/(N}} \cdot {\rm{m}}{{\rm{m}}^{ - {\rm{3}}}}{\rm{)}} 100 000 {X_{\rm{T}}}{\rm{/MPa}} 2 000 {K_{\rm{s} } },{K_{\rm{t} } }{\rm{/(N} } \cdot {\rm{m} }{ {\rm{m} }^{ - {\rm{3} } } }{\rm{)} } 100 000 {X_{\rm{C}}}{\rm{/MPa}} 1 100 {Y_{\rm{T}}},{Z_{\rm{T}}}{\rm{/MPa}} 80 {Y_{\rm{C}}},{Z_{\rm{T}}}{\rm{/MPa}} 280 S{\rm{/MPa}} 120 Notes: Ei(i=1,2,3) is Young’s modulus in i direction; Gij(i,j=1,2,3) is shear modulus in i-j plane; νij(i,j=1,2,3) is Poisson’s ratio in i-j plane; Xt/Xc and Yt/Yc are the tensile/compressive strengths in 1 and 2 directions, respectively; S is shear strength; G_{\rm{n}}^{\rm{C}} is toughness in tension; G_{\rm{s}}^{\rm{C}}and G_{\rm{t}}^{\rm{C}} are toughness components in shear; σn,max is maximum nominal stress of normal-only mode; σs,max and σt,max are maximum nominal stress in 1 and 2 directions, respectively; Kn is stiffness in tension; Ks and Kt are stiffness components in shear. 表 2 Al 3003-H19铝箔材料参数
Table 2 Material properties of Al3003-H19 aluminum alloy foil
Property Value Density/(kg·m−3) 2 730 Young’s modulus/GPa 70 Poisson’s ratio 0.3 Yield strength/MPa 183 表 3 CFRP蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层板的结构参数
Table 3 Structural parameters of aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets
Label Cell side length {L_{\rm{c}}}/mm Core height {H_{\rm{c}}}/mm Facesheet thickness {T_{\rm{f}}}/mm Cell wall thickness {T_{\rm{c}}}/mm A1 2 20 1.2 0.06 A2 4 20 1.2 0.06 A3 6 20 1.2 0.06 B1 4 10 1.2 0.06 B2 4 20 1.2 0.06 B3 4 30 1.2 0.06 C1 4 20 1.2 0.06 C2 4 20 1.8 0.06 C3 4 20 2.4 0.06 D1 4 20 1.2 0.06 D2 4 20 1.2 0.10 D3 4 20 1.2 0.14 表 4 试验与仿真中蜂窝芯损伤深度δ的对比
Table 4 Comparison of experimental and numerical deformations δ of honeycomb cores
Label Top face sheet Cross-section Experiment Simulation-Honeycomb core A1 A2 A3 表 5 仿真预测的B组CFRP蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层板冲击损伤
Table 5 Simulation predicted impact damage of group B aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets
Label Cross-section Honeycomb sandwich plate Honeycomb core B1 B2 B3 表 6 仿真预测的C组CFRP蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层板冲击损伤
Table 6 Simulation predicted impact damage of group C aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets
Label Cross-section Honeycomb sandwich plate Honeycomb core C1 C2 C3 表 7 仿真预测的D组CFRP蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层板冲击损伤
Table 7 Simulation predicted impact damage of group D aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets
Label Cross-section Honeycomb sandwich plate Honeycomb core D1 D2 D3 表 8 不同结构参数的CFRP蒙皮-铝蜂窝夹层板组件吸能占比
Table 8 Absorbed energy rates by components of aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate with CFRP face sheets with different structural parameters
% Parameters Cell side length {L_{\rm{c}}} Core height {H_{\rm{c}}} Facesheet thickness {T_{\rm{f}}} Cell wall thickness {T_{\rm{c}}} A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 Upper plate 20.43 17.29 16.49 19.53 17.29 16.04 17.29 26.97 31.72 17.29 20.88 30.02 Honeycomb 45.16 50.01 58.60 38.45 50.01 57.35 50.01 43.20 39.78 50.01 45.61 41.75 Lower plate 1.88 1.70 2.51 2.15 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.08 0.72 1.70 2.69 3.32 Impactor 32.53 31.00 22.40 39.87 31.00 24.91 31.00 28.05 27.78 31.00 30.82 24.91 Sandwich plate 67.37 69.00 77.60 60.13 69.00 75.09 69.00 71.95 72.22 69.00 69.18 75.09 -
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