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许艾沿 杜运兴 潘柳景泰 朱德举

许艾沿, 杜运兴, 潘柳景泰, 等. 海水海砂混凝土中混杂碳-玄武岩纤维筋拉伸性能退化机制及寿命预测[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3677-3688. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231206.001
引用本文: 许艾沿, 杜运兴, 潘柳景泰, 等. 海水海砂混凝土中混杂碳-玄武岩纤维筋拉伸性能退化机制及寿命预测[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3677-3688. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231206.001
XU Aiyan, DU Yunxing, PAN Liujingtai, et al. Degradation mechanism of tensile properties and life prediction of hybrid carbon/basalt fiber reinforced polymer bars in seawater sea-sand concrete[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3677-3688. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231206.001
Citation: XU Aiyan, DU Yunxing, PAN Liujingtai, et al. Degradation mechanism of tensile properties and life prediction of hybrid carbon/basalt fiber reinforced polymer bars in seawater sea-sand concrete[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3677-3688. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231206.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231206.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金山东联合基金项目(U1806225)

    朱德举,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为纤维增强复合材料及其增强混凝土构件 E-mail: dzhu@hnu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Degradation mechanism of tensile properties and life prediction of hybrid carbon/basalt fiber reinforced polymer bars in seawater sea-sand concrete

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation Shandong Joint Fund Project (U1806225)
  • 摘要: 为了研究海水浸泡下海水海砂混凝土(SSC)中以环氧树脂为基体的混杂碳-玄武岩纤维复材筋(CF-BF/Epoxy)拉伸性能退化规律,在不同温度(25℃、40℃和55℃)下对SSC中的CF-BF/Epoxy进行海水浸泡,周期为60天、90天和120天,通过拉伸试验对CF-BF/Epoxy在SSC中的拉伸性能进行了研究,并利用SEM和FTIR对其微观结构的变化进行了分析。结果显示:环境温度对CF-BF/Epoxy的拉伸性能有明显影响,在55℃下浸泡120天后,抗拉强度下降了13.84%,弹性模量在3%范围内轻微波动,CF-BF/Epoxy出现伪延性;玄武岩纤维和碳纤维混杂延缓了SSC中OH进一步向CF-BF/Epoxy内部侵蚀,而外层玄武岩纤维区域的树脂水解和树脂-纤维界面退化是CF-BF/Epoxy拉伸性能退化的主要原因。最后基于Arrhenius方程预测,嵌入SSC中的CF-BF/Epoxy的抗拉强度保持率将在584~803天内降至70%。


  • 图  1  环氧树脂为基体的混杂碳-玄武岩纤维复材筋(CF-BF/Epoxy)横截面

    Figure  1.  Cross section of epoxy resin-based hybrid carbon-basalt fiber reinforcing bars (CF-BF/Epoxy)

    图  2  SSC-纤维增强复合材料(FRP)试件

    Figure  2.  Specimen of SSC-fiber reinforce polymer (FRP)

    图  3  拉伸性能试验装置

    Figure  3.  Tensile properties test setup

    图  4  SEM观测试样

    Figure  4.  SEM observation sample

    图  5  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy老化后的表面形貌

    Figure  5.  Surface morphology of CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by SSC after exposure

    HFRP denotes unaged CF-BF/Epoxy specimens; HTxDy denotes CF-BF/Epoxy specimens immersed at x℃ for y days

    图  6  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy拉伸破坏形态

    Figure  6.  Tensile failure models of CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by SSC

    图  7  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy老化前后应力-应变曲线

    Figure  7.  Stress-strain curves of CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by SSC before and after aging test

    图  8  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy的拉伸性能

    Figure  8.  Tensile properties of CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by SSC

    图  9  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy在不同老化环境下的FTIR图谱

    Figure  9.  FTIR spectra of CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by SSC under different aging conditions

    图  10  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy SEM观测点位

    Figure  10.  SEM observation positions of CF-BF/Epoxy specimens wrapped by SSC

    图  11  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy的SEM图像

    Figure  11.  SEM images of the CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by the SSC

    图  12  SSC包裹的CF-BF/Epoxy寿命预测拟合曲线

    Figure  12.  Fitted curves of CF-BF/Epoxy embedded in SSC for life prediction

    Y—Tensile strength retention

    图  13  预测CF-BF/Epoxy在指定城市长期拉伸强度的主曲线

    Figure  13.  Master curves of the predicted long-term tensile strength of CF-BF/Epoxy in given cities

    表  1  海水海砂混凝土(SSC)配合比

    Table  1.   Mixing ratio of seawater sea sand concrete (SSC)

    Cement/(kg·m−3) Artificial seawater/(kg·m−3) Coarse aggregate/(kg·m−3) Sea-sand/(kg·m−3) Water reducer/(kg·m−3)
    370 185 1113 682 0.111
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    表  2  人工海水的化学成分

    Table  2.   Chemical composition of artificial seawater

    NaCl/(g·L−1) MgCl2/(g·L−1) Na2SO4/(g·L−1) CaCl2/(g·L−1) KCl/(g·L−1) NaHCO3/(g·L−1)
    24.53 5.20 4.09 1.16 0.695 0.201
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    表  3  嵌入SSC中CF-BF/Epoxy的加速老化试验

    Table  3.   Accelerated aging test of CF-BF/Epoxy embedded in SSC

    Type of FRP bars Test environment Exposure temperature/℃ Exposure period/d Number of tensile
    test specimens
    CF-BF/Epoxy Artificial seawater immersion 25 60, 90, 120 5
    40 60, 90, 120 5
    55 60, 90, 120 5
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    表  4  CF-BF/Epoxy拉伸性能测试结果

    Table  4.   Test results of tensile properties of CF-BF/Epoxy

    Specimen of FRP bars Tensile strength Elastic modulus Ultimate strain/%
    Average/MPa Retention/% CV/% Average/GPa Retention/% CV/% Average Retention
    HFRP 2437.41 100 1.2 146.87 100 3.3 1.66 100
    HT25D60 2390.00 98.05 1.3 144.84 98.62 1.6 1.65 99.40
    HT25D90 2278.19 93.47 3.6 144.76 98.56 3.4 1.57 94.81
    HT25D120 2260.69 92.75 4.4 143.18 97.49 1.6 1.58 95.12
    HT40D60 2373.33 97.37 4.7 142.49 97.02 3.2 1.67 99.34
    HT40D90 2267.46 93.03 6.6 143.22 97.51 2.0 1.58 95.37
    HT40D120 2217.14 90.96 5.1 142.52 97.04 2.2 1.56 93.72
    HT55D60 2360.00 96.82 1.5 143.60 97.78 2.3 1.64 99.00
    HT55D90 2186.67 89.71 4.2 145.03 98.75 3.9 1.51 90.83
    HT55D120 2100.00 86.16 1.7 145.13 98.82 1.0 1.45 87.17
    Note: CV—Coefficient of variation.
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    表  5  CF-BF/Epoxy在SSC中寿命预测的时移因子(FTS)参数

    Table  5.   Time shift factor (FTS) parameters for life prediction of CF-BF/Epoxy wrapped by SSC

    Type of FRP bars Solution temperature/℃ FTS
    Qingdao (12.3℃) Fuzhou (20.1℃) Haikou (23.8℃)
    CF-BF/Epoxy 25 1.33 1.11 1.03
    40 1.81 1.51 1.39
    55 2.39 2.00 1.84
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    表  6  不同文献中FRP筋拉伸试验结果和寿命预测结果

    Table  6.   Tensile test results and life prediction of FRP bars in different literatures

    Parameters of
    FRP bar
    Exposure condition Tensile test results Life prediction Ref.
    Duration/d Tensile strength retention/% Tensile strength retention/% Service-life/years Location
    8 mm CF-BF/Epoxy SSC (pH=13.3) 120 (25℃) 92.75 70 2.6 Qingdao (12.3℃) This study
    90 (40℃) 93.03 70 1.8 Fuzhou (20.1℃)
    90 (55℃) 89.71 70 1.6 Haikou (23.8℃)
    8 mm BFRP SMSSC (pH=12.5) 180 (25℃) 86.88 70 5.1 Qingdao (12.3℃) [15]
    90 (40℃) 75.42 70 2.4 Fuzhou (20.1℃)
    90 (55℃) 60.81 70 1.7 Haikou (23.8℃)
    6 mm BFRP Simulated SSC pore
    solutions (pH=13.4)
    63 (32℃) 92.7 70 20.4 Hall's Harbor Quay (7.6℃) [16]
    63 (40℃) 81.7
    63 (55℃) 26 70 14.6 Waterloo Creek Bridge (9.9℃)
    Natural environments 91.6 5 Hall's Harbor Quay (7.6℃)
    86.4 6 Waterloo Creek Bridge (9.9℃)
    (E-glass in a vinylester matrix)
    Natural environments No significant degradation 5-8 Halls Harbor Wharf [37]
    Joffre Bridge
    Chatham Bridge
    Growchild Trail Bridge
    Waterloo Greek Bridge
    Note: SMSSC—Seawater sea sand concrete.
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