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黄静旭 李敏文 李知函 黄海波

黄静旭, 李敏文, 李知函, 等. 植物长纤维的提取及其在可降解复合材料中的应用[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3335-3354. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240229.002
引用本文: 黄静旭, 李敏文, 李知函, 等. 植物长纤维的提取及其在可降解复合材料中的应用[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3335-3354. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240229.002
HUANG Jingxu, LI Minwen, LI Zhihan, et al. Extraction of plant long fiber and its application in degradable composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3335-3354. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240229.002
Citation: HUANG Jingxu, LI Minwen, LI Zhihan, et al. Extraction of plant long fiber and its application in degradable composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3335-3354. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240229.002


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240229.002
基金项目: 湖南省自然科学基青年基金项目(2021JJ40170)

    李知函,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,研究方向为木质纤维复合材料 E-mail: lizh@hut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB320;TB332

Extraction of plant long fiber and its application in degradable composites

Funds: Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2021JJ40170)
  • 摘要: 植物纤维具有绿色环保、轻质高强、吸声隔热和低碳足迹等优点,与聚合物制备成复合材料后被广泛应用于汽车、航空、建筑和包装运输等领域。本文简述了植物长纤维的种类和提取方法对其物理性能的影响,同时结合纤维取向分布、纤维表面改性、复合材料成型工艺以及拉伸载荷下复合材料的失效模式,概述了植物长纤维作为增强体时对复合材料物理性能的影响,并对植物长纤维增强可降解复合材料的应用进行了总结和展望。


  • 图  1  (a) 人工种植用于提取长纤维的大麻;(b) 自然水沤处理大麻茎秆;(c) 经自然沤制处理后提取的大麻长纤维;(d) 大麻茎秆组织结构示意图;(e) 生物法分离植物纤维的机制示意图

    Figure  1.  (a) Industrial hemp grown for long fiber production; (b) Retting process of hemp stem in the natural environment; (c) Long hemp fiber extracted by the retting process; (d) Schematic of the tissue structure of hemp stem; (e) Schematic of the mechanism of biological separation of plant fibers

    图  2  (a) 机械拆解提取植物纤维示意图;(b) 植物在机械处理过程中的组织结构变化示意图;(c) 天然香蕉茎秆横截面的SEM图像;(d) 机械拆解提取的单个香蕉茎秆纤维束的SEM图像[25];(e) 蒸汽爆破工艺拆解纤维示意图;(f) 蒸汽爆破法提取的筇竹微纤维的SEM图像[28]

    Figure  2.  (a) Schematic of mechanical extraction of fibers from plants; (b) Schematic of structural changes in plant during mechanical treatment; (c) SEM image of cross-section of natural banana stem; (d) SEM image of single fiber bundle mechanically extracted from banana stem[25]; (e) Schematic of natural fibers isolated by steam explosion treatment; (f) SEM image of bamboo microfibers extracted from Qiongzhuea tumidinoda by steam explosion treatment[28]

    图  3  (a) 传统手工提取香蕉茎秆长纤维的示意图;(b) 化学法处理过程中主要组分连接键断裂示意图;(c) 化学脱木素法提取竹长纤维束示意图;(d) 经化学-机械法提取的部分植物长纤维实物照片

    Figure  3.  (a) Schematic of traditional manual extraction of long fibers from banana stem; (b) Schematic of typical chemical bonding broken during the chemical treatment; (c) Schematic of long bamboo fiber bundles extracted by chemical delignification method; (d) Photos of long fibers extracted by chemical-mechanical method

    图  4  典型生物质基热塑性聚合物、热固性聚合物[52-54]和天然生物质基聚合物[55]及其分子结构式

    Figure  4.  Typical biomass-based thermoplastic polymers, thermosetting polymers[52-54] and natural biomass-based polymers[55] and their molecular structural formula

    PLA—Polylactic; PCL—Polycaprolactone; PBS—Poly(butylene succinate)

    图  5  (a) 短纤维在聚合物基体中随机取向分布;(b) 长纤维在基体中单向排列分布;(c) 平纹织物中的长纤维取向分布;(d) 斜纹织物中的长纤维分布;(e) 缎纹织物中的长纤维分布;(f) 三维织物中的长纤维分布

    Figure  5.  (a) Randomly oriented short fibers in polymer matrix; (b) Aligned long fibers in polymer matrix; (c) Distribution of long fibers oriented in plain fabrics; (d) Distribution of long fibers in twill fabrics; (e) Distribution of long fibers in satin fabrics; (f) Distribution of long fibers in three-dimensional fabrics

    图  6  (a) 手工层积制备复合材料工艺示意图;(b) 热压成型制备复合材料工艺示意图;(c) 真空辅助成型制备复合材料工艺示意图;(d) 3D打印制备复合材料工艺示意图[94]:单喷嘴打印和双喷嘴打印;(e) 连续纤维热塑性复合材料自动铺放原位成型(AFP)工艺示意图[101]

    Figure  6.  (a) Schematic of composites prepared by hand lay-up; (b) Schematic of composites prepared by hot-compression molding; (c) Schematic of composites prepared by vacuum assisted resin transfer molding; (d) Schematic of composites prepared by 3D printing: Single-nozzle printing and dual-nozzle printing[94]; (e) Schematic of auto fiber placement (AFP) in-situ consolidation technology on continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites[101]

    图  7  (a) 随机短纤维增强的复合材料在拉伸载荷下裂纹扩展及受力分析示意图;(b) 定向长纤维增强的复合材料在拉伸载荷下裂纹的偏转或阻滞及受力分析示意图[105];(c) 裂纹途经纤维二维织物结构时的偏转或阻滞示意图;(d) 裂纹途经定向纤维三维织物结构时产生的偏转或阻滞示意图

    Figure  7.  Illustrates the following schematics: (a) Crack extension and force analysis of composites reinforced with random short fibers under tensile loading; (b) Deflection or blocking of cracks and force analysis of composites reinforced with oriented long fibers under tensile loading[105]; (c) Deflection or hysteresis in crack pathway oriented to fibers in a two-dimensional fabric structure; (d) Deflection or hysteresis in crack pathway oriented to fibers in a three-dimensional fabric structure

    图  8  (a) 全球植物纤维复合材料的市场规模趋势图;(b) 植物长纤维可降解复合材料的应用领域

    Figure  8.  (a) Trends in global market for plant fiber composites; (b) Utilization sectors for plant long fiber-based biodegradable composites

    表  1  常见植物长纤维的来源与化学组成

    Table  1.   Raw material and chemical composition of long plant fibers

    Raw material Plant Cellulose/wt% Hemicellulose/wt% Lignin/wt% Pectin/wt% Ref.
    Bast Hemp 70-74 17.9-22.4 3.7-5.7 0.9 [9-10]
    Flax 71-78 18.6-20.6 2.2 2.3 [9-10]
    Ramie 68.6-91 5-16.7 0.6-0.7 1.9 [9, 11]
    Leave Sisal 67-78 10-12 8-11 10-14.2 [9, 12-13]
    Agave americana 68.4 15.6 4.85 [14]
    Pineapple 70-83 15-20 8-12.7 1.1-4 [9-10, 13]
    Stem Banana 60-85 6-21 5-10 2.5-5 [10-11, 13]
    Bamboo 26-73.8 12.5-30 10.1-26 0.37 [9-10, 12]
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    表  2  经不同方法提取的植物长纤维的物理性能

    Table  2.   Physical properties of long plant fibers extracted by different methods

    Raw plant Length/cm Diameter/μm Tensile strength/MPa Young's modulus/GPa Extraction method Ref.
    Hemp 6 20-33 683-954 27.5-34.9 Retting [17]
    Hemp 100 100-230 174-342 8-12 Retting [40]
    Flax 7.5 64-104 200-400 19-41 Retting [41]
    Ramie 8 47-51 23-58 5.0-6.0 Enzyme [42]
    Sisal 5 50-300 530-640 9.4-22 Mechanical [43]
    Agave americana 180-230 165-333 62-206 0.85-2.84 Retting [44]
    Pine apple leaf 25-90 50-91 210-695 15-53 Chemical [45-46]
    Banana stem 30.5 100-400 143 2.1 Retting [47]
    Banana stem 15 140-180 141-329 10.8-21.8 Enzyme [26]
    Banana stem 15 56-143 124-296 15.0-38.7 Mechanical [26]
    Banana stem 15 50-90 241-425 14.8-30.3 Chemical [26]
    Bamboo 2.5-10 167-550 371-673 11.5-25.7 Mechanical [48]
    Bamboo 30 50-250 1650-2250 90-120 Chemical [33]
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    表  3  一些植物长纤维增强聚乳酸(PLA)复合材料的力学性能

    Table  3.   Mechanical properties of some plant long fiber reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites

    Fiber type Fiber volume
    Tensile strength/
    Young's modulus/
    Flexural strength/
    PLA Unidirectional long sisal fiber 40 164.8 4.9 202.9 [72]
    Unidirectional long sisal fiber 40 200.4 6.5 216.8 [57]
    Unidirectional long flax fiber 49.5 151.0 18.5 215.0 [56]
    Unidirectional long kenaf fiber 70 223 254 [73]
    Hemp twill fabric 20 70 3.5 [68]
    Hemp plain fabric 20 60 3.0 [68]
    Sisal plain fabric 31 64.1 9.9 [74]
    Flax plain fabric 33 45.2 2.1 90.0 [75]
    Bamboo plain fabric 35 80.6 5.9 143 [76]
    Jute plain fabric 36 69.3 9.0 [74]
    3D woven ramie fabric 50 74.3 [71]
    3D woven ramie fabric 53 91.9 18.1 [70]
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