用全动态DSC 研究了先进复合材料用高性能双组份环氧树脂的固化反应动力学, 获得了固化反应的动力学参数, 并建立了固化动力学的唯象模型。用恒温DSC 和动态DSC 结合DiBenedetto 方程研究了树脂玻璃化转变温度和固化度之间的关系, 并给出了玻璃化转变温度Tg和时间t 及温度T 之间的数学关系。通过DMA 研究了树脂恒温下的凝胶过程, 给出了凝胶时间tgel 和凝胶温度T 之间的关系, 回归得到凝胶时的固化度为αgel =0.4539 , 并以此计算出了Tg ,gel = 70. 18 ℃, 为工艺选择提供了依据。并在此基础上绘制出了该树脂体系的TTT图, 提出了将TTT 图用于工艺优化的思路, 并做了初步验证。
The cure kinetics of a bicomponent high performance epoxy resin was studied by dynamic DSC analysis ,and the parameters of the cure reaction were obtained to establish a phenomenological model. The relationshipbetween glass t ransition temperature ( Tg ) and cure degree (α) was analyzed with an isothermal plus dynamic DSCmethod based on DiBenedetto equation , and a mathematical description of Tg as a function of both time and temperature was suggested. Round disk compression mode DMA was employed to study the gelation at different temperatures , and the relationship between gel-time and temperature was obtained. The conversion at gelation turned out tobeαgel = 0. 4539 , while the temperature at which vit rification line and gelation line t ransected was found to be Tg ,gel =70. 18 ℃. The time-temperature-transition ( TTT) diagram was plotted based on the works above , which served as atool for process optimization in advanced composites manufacture.