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赵淳铮 王昕 李振 李秉洋 金峰 王鹏飞 卢天健 张瑞

赵淳铮, 王昕, 李振, 等. 可调控热膨胀力学超材料设计制备与表征评测研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(9): 4589-4605. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240826.002
引用本文: 赵淳铮, 王昕, 李振, 等. 可调控热膨胀力学超材料设计制备与表征评测研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(9): 4589-4605. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240826.002
ZHAO Chunzheng, WANG Xin, LI Zhen, et al. Research progress in the design, manufacturing, characterization, and evaluation of tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(9): 4589-4605. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240826.002
Citation: ZHAO Chunzheng, WANG Xin, LI Zhen, et al. Research progress in the design, manufacturing, characterization, and evaluation of tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(9): 4589-4605. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240826.002


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240826.002
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12302187);湖北省自然科学基金(2023AFB092)

    王 昕,博士,工程师,研究方向为先进超材料设计与制造 E-mail: wxtj_9449@163.com

    张 瑞,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为复合材料力学性能研究 E-mail: zr19950122@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TB330.1;TB332

Research progress in the design, manufacturing, characterization, and evaluation of tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (12302187); Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2023AFB092)
  • 摘要: 我国太空探测事业的蓬勃发展对航天装备的可靠性提出了诸多挑战。在温度急剧变化的环境下,精确控制大型空间结构、精密探测设备和微电子封装等材料与结构的热变形成为亟待突破的瓶颈问题。因此,发展具有可调控热膨胀系数的力学超材料具有重要意义。本文针对可调控热膨胀力学超材料设计制备与表征评测等方面的研究现状与进展进行了概述,系统整理了可调控热膨胀力学超材料的设计方法,总结了热膨胀与刚度、泊松比等力学参数的协同调控策略,探讨了可调控热膨胀力学超材料拓扑优化方法,介绍了热膨胀可调力学超材料制备工艺与性能评测方法。本文还对可调控热膨胀力学超材料的发展趋势进行了展望,为其在航天装备中的深入应用提供指导与借鉴。


  • 图  1  (a)月球表面温差;(b)材料热膨胀示意图;(c)常见工程材料热膨胀系数

    Figure  1.  (a) Temperature difference on the lunar surface; (b) Schematic diagram of material thermal expansion; (c) Thermal expansion coefficients of common engineering materials

    图  2  拉伸机制主导的可调控热膨胀力学超材料:(a)三角结构[10];(b)凹角结构[11]

    Figure  2.  Sretching mechanism-dominated tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials: (a) Triangular structure[10]; (b) Re-entrant structure[11]

    a, b—Length of cell edge; δa, δb and δy—Deformation of cell along a, b edges and y direction after temperature changes; θ1, θ2—Structural angle

    图  3  拉伸机制主导的2D、3D可调控热膨胀力学超材料

    Figure  3.  2D and 3D tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials dominated by stretching mechanism-dominated

    l—Length of cell edge; t—Thickness of cell edge

    图  4  典型弯曲机制主导的可调控热膨胀力学超材料[20]

    Figure  4.  Typical tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials dominated by bending mechanism[20]

    r—Curvature radius of curved beam

    图  5  弯曲机制主导的可调控热膨胀力学超材料

    Figure  5.  Lattice structure with tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials dominated by bending mechanism

    图  6  两类可调控热膨胀力学超材料的热膨胀系数可实现的最大负热膨胀系数

    Figure  6.  Tailorable range of the thermal expansion coefficient for two types of tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials

    图  7  具有双稳态的高分子可调控热膨胀力学超材料[25]

    Figure  7.  Polymer tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials with shape memory effect[25]

    F—Force exerted on metamaterials; E—Young's modulus of material

    图  8  刚度-热膨胀双调控力学超材料

    Figure  8.  Dual-tailorable mechanical metamaterial with stiffness and thermal expansion coefficient

    CTE—Coefficient of thermal expansion; Δy—Deformation of cell along y direction after temperature changes; β—Structural angle; L—Length of cell edge; dL—Deformation of cell edge after temperature changes; h—Height of cell; dh—Change of height after temperature changes; θ—Structural angle; dθ—Change of structural angle after temperature changes; ΔT—Change of temperature

    图  9  泊松比-热膨胀双调控力学超材料

    PR—Possion's rate; Δx, Δy, Δz—Deformation of cell along x, y and z direction after temperature changes

    Figure  9.  Dual-tailorable mechanical metamaterial with Poisson's ratio and thermal expansion coefficient

    图  10  可调控热膨胀力学超材料的刚度和泊松比可调控范围

    Figure  10.  Tailorable range of stiffness and Poisson's ratio of tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials

    图  11  拓扑优化得到的可调控热膨胀力学超材料

    Figure  11.  Topologically optimized tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials

    ANTE—Anisotropic negative thermal expansion; IPTE—Isotropic positive thermal expansion; APTE—Anisotropic positive thermal expansion

    图  12  可调控热膨胀力学超材料的制备方法

    Figure  12.  Fabrication methods for tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials

    图  13  可调控热膨胀力学超材料的性能测试方法

    Figure  13.  Testing methods for the performance of tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials

    LActuation—Length of actuation material; LFrame—Length of frame material; NTE—Negative thermal expansion; ZTE—Zero thermal expansion; PTE—Positive thermal expansion; Disp.—Displacement

    表  1  几种典型可调控热膨胀力学超材料及其最大负热膨胀系数

    Table  1.   Several typical tailorable thermal expansion mechanical metamaterials and their maximum negative thermal expansion coefficients

    Metamaterial structure Maximum negative thermal
    expansion coefficient α/°C
    Design mechanism Research method Ref.
    2D triangular cell −6.0×10−6 Tensile-dominated Theoretical calculation [10]
    2D re-entrant lattice −1.4×10−5 Tensile-dominated Simulation [25]
    2D curved beam cell −2.0×10−5 Bending-dominated Theoretical calculation + Simulation [21]
    2D re-entrant cell −2.0×10−5 Tensile-dominated Theoretical calculation + Simulation [11]
    2D chiral lattice −3.4×10−5 Bending-dominated Simulation [22]
    3D star-shaped lattice −4.2×10−5 Tensile-dominated Simulation [19]
    3D cubic lattice −5.6×10−5 Tensile-dominated Simulation [19]
    3D triangular lattice −6.0×10−5 Tensile-dominated Theoretical calculation [16]
    2D triangular lattice −7.7×10−5 Tensile-dominated Theoretical calculation + Simulation [18]
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