
孙伟, 张炜, 郭剑, 贾丽芳, 李晓杰

孙伟, 张炜, 郭剑, 等. Ti-Cu层状复合材料静态载荷下变形与失效机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(5): 1106-1113. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20190917.001
引用本文: 孙伟, 张炜, 郭剑, 等. Ti-Cu层状复合材料静态载荷下变形与失效机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(5): 1106-1113. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20190917.001
SUN Wei, ZHANG Wei, GUO Jian, et al. Deformation and failure mechanism of Ti-Cu laminated composite under static loading[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2020, 37(5): 1106-1113. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20190917.001
Citation: SUN Wei, ZHANG Wei, GUO Jian, et al. Deformation and failure mechanism of Ti-Cu laminated composite under static loading[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2020, 37(5): 1106-1113. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20190917.001


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11702058)

    孙伟,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为水下爆炸焊接、层状金属复合材料等 E-mail:dust911@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TB331

Deformation and failure mechanism of Ti-Cu laminated composite under static loading

  • 摘要: 利用水下爆炸焊接法制备了Ti-Cu层状复合材料。为研究Ti-Cu层状复合材料静态荷载下变形和失效机制,对Ti-Cu层状复合材料进行了室温条件下单轴拉伸实验和预制裂纹的三点弯曲实验,并与Ti单层板和Cu单层板进行对比分析,采用SEM观察断口形貌。通过拉伸和三点弯曲实验后的微观分析表明:在拉伸实验中,Ti-Cu层状复合材料的破坏是由于多方向应力耦合作用,加工硬化和界面效应使其拉伸强度远高于Ti单层板和Cu单层板;在预制裂纹的三点弯曲实验中,Ti-Cu层状复合材料的断裂是多重损伤失效相互作用的结果。Cu层形成大量的滑移带和变形带,Ti层产生大量的微裂纹,Ti-Cu层状复合材料由于多种损伤累积,形成一种特有的沿基体和界面交替传播的裂纹形态;相对于均质金属,Ti-Cu层状复合材料复杂的变形和失效行为是其力学性能提高的重要原因。
    Abstract: The Ti-Cu laminated composite was prepared by underwater explosive welding. In order to study the deformation and failure mechanism of Ti-Cu laminated composite under static loading, uniaxial tensile experiment and the pre-notched three-point bending test were carried out at room temperature, which were compared with as-received Ti and Cu. Besides, the fracture morphology of Ti-Cu laminated composite was observed by SEM. Microscopic analysis after tensile and three-point bending tests shows that in the tensile test, the failure of Ti-Cu laminated composite is due to the coupling effect of multi-direction stress. Work hardening and interface effect make the tensile strength of Ti-Cu laminated composite much higher than that of as-received Ti and Cu; In the pre-notched three-point bending test, the fracture of Ti-Cu laminated composite is the results of multiple damage effect and failure effect. A large number of slip bands and deformation bands are formed in the Cu layer, and a large number of microcracks are generated in the Ti layer. Due to the accumulation of multiple damages, a unique failure pattern of wave propagation trajectory is formed in the Ti-Cu laminated composite; Compared with homogeneous metal, the complex deformation and failure behavior of Ti-Cu laminated composite play an important role in improving their mechanical properties.
  • 图  1   Ti-Cu层状复合材料的制备过程

    Figure  1.   Preparation process of Ti-Cu laminated composite

    图  2   拉伸和含预制裂纹弯曲实验的Ti-Cu层状复合材料试样尺寸

    Figure  2.   Size of Ti-Cu laminated composite specimen for tensile and pre-notched three-point bending

    图  3   Ti-Cu层状复合材料的SEM图像及界面处的组织结构

    Figure  3.   SEM image and organizational structure at interface of Ti-Cu laminated composite

    图  4   Ti、Cu和Ti-Cu层状复合材料的工程应力-应变曲线

    Figure  4.   Engineering stress-strain curves of Ti, Cu and Ti-Cu laminated composite

    图  5   Ti、Cu和Ti-Cu层状复合材料的力-位移曲线

    Figure  5.   Load-displacement curves of Ti, Cu and Ti-Cu laminated composite

    图  6   层状金属复合材料的外在增韧机制

    Figure  6.   External toughening mechanisms of laminated metal composites

    图  7   Ti-Cu层状复合材料整体及局部拉伸断口的SEM图像

    Figure  7.   Global and local tensile fracture SEM images of Ti-Cu laminated composite (((a), (b)) Global fracture morphology;((c), (d)) Fracture morphologies of Cu and Ti, respectively;((e)–(h)) Enlarged local interface in Fig. (b))

    图  8   Ti-Cu层状复合材料弯曲断口的SEM图像

    Figure  8.   Bending fracture SEM image of Ti-Cu laminated composite

    图  9   Ti-Cu层状复合材料局部断口的SEM图像(Cu层由1、2、3逐渐远离界面((a)~(c));Ti层由1、2、3逐渐远离界面((d)~(f));界面裂纹由1、2、3逐渐远离界面开裂区域((g)~(i)))

    Figure  9.   Local fracture SEM images of Ti-Cu laminated composite(((a)–(c))Cu layer gradually moves away from interface from 1, 2, 3; ((d)–(f))Ti layer gradually moves away from interface from 1, 2, 3; ((g)–(i))Interfacial cracks gradually move away from interfacial cracking region from 1, 2, 3)

    表  1   Ti合金的化学成分

    Table  1   Chemical composition of Ti brass alloy

    Chemical elementTiCNHOFeSi
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2   Cu合金的化学成分

    Table  2   Chemical composition of Cu brass alloy

    Chemical elementCuSnAlPbFeSbNiMnPZn
    下载: 导出CSV
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  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 田淑侠,秦志辉,李广棵,朱乾坤,房占鹏. 夹芯复合材料损伤分析方法研究. 河南理工大学学报(自然科学版). 2023(05): 161-168 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-06-13
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