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王瑾 许维炳 杜修力 丁梦佳 陈彦江 方荣 闫晓宇

王瑾, 许维炳, 杜修力, 等. ECC壳-RC组合墩柱抗震性能及塑性铰形成机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3689-3703. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240009.003
引用本文: 王瑾, 许维炳, 杜修力, 等. ECC壳-RC组合墩柱抗震性能及塑性铰形成机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3689-3703. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240009.003
WANG Jin, XU Weibing, DU Xiuli, et al. Seismic performance of ECC shell-RC composite pier column and its plastic hinge developing mechanism[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3689-3703. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240009.003
Citation: WANG Jin, XU Weibing, DU Xiuli, et al. Seismic performance of ECC shell-RC composite pier column and its plastic hinge developing mechanism[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3689-3703. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240009.003


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240009.003
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52108428;52178446);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2023MS067);北京工业大学重点实验室校外开放课题资助项目(2022B02)

    许维炳,博士,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为高性能混凝土在工程结构中的应用 E-mail: weibingx@bjut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TU528.58;TB333

Seismic performance of ECC shell-RC composite pier column and its plastic hinge developing mechanism

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52108428; 52178446); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2023MS067); Open Research Fund of Key Laboratory of Beijing University of Technology (2022B02)
  • 摘要: 为提升钢筋混凝土(RC)墩柱的抗震性能并充分利用工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)的力学性能,提出了ECC壳-RC组合墩柱的构造;基于ABAQUS有限元软件建立了现浇ECC壳-RC组合墩柱数值分析模型,并基于既有试验结果验证;进而探究了ECC节段高度、ECC壳厚度、纵筋配筋率、体积配箍率、轴压比等参数对组合墩柱抗震性能的影响规律。在此基础上,探讨了该型组合墩柱塑性铰形成机制。结果表明:相较于RC墩柱,ECC壳-RC组合墩柱的承载能力、延性和耗能能力均有所提高。增加ECC节段高度,组合墩柱的峰值荷载有所增加,ECC节段高度达到1.4h (h为截面高度)后组合墩柱的抗震性能接近全高度ECC墩柱的抗震性能;增加ECC壳厚度及纵筋配筋率可同时提高组合墩柱的峰值荷载及延性,ECC壳厚度达到1/5h后继续增加ECC壳厚度对提升组合墩柱抗震性能效果不明显;增加轴压比可使试件初始刚度和峰值荷载增加,但对延性产生不利影响;减小塑性铰区域的体积配箍率试件延性明显降低,而承载力变化不明显;组合墩柱的塑性铰形成机制受ECC壳-RC组合节段高度影响显著,存在一个组合节段临界高度使该组合柱的塑性铰区不发生转移。


  • 图  1  工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)壳(节段)-钢筋混凝土(RC)组合墩柱构造

    Figure  1.  Engineered cementitious composites (ECC) shell (segment)-reinforced concrete (RC) composite pier structure diagram

    图  2  ECC本构关系模型

    Figure  2.  ECC constitutive relation model

    σt, σtp, σt0—Tensile stress, ultimate tensile strength, nominal cracking strength; εt, εtu, εt0—Tensile strain, ultimate tensile strain, nominal cracking strain; σc, σec0—Compressive stress, peak compressive stress; εc, εec0, $\varepsilon _{\text{ecu}}^{*} $—Compressive strain, peak compressive strain, ultimate compressive strain

    图  3  模型边界条件及网格划分示意图

    Figure  3.  Model boundary conditions and meshing diagram

    RP—Reference point

    图  4  模拟等效塑性应变(PEEQ)云图

    Figure  4.  Simulated equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ) cloud images

    图  5  试验和模拟滞回曲线对比

    Figure  5.  Hysteresis curves comparison between test and numerical results

    FEM—Finite element method

    图  6  ECC壳-RC组合墩柱整体布置图

    Figure  6.  Overall layout of ECC shell-RC composite pier column

    图  7  ECC节段高度he的影响

    Figure  7.  Effect of ECC segment height he

    Ks—Average secant stiffness; K0—Initial stiffness

    图  8  不同he试件PEEQ云图

    Figure  8.  PEEQ cloud diagram of specimens with different he

    图  9  ECC壳厚度t的影响

    Figure  9.  Effect of ECC shell thickness t

    图  10  ECC壳-RC组合墩柱纵筋配筋率ρs的影响

    Figure  10.  Effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio ρs of ECC shell-RC composite pier column

    图  11  ECC壳-RC组合墩柱的体积配箍率ρsv的影响

    Figure  11.  Effect of volume stirrup ratio ρsv of ECC shell-RC composite pier column

    图  12  ECC壳-RC组合墩柱的轴压比n的影响

    Figure  12.  Effect of axial compression ratio n of ECC shell-RC composite pier column

    图  13  规范设计反应谱与地震波反应谱对比

    Figure  13.  Comparison between seismic response spectrum and code design response spectra

    IV—Imperial Valley-02 (1940) wave; KC—Kern County (1952) wave; AR—Artifical wave; T1—Fundamental natural vibration period of the ECC shell-RC composite pier column

    图  14  地震波作用下墩顶位移时程曲线

    Figure  14.  Pier top displacement time history curves under different ground motions

    图  15  IV作用下混凝土PEEQ损伤云图

    Figure  15.  PEEQ of concrete for piers subjected to IV

    图  16  不同地震波作用下各墩柱滞回曲线

    Figure  16.  Hysteresis curves of the specimens under different waves

    图  17  ECC壳(节段)-RC组合墩柱的弯矩分布

    Figure  17.  Moment distribution of ECC shell (segment)-RC composite pier

    L0—Height of the concrete segment; F—Horizontal load; N—Axial load; LECC—Height of the ECC shell-RC composite segment; MA—Bending moment of critical section A; MB—Bending moment of critical section B; My,RC—Yield bending moment of RC pier; My,ECC-RC—Yield bending moment of the ECC shell-RC composite section; L*—Critial height of ECC shell-RC composite segment; L—Total height of the composite pier

    图  18  不同ECC壳-RC组合节段高度时钢筋应变

    Figure  18.  Rebar strain with different ECC shell-RC composite segment height

    LE—Logarithmic strain

    表  1  试件具体信息

    Table  1.   Specific information of the specimens

    Specimen H/mm b×h/mm2 he/mm t/mm
    S1 1 400 300×300 400 150
    S2 100
    Notes: H—Pier height; b—Section width; h—Section height; he—ECC height; t—ECC shell thickness.
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    表  2  试件抗震性能指标

    Table  2.   Seismic performance index of the specimen

    Specimen Yield displacement/mm Yield load/kN Peak load/kN Ultimate displacement/mm Ultimate load/kN
    S1 Positive Test[36] 8.20 65.46 86.89 60 65.77
    FEM 7.04 78.65 89.31 60 67.23
    Error 14.10% −20.15% −2.79% 0% −2.22%
    Negative Test[36] −9.20 −68.47 −86.85 −60 −71.90
    FEM −7.26 −70.67 −81.26 −60 −66.42
    Error 21.09% −3.22% 6.44% 0% 7.62%
    S2 Positive Test[16] 7.39 64.24 87.20 60 60.37
    FEM 8.42 76.14 86.85 60 69.64
    Error −13.94% −18.52% 0.40% 0% −15.36%
    Negative Test[16] −8.31 −63.16 −87.35 −60 −66.48
    FEM −7.27 −70.76 −80.34 −60 −68.84
    Error 12.52% −12.03% 8.03% 0% −3.55%
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    表  3  ECC壳-RC组合墩柱基准设计参数

    Table  3.   Benchmark parameters of ECC shell-RC composite pier column

    Parts z×b×h/mm3 Material Longitudinal reinforcement Stirrup (Encrypted zone) Axial compression ratio n
    Pier 2000×450×450 C40/E40 12C18 A10@100 (A10@50) 0.2
    Cushion cap 700×1400×700 C40 A10@100
    Note: z—Height of the part.
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    表  4  各墩柱墩顶位移峰值

    Table  4.   Peak value of displacement at the top of the pier

    Pier type Peak value of displacement/mm
    IV KC AR
    RC pier 58.28 29.24 40.77
    ECC shell-RC composite pier 42.61 22.98 36.65
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    表  5  墩底剪力峰值

    Table  5.   Peak value of shear force at the pier bottom

    Pier type Peak value of shear force/kN
    IV KC AR
    RC pier 237.64 191.99 181.90
    ECC shell-RC composite pier 270.59 225.56 216.94
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    表  6  不同地震波各墩柱最大混凝土塑性损伤PEEQ值

    Table  6.   Maximum PEEQ value of the concrete of each specimen subjected to ground motions

    Pier type Maximum PEEQ value/10−2
    IV KC AR
    RC pier 2.10 1.70 1.50
    ECC shell-RC composite pier 1.71 1.21 1.17
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