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李洋 郑新梅 梅欣 任燕 陈刚 彭必友

李洋, 郑新梅, 梅欣, 等. 物理场辅助填料粒子在3D打印中取向调控研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3389-3403. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240030.001
引用本文: 李洋, 郑新梅, 梅欣, 等. 物理场辅助填料粒子在3D打印中取向调控研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3389-3403. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240030.001
LI Yang, ZHENG Xinmei, MEI Xin, et al. Research progress on the regulation of filler particle alignment during physics-assisted 3D printing[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3389-3403. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240030.001
Citation: LI Yang, ZHENG Xinmei, MEI Xin, et al. Research progress on the regulation of filler particle alignment during physics-assisted 3D printing[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3389-3403. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240030.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240030.001
基金项目: 高分子材料工程国家重点实验室开放课题(sklpme2023-3-9);四川省科技厅重点研发项目(2022YFG0366)

    陈刚,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为聚合物基及陶瓷基材料的增材制造 E-mail: gangchen@mail.xhu.edu.cn

    彭必友,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为先进成型技术及智能装备的研发 E-mail: pengbiyou@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Research progress on the regulation of filler particle alignment during physics-assisted 3D printing

Funds: Opening Project of State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering (Sichuan University) (sklpme2023-3-9); Sichuan Science and Technology Program (2022YFG0366)
  • 摘要: 3D打印是一种自下而上、分层制造的材料累加制造方法。当前,3D打印正由原型制造向高性能化和功能化方向发展,对3D打印材料和加工过程调控提出更高的要求。纳米粒子在3D打印材料中的有序排列有助于提升打印制件的性能,但如何有效调控纳米粒子的取向面临挑战。在3D打印过程中引入物理场(磁场、电场及超声场)是实现打印制件微观结构精准操控的有效策略之一。这不仅赋予打印制件一定的功能,也为制备具有多尺度、多响应结构制件提供新的思路。因此,基于物理场辅助的3D打印成为了近年来的研究热点。本文首先简述了3D打印技术种类及其特点,并强调了物理场辅助3D打印调控纳米粒子取向的重要性;其次,梳理和归纳了物理场辅助3D打印调控纳米粒子取向的基本原理、材料要求、应用及性能。最后,对物理场辅助3D打印调控填料粒子取向存在的问题与挑战进行了总结,并对其未来发展方向进行了展望。


  • 图  1  (a) 帽贝齿[15];(b) 磁场辅助3D打印微针阵列的SEM图像[15];(c) 磁场辅助3D打印微针阵列单个放大图像[15];(d) 利用磁场辅助3D打印工艺制作帽贝齿微针阵列示意图[15];(e) 磁场辅助3D打印过程示意图和使用COMSOL Multiphysics模拟磁场辅助3D打印过程中施加的磁场[15]

    Figure  1.  (a) Hat shell teeth[15]; (b) SEM image of magnetic field assisted 3D printing microneedle arrays[15]; (c) Magnetic field assisted 3D printing of a single enlarged image of a microneedle array[15]; (d) Schematic diagram of hat shell tooth microneedle array produced using magnetic field assisted 3D printing technology[15]; (e) Schematic diagram of magnetic field assisted 3D printing process and simulation of magnetic field applied during magnetic field assisted 3D printing using COMSOL Multiphysics[15]

    DMD—Digital micromirror device

    图  2  (a) 电辅助3D打印设备示意图[23];(b) 基于自下而上投影的立体光刻工艺示意图[23];(c) 压缩天然珍珠层;(d) 图2(c)中裂纹偏转和裂纹分支的SEM图像;(e) 图2(c)中层间裂纹偏转的SEM图像[23];(f) 含2wt%对齐石墨烯纳米片(aGNs)的3D打印珍珠层;(g) 图2(f)中裂纹偏转和裂纹分支的SEM图像[23];(h) 图2(f)中层间偏转的SEM图像[23]

    Figure  2.  (a) Schematic diagram of electric assisted 3D printing equipment[23]; (b) Schematic diagram of stereo lithography process based on bottom-up projection[23]; (c) Compressing natural pearl layers ; (d) SEM image showing crack deflection and crack branching in Fig. 2(c); (e) SEM image of interlayer crack deflection in Fig. 2(c)[23]; (f) 3D-printed pearl layer containing 2wt% aligned graphene nanosheets (aGNs); (g) SEM image showing crack deflection and crack branching in Fig. 2(f)[23]; (h) SEM image showing interlayer deflection in Fig. 2(f)[23]

    PDMS—Polydimethylsiloxane; E—Electric field; MJ—G+ from Maker Juice

    图  3  (a) 电流体动力喷射打印系统实验装置示意图及Ag纳米线(NW)排列情况[27];(b) 当Ag NW轴向与流动方向平行时,阻力最小[27];(c) 当Ag NW轴向与流动方向垂直时,阻力迫使Ag NW进行旋转运动[27];(d) 利用电流体动力学(EHD)技术在SiO2衬底上打印由Ag NW组成的同心螺旋图案[27];(e) 图3(d)中局部位置的扫描电镜图像[27]

    Figure  3.  (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup of the electrohydrodynamic jet printing system and the Ag nanowires (NW) arrangement[27]; (b) When the Ag NW axial direction is parallel to the flow direction, the resistance is minimized[27]; (c) When the Ag NW axial direction is perpendicular to the flow direction, the resistance forces the Ag NW to undergo rotational motion[27]; (d) Concentric helical pattern consisting of Ag NW printed on SiO2 substrate using electrohydrodynamic (EHD) technique[27]; (e) Scanning electron microscope image of the localized region in Fig. 3(d)[27]

    图  4  (a) “拖拽模式”下电流体喷射打印示意图及6, 13-双-(三异丙基硅乙炔基)五苯(TIPS-PEN)晶体沿打印方向生长的放大示意图[28];(b) 以“拖拽模式”打印晶体的POM图像[28];(c) 在不同打印速度下打印TIPS-PEN晶体的POM图像及对应放大图[28](白色虚线表示晶体结构缺陷)

    Figure  4.  (a) Schematic of electrofluidic jet printing in "drag-and-drop mode" and magnification of the growth of 6,13-bis-(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-PEN) crystals along the printing direction[28]; (b) POM image of crystals printed in "drag-and-drop mode"[28]; (c) POM images and corresponding magnification of TIPS-PEN crystals printed at different printing speeds[28] (White dashed lines indicate defects in the crystal structure)

    Vs—High supply voltage; Ds—Nozzle-to-substrate distance

    图  5  (a) 利用射流偏转打印技术打印圆柱体的示意图[29];((b)~(d)) 用射流偏转打印技术打印的聚环氧乙烷(PEO) 圆柱形结构在不同放大倍数下的SEM图像[29];(e) 单个悬浮纤维连接2个平行纳米孔间隙的SEM图像[29];(f) 当射流偏转电压逐步增大导致图案宽度逐步增大、纤维规整排列的显微照片[29]

    Figure  5.  (a) Schematic of a cylinder printed by jet deflection printing technology[29]; ((b)-(d)) SEM images of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) cylindrical structures printed using jet deflection printing technology at different magnifications[29]; (e) SEM image of a single suspended fiber connecting two parallel nanopore gaps[29]; (f) Microscopic images of pattern width gradually increasing and fibers arranged in a regular manner as the jet deflection voltage gradually increases[29]

    图  6  (a) 喷嘴处的结构示意图[39];(b) 声学对比度$\phi $为正的粒子聚焦于压力节点,$\phi $为负的粒子聚焦于反节点[39];实体和空心球体的颗粒分离(在微通道中诱导并保留在打印线条中) (c)以及SiC纤维和空心球体(d)[39]

    Figure  6.  (a) Schematic diagram of the structure at the nozzle[39]; (b) Acoustic contrast $\phi $-positive particles focusing on the pressure node, $\phi $-negative particles focusing on the antinode[39]; Particle segregation (induced in microchannels and retained in the print line) of solid and hollow spheres (c) and SiC fibers and hollow spheres (d)[39]

    图  7  (a) 超声墨水直写成型技术(DIW)实验装置图[40];(b)不同超声波频率对应样品图像[40];(c) 对照组样品图[40];(d) 1.0 MHz对应样品图[40];(e) 样品断面形貌图[40];(f) 电导率对比[40];(g) 导电测试百分比关于超声波频率和打印速度的函数关系[40]

    Figure  7.  (a) Diagram of the ultrasonic direct ink writing (DIW) experimental setup[40]; (b) Image of samples corresponding to different ultrasonic frequencies[40]; (c) Diagram of control samples[40]; (d) Diagram of samples corresponding to 1.0 MHz[40]; (e) Sample cross-section topographies[40]; (f) Conductivity comparisons[40]; (g) Conductivity test percentage as a function of ultrasonic frequency and print speed[40]

    NCCFs—Nickel-coated carbon fibers; α, β, γ, δ, ε—Sample number; R—Resistance; △I—Value of change in current; △V—Value of change in voltage

    图  8  (a) 打印装置和超声波操作装置示意图[33];(b) 在同一打印层内垂直对齐的纤维[33];(c) 使用超声辅助纤维对齐和使用UV光源固化树脂的示意图[41]

    Figure  8.  (a) Schematic diagram of a printing device and an ultrasonic operating device[33]; (b) Fibers vertically aligned within the same printed layer[33];(c) Schematic of fiber alignment using ultrasound assistance and curing resin using UV light source[41]


    表  1  常用3D打印技术[3]

    Table  1.   Common 3D printing techniques[3]

    3D printing Material Advantage Disadvantage Accuracy/µm
    Fused deposition modeling (FDM) Thermoplastics Simple equipment, low cost Low surface quality 50-200
    Stereolithography (SLA) Photosensitive resin High printing accuracy Slow molding speed 10
    Selective laser sintering (SLS) Metal powder High component strength Expensive equipment 80-250
    Ink jet printing (IJP) Ink Fast printing speed Low surface quality 5-200
    Aerosol jet printing (AJP) Metals, ink, ceramic High printing accuracy Difficulty in printing stability control ~10
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    表  2  物理场辅助3D打印技术总结

    Table  2.   Summary of physics-assisted 3D printing technology

    Magnetic field Electric field Ultrasonic field
    Method SLA, DIW, arc additive manufacturing Digital light processing (DLP),
    electrohydrodynamic jet printing
    Material Matrix Photosensitive resin,
    non magnetic materials with certain viscosity and fluidity
    Wax, photosensitive resin, polydimethylsiloxane Epoxy resin, polydimethylsiloxane, viscous polymer
    Filler Nickel based alloy, rare earth alloy, ferrite, soft iron, silicon steel, Fe-Ni Carbon nanotube, graphene nanosheets, silver nanowires, gallium-indium eutectic, BaTiO3 Glass fiber, carbon fiber, TiO2
    Enhanced performance 1. Thermal conductivity from 1.765 W/(m·K) to 3.445 W/(m·K) for boron nitride + epoxy[42]
    2. Tensile elongation (εf) from 3.4%±0.7% to 10.8%±2.8% for Ti6Al4V[43]
    3. Thermal conductivity from 0.18 W/(m·K) to 0.43 W/(m·K) for nickel-coated carbon fibers + resin[44]
    4. Tensile strength from 56.8 MPa to 62.3 MPa for sensitive SWCNTs + epoxy [45]
    5. The resistivity reduced by 15.5% for nanosilver + nickel particles[46]
    6. Tensile strength enhanced 8.5% for α-Al + eutectic silicon[14]
    1. Degradation rate constants for bisphenol A and phenol degradation were 41.2 times and 5.7 times higher than those of g-C3N4, respectively[47]
    2. Average elongation at break enhanced 32% for MWCNT+ photopolymer[48]
    3. Piezoelectric coefficient enhanced 42% for BaTiO3 + PVDF[49]
    4. Dielectric constant from 3.75 to 22.5 for PVP@PANI/PDMS[50]
    5. More than 100 times higher conductivity for aGNs + photosensitive resin[23]
    1. Specific energy absorption from 17 J/g to 68 J/g for yttria[51]
    2. Ultimate tensile stress from 15 MPa to about 23.5 MPa for CNT+ resin[52]
    3. Electrical conductivity from 4.35×10−4 S/m to 31-793 S/m for silver-coated microfibers + photopolymer
    4. Tensile strength from 2.71 MPa to 2.78 MPa for carbon fiber + photosensitive resin[41]
    Disadvantage ● Restricted materials;
    ● Difficulty in controlling field strength;
    ● Complex equipment with low controllability;
    ● Limited magnetic field area control
    ● Limited to liquid materials;
    ● Professional high-voltage supply;
    ● High voltage experiment safety
    ● Limited printing accuracy;
    ● Single application scenario
    Notes: MWCNT—Multi-walled carbon nanotube; SWCNTs—Single-walled carbon nanotubes; PVDF—Polyvinylidene fluoride; PVP—Polyvinyl pyrrolidone; PANI—Polyaniline; PDMS—Polydimethylsiloxane; CNT—Carbon nanotube.
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