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夏鑫 孔祥韶 郑成 朱子涵

夏鑫, 孔祥韶, 郑成, 等. 金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构多次冲击性能及其剩余强度[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(9): 4989-5004. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240419.002
引用本文: 夏鑫, 孔祥韶, 郑成, 等. 金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构多次冲击性能及其剩余强度[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(9): 4989-5004. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240419.002
XIA Xin, KONG Xiangshao, ZHENG Cheng, et al. Performance and residual strength of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under multiple impacts[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(9): 4989-5004. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240419.002
Citation: XIA Xin, KONG Xiangshao, ZHENG Cheng, et al. Performance and residual strength of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under multiple impacts[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(9): 4989-5004. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240419.002


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240419.002
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (12202329;52171318)

    郑成,博士,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为结构冲击动力学 E-mail:zhengchengyeep@whut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Performance and residual strength of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under multiple impacts

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (12202329; 52171318)
  • 摘要: 金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构结合了金属耐冲击和复合材料高比强度/比刚度的优点,是一种优异的新型结构形式,在服役过程中夹层结构会遭受多次冲击工况,而其多次冲击损伤模式及损伤后剩余强度规律目前尚未明确。为此通过多次冲击试验和CT无损扫描分析方法,对其在低速冲击动力学响应、内部失效模式、载荷-位移特性以及能量吸收特征进行了深入研究,并在此基础上,通过对冲击后的试件开展平面压缩试验,对多次冲击后的剩余压缩强度及失效模式进行了分析。结果表明:首次冲击造成了大部分的伤害,随着冲击次数的提高将导致夹层结构的吸能性降低,抗冲击性下降。多次冲击中,夹层结构的损伤模式以芯材的基体开裂、分层和纤维断裂为主,大能量的多次冲击总是造成更大的损伤。此外,随着冲击次数的增多,损伤累积接近饱和,剩余压缩强度趋近阈值。


  • 图  1  复合材料波纹夹层结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Diagram of the composite material corrugated sandwich structure

    AL—Aluminium; CF—Carbon fiber

    图  2  试件制备流程图

    Figure  2.  Flowchart illustrating the specimen preparation process

    图  3  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构

    Figure  3.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure

    图  4  波纹夹层板安装布置图

    Figure  4.  Layout diagram for installation of the corrugated sandwich panel


    图  5  落锤冲击装置

    Figure  5.  Drop weight impact testing apparatus

    图  6  剩余强度压缩试验加载图

    Figure  6.  Loading diagram for residual strength compression test

    图  7  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同冲击能量下:(a)冲击力-时间曲线;(b)冲击力-位移曲线

    Figure  7.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structures under different impact energies: (a) Impact force-time curves; (b) Impact force-displacement curves

    图  8  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同冲击能量下:(a)最大冲击力;(b)最大冲击位移

    Figure  8.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structures under different impact energies: (a) Maximum impact force; (b) Maximum impact displacement

    图  9  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同冲击能量下:(a)能量-时间曲线;(b)能量吸收比例

    Figure  9.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structures under different impact energies: (a) Energy-time curves; (b) Energy absorption ratios

    图  10  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J不同冲击次数下:(a) 1~5次冲击力-时间曲线;(b) 1~5次冲击力-位移曲线;(c) 6~10次冲击力-时间曲线;(d) 6~10次冲击力-位移曲线

    Figure  10.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 10 J: (a) Force-time curves for 1st to 5th impacts; (b) Force-displacement curves for 1st to 5th impacts; (c) Force-time curves for 6th to 10th impacts; (d) Force-displacement curves for 6th to 10th impacts

    图  11  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J不同冲击次数下:(a)最大冲击力;(b)最大冲击位移

    Figure  11.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 10 J: (a) Maximum impact forces; (b) Maximum impact displacements

    图  12  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J不同次数下:(a) 1~5次能量-时间曲线;(b) 6~10次能量-时间曲线;(c)能量吸收比例

    Figure  12.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 10 J: (a) Energy-time curves for 1st to 5th impacts; (b) Energy-time curves for 6th to 10th impacts; (c) Energy absorption ratios

    图  13  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J不同冲击次数下:(a)冲击力-时间曲线;(b)冲击力-位移曲线

    Figure  13.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 20 J: (a) Force-time curves; (b) Force-displacement curves

    图  14  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J不同冲击次数下:(a)最大冲击力;(b)最大冲击位移

    Figure  14.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 20 J: (a) Maximum impact forces; (b) Maximum impact displacements

    图  15  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J不同冲击次数下:(a)能量-时间曲线;(b)能量吸收比例

    Figure  15.  Metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 20 J: (a) Energy-time curves; (b) Energy absorption ratios

    图  16  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同能级单次冲击CT损伤图

    Figure  16.  CT images of damage in the metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different single impact energy levels

    图  17  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J多次冲击损伤图

    Figure  17.  Damage images in the metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after multiple impacts at an energy level of 10 J

    图  18  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J多次冲击损伤图

    Figure  18.  Damage images in the metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after multiple impacts at an energy level of 20 J

    图  19  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构平面压缩下失效模式

    Figure  19.  Failure modes of the metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under planar compression

    图  20  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同能级单次冲击后压缩力-位移曲线

    Figure  20.  Compression force-displacement curves of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structures after single impact at different energy levels

    图  21  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同冲击能量下剩余压缩强度系数

    Figure  21.  Residual compressive strength coefficient of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact energies

    图  22  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J多次冲击后压缩力-位移曲线

    Figure  22.  Compression force-displacement curves of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after 10 J multiple impacts

    图  23  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J不同冲击次数下剩余压缩强度系数

    Figure  23.  Residual compressive strength coefficient of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 10 J

    图  24  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J多次冲击后压缩力-位移曲线

    Figure  24.  Compression force-displacement curves of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after 20 J multiple impacts

    图  25  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J不同冲击次数下剩余压缩强度系数

    Figure  25.  Residual compressive strength coefficient of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure under different impact times of 20 J

    表  1  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构不同能量级别冲击后剩余压缩强度系数

    Table  1.   Residual compressive strength coefficient of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after impact at different energy levels

    Specimen ID E/J Fmax/kN σd/MPa θ
    F-C0N0 0 80.81 5.387 1.000
    F-C10N1 10 70.14 4.676 0.868
    F-C20N1 20 56.13 3.742 0.695
    F-C40N1 40 48.52 3.235 0.601
    F-C60N1 60 45.42 3.028 0.562
    Notes: E—Impact energy; Fmax—Maximum load force; σd—Residual compressive strength; θ—Residual compressive strength coefficient.
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    表  2  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构10 J多次冲击后剩余压缩强度系数

    Table  2.   Residual compressive strength coefficient of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after 10 J multiple impacts

    Specimen ID E/J Fmax/kN σd/MPa θ
    F-C0N0 0 80.81 5.387 1.000
    F-C10N1 10 70.14 4.676 0.868
    F-C10N2 10 63.86 4.257 0.791
    F-C10N4 10 53.74 3.583 0.665
    F-C10N6 10 49.99 3.333 0.619
    F-C10N8 10 46.66 3.111 0.578
    F-C10N10 10 46.79 3.119 0.579
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    表  3  金属面复合材料波纹夹层结构20 J多次冲击后剩余压缩强度系数

    Table  3.   Residual compressive strength coefficient of metal-faced composite corrugated sandwich structure after 20 J multiple impacts

    Specimen ID E/J Fmax/kN σd/MPa θ
    F-C0N0 0 80.81 5.387 1.000
    F-C20N1 20 56.13 3.742 0.695
    F-C20N2 20 50.35 3.357 0.623
    F-C20N3 20 49.56 3.304 0.613
    F-C20N4 20 48.22 3.215 0.597
    F-C20N5 20 44.57 2.971 0.552
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