通过一系列的实验、分析, 客观地评价了4 种不同结构碳/ 环氧3D 层-层正交角联锁机织复合材料沿0°、30°、45°、60°、90°方向的拉伸、压缩、弯曲强度和模量。实验结果表明: 三维机织角联锁复合材料属正交各向异性材料, 各个方向的拉伸、压缩、弯曲强度和模量曲线呈枫叶形, 具有明显的双主轴特性; 4 种不同结构复合材料的各向异性力学性能有差异, 经向力学性能以带衬经的角联锁结构为最佳, 而纬向力学性能以纬密大的角联锁结构为最佳; 三维机织角联锁复合材料具有很强的性能可设计性, 正确选择纤维原料、纤维细度、三维预制件的组织结构和各个纱线组分的排列密度, 即可达到预期的性能指标要求。
On-axis and off -axis tensile , compress , bend properties of four kinds of different st ructural carbon/epoxy 3D layer -to -layer orthogonal angle interlock woven composites along 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°directions areevaluated based on a series of experiment and analysis. The result s show that 3D angle interlock woven compositesbelong to the orthogonal anisot ropic material. The st rength-direction and modulus-direction curves of tensile ,compress and bend seem to be maple leaf s , and are characterized by double major axis. There are some differencesbetween these four kinds of different st ructures composites in mechanical anisot ropic properties , and better composites with larger st rength and modulus in the warp direction are the layer -to -layer angle interlock st ructures withstuffer warp , and , by cont rast , better composites with larger st rength and modulus in the weft direction are the layer-to-layer angle interlock st ructures with denser wef t density. It is emphasized that predicted mechanical propertiescan be achieved if fiber kind , fiber size , preform st ructure and yarn density are chosen reasonably.