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魏雨函 曾琴 白鸿柏 薛新

魏雨函, 曾琴, 白鸿柏, 等. 多材复合高温基线密封件的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3453-3466. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231207.001
引用本文: 魏雨函, 曾琴, 白鸿柏, 等. 多材复合高温基线密封件的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3453-3466. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231207.001
WEI Yuhan, ZENG Qin, BAI Hongbai, et al. Research progress of high-temperature baseline seal with hybrid structure of multiple materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3453-3466. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231207.001
Citation: WEI Yuhan, ZENG Qin, BAI Hongbai, et al. Research progress of high-temperature baseline seal with hybrid structure of multiple materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3453-3466. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231207.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231207.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12272094;12002088);福建省自然科学基金(2022J01541)

    薛新,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为多材复合结构及先进制造技术 E-mail: xin@fzu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Research progress of high-temperature baseline seal with hybrid structure of multiple materials

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (12272094; 12002088); Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2022J01541)
  • 摘要: 多材复合高温基线密封件是一种集隔热芯材、金属编织弹簧管和陶瓷纤维编织管于一体的新型多孔复合结构材料,在动载荷作用下具有柔性、耐高温、耐磨和密封等多功能优异性能,尤其对提高新一代高速飞行器热端部件的综合性能上起到关键性作用。它综合利用了内层隔热芯材的热防护、中间层高温合金编织弹簧管的弹性回复和外层陶瓷纤维管的耐热、耐磨等各自的性能优势。然而,由于各基材结构和性能之间的差异性,多材混杂结构与整体性能调控之间的内在联系尚不明确。基于此,首先介绍了多材复合高温基线密封件各组成材料特性及其制备工艺;其次,对现有高温基线密封件的理论和数值模型等研究方法进行梳理和归纳;再次,阐述了多材复合高温基线密封件在关键制备工艺和高温动载荷服役过程中存在的主要技术挑战;最后,对多材复合高温基线密封件的研究发展趋势和潜在工程应用进行了展望。


  • 图  1  动密封件在高速飞行器密封位置及相关试验装置示意图[3-12]

    Figure  1.  Sealing position of dynamic seal in hypersonic vehicle and schematic of related test devices[3-12]

    图  2  多材复合高温基线密封件试验样件[8]

    Figure  2.  Experimental sample of high-temperature baseline seal with hybrid structure of multiple materials[8]

    图  3  Rene 41和Inconel X-750弹簧管的回弹性能对比:Inconel X-750 (a)和Rene 41 (b)弹簧管循环压缩20次后的形貌;(c) 不同温度下弹簧管的回弹性能对比;(d) 热处理和未热处理的弹簧管回弹性能对比[41]

    Figure  3.  Comparison of Inconel X-750 and Rene 41 spring tube resiliency: Morphology of Inconel X-750 (a) and Rene 41 (b) spring tube after 20 compression cycles; (c) Comparison of spring tube resiliency at different temperatures; (d) Comparison of spring tube resiliency for heat treated and non-heat treated[41]

    图  4  多材复合高温基线密封件的制备工艺流程图

    Figure  4.  Fabrication flow diagram of high-temperature baseline seal with hybrid structure of multiple materials

    图  5  盘根型结构编织工艺[45]

    Figure  5.  Weaving technology of packing structure[45]

    图  6  纤维编织绳的流动模型示意图[52]

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram for flow model of fiber braided rope[52]

    t, t1, t2— Flow process time in different stages; L—Seal length; R—Function of properties of both fluid and seal architecture; $\dot{M} $, $\dot{M} _{\mathrm{e}} $, $\dot{M} _{\mathrm{st}} $—Mass flow rate, vortex mass flow rate, friction mass flow rate

    图  7  金属编织弹簧管的弹性性能测试示意图[39]

    Figure  7.  Elastic performance test diagram of metallic braided spring tube[39]

    x1, x2—For compression, indicates the amount of rebound; a1, b1—Length of metallic braided spring tube in loading and unloading; a2, b2—Height of metallic braided spring tubein loading and unloading

    图  8  金属编织弹簧管的建模过程[67]

    Figure  8.  Model establishment of metallic braided spring tube[67]

    Tf—End point of ring pillar center line; r—Pin arc radius; ${\tilde f_1}(t) $—Ring pillar center line function: ${\tilde f_2}(t) $—Pin arc center line function; TA—End point of pin arc center line; D—Tube diameter; npt—Number of needles per turn; cpi—Number of coureses per inch; α—Angle between the horizontal and the center of ring pillar center line to any point on the pin arc center line; δ—Space between adjacent needle centers

    图  9  电弧射流试验模型及结果[78]

    Figure  9.  Arc jet test model and results[78]

    表  1  常见的隔热芯材

    Table  1.   Common thermal insulation core

    Material Advantage Disadvantage
    Fiber yarn High temperature stability, corrosion resistance Limited tensile strength, prone to wrinkling, wear, and deformation
    Fiber cotton Excellent thermal insulation, easy to process, lightweight Overall disorder, weak connection strength between non-fibrous
    cotton, requires regular maintenance and replacement
    Insulation blankets Easy to process, high elasticity and flexibility Heavyweight, thickness limitations, potential for delamination failure
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    表  2  纤维材料成分组成

    Table  2.   Composition of fiber materials

    Fiber material Nextel312 Nextel440 Nextel550 Nextel610
    Composition/wt% 62Al2O3 24SiO2 14B2O3 70Al2O3 28SiO2 2B2O3 73Al2O3 27SiO2 100Al2O3
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    表  3  常见的防热纤维编织外套

    Table  3.   Common heat-resistant fiber braided sheath

    Type Advantage Disadvantage
    2D braided Good abrasion resistance, relatively lightweight, low production cost Poor flexibility, low bending strength, prone to forming thermal bridges
    3D braided Superior sealing performance compared to 2D braided sheath Relatively brittle, susceptible to wear, complex production process,
    longer production cycle than 2D braided
    Reinforced Excellent tear resistance, suitable for
    high-stress environment
    Heavyweight, higher production costs
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    表  4  常见的金属编织弹簧管

    Table  4.   Common metallic braided spring tube

    Structure Advantage Disadvantage

    Bearing loads with uniform force distribution and exhibiting good longitudinal flexibility during bending deformation There is significant deformation of the silk material during the weaving process.

    Coil spring
    Providing a constant force within a certain deflection range comparing to ordinary compression springs Mainly relying on a single helical coil to provide sealing force, the sealing force is not evenly distributed, and instability is prone when subjected to radial compression.

    Excellent radial stiffness and resilience When the nodes are unconstrained or axial deformation is appeared on both ends, the spring tube is prone to radial instability. The radial compression leads to significant axial elongation deformation.
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