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于化童 蔡晓东 杨烨鑫 焦丹花 张道海

于化童, 蔡晓东, 杨烨鑫, 等. 含环醚结构的生物基二醇对环己烷二甲醇基聚碳酸酯的性能调控[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3602-3612. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231121.001
引用本文: 于化童, 蔡晓东, 杨烨鑫, 等. 含环醚结构的生物基二醇对环己烷二甲醇基聚碳酸酯的性能调控[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3602-3612. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231121.001
YU Huatong, CAI Xiaodong, YANG Yexin, et al. Structural and property modulation of cyclohexanedimethanol-based polycarbonates by bio-based tetrahydrofuran dimethanol with cyclic ether structures[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3602-3612. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231121.001
Citation: YU Huatong, CAI Xiaodong, YANG Yexin, et al. Structural and property modulation of cyclohexanedimethanol-based polycarbonates by bio-based tetrahydrofuran dimethanol with cyclic ether structures[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3602-3612. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231121.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231121.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(22165004);贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合基础[ZK[2021]一般248;ZK[2021]一般055;CXTD[2021]005)

    蔡晓东,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为生物基聚酯改性 E-mail: caixiaodong@gzmu.edu.cn

    焦丹花,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为生物质复合材料制备与改性 E-mail: jiaodanhua0411@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TQ323.4;TB332

Structural and property modulation of cyclohexanedimethanol-based polycarbonates by bio-based tetrahydrofuran dimethanol with cyclic ether structures

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (22165004); Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Projects (ZK[2021]248; ZK[2021]055; CXTD[2021]005)
  • 摘要: 1, 4-环己烷二甲醇基聚碳酸酯具有优异的热力学性能,但因其降解性能的影响,商业应用受到极大的限制。向其分子链中引入脂肪族单元可以有效提高降解能力,但却以牺牲其热力学性能为代价。因此,为了维持热力学与降解性能间的平衡,本文以具有环醚刚性的生物基2, 5-四氢呋喃二甲醇(THFDM)为改性单元,采用熔融酯交换缩聚法成功制备了高分子量聚(碳酸1, 4-环己烷二甲醇酯-co-碳酸2, 5-四氢呋喃二甲醇酯) (PCThC)共聚物。通过NMR图谱探究共聚物的组成和微观结构,证实了共聚物组分间的无规分布;DSC和WAXD图谱结果表明,THFDM单元的引入破坏了PCThC分子链的规整排列,使其结晶能力降低,共聚物从半结晶型过渡到无定型。THFDM中的刚性环结构有效阻止了共聚物玻璃转化温度(Tg)的快速下降,保持其较好的热稳定性;THFDM分子中的环结构赋予了聚合物更高的刚度,提高了聚合物的力学性能;此外,THFDM中的醚键改善了PCThC共聚物的亲水性,加快了水解速率,不论是在酸性或碱性缓冲溶液中,共聚物均表现出一定的降解能力。


  • 图  1  聚(碳酸1, 4-环己烷二甲醇酯-co-碳酸2, 5-四氢呋喃二甲醇酯) (PCThC)共聚物的制备过程

    Figure  1.  Preparation process of poly(1, 4-cyclohexyldimethylene-co-2, 5-tetrahydrofurandimethanol carbonate) (PCThC) copolymers

    TBT—Tetrabutyl titanate

    图  2  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的1H NMR图谱(a)、特征峰的放大图(b)

    Figure  2.  1H NMR spectra of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers (a), enlarged view of characteristic peaks (b)

    图  3  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的13C NMR图谱

    Figure  3.  13C NMR spectra of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    图  4  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物特征峰的13C NMR谱放大图(a)及分配(b)

    Figure  4.  Enlarged 13C NMR spectra (a) and characteristic peak assignments (b) of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    图  5  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的第一次升温DSC曲线图(a)和第二次升温DSC曲线图(b)

    Figure  5.  First heating DSC curves (a) and second heating DSC curves (b) of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    图  6  共聚物的玻璃转化温度Tg与共聚物中ThC单元含量的关系

    Figure  6.  Relationship between Tg and ThC unit content of copolymers

    图  7  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的热失重曲线图(TGA) (a)和微分曲线图(DTG) (b)

    Figure  7.  Thermal weight loss curves (TGA) (a) and differential curves (DTG) (b) of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    图  8  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的WAXD图谱

    Figure  8.  WAXD spectra of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    图  9  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的应变-应力曲线

    Figure  9.  Strain-stress curves of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    图  10  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物在水解过程中剩余质量与降解时间的关系图:(a) pH=2.0;(b) pH=12.0

    Figure  10.  Plot of residual mass versus degradation time during hydrolysis of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers: (a) pH=2.0; (b) pH=12.0

    图  11  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的水接触角测试

    Figure  11.  Water contact angle testing of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    表  1  聚(碳酸1, 4-环己烷二甲醇酯) (PCC)、聚(碳酸2, 5-四氢呋喃二甲醇酯) (PThC)和PCThC共聚物的分子量和特性黏度

    Table  1.   Molecular weights and characteristic viscosities of poly(1, 4-cyclohexyldimethylene carbonate) (PCC), poly(2, 5-tetrahydrofurandimethanol carbonate) (PThC), and PCThC copolymers

    Sample Mn/(g·mol−1) Mw/(g·mol−1) Ð [η]/(dL·g−1)
    PCC 33500 50000 1.49 0.94
    PC95Th5C 42700 65400 1.53 1.10
    PC90Th10C 50500 76100 1.51 1.49
    PC85Th15C 47600 72400 1.52 1.30
    PC70Th30C 41500 68500 1.65 1.19
    PC55Th45C 41300 60200 1.46 1.03
    PC40Th60C 40500 64300 1.59 1.09
    PThC 7300 10700 1.46 0.64
    Notes: Mn and Mw—Number average molecular weight and weight average molecular weight of the polymer; ЗMolecular weight distribution; [η]—Characteristic viscosity; PCyThxC—x and y represent the molar feed ratios of THFDM and CHDM to diols, respectively; CHDM—1, 4-cyclohexanedimethanol; THFDM—2,5-tetrahydrofurandimethanol.
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    表  2  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的组成

    Table  2.   Composition of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    Sample ThC unit in feedsa ThC unit in polymersb LnCC LnThC R
    PCC 0 0
    PC95Th5C 0.05 0.03 27.70 1.05 0.99
    PC90Th10C 0.10 0.09 8.36 1.07 1.05
    PC85Th15C 0.15 0.13 5.91 1.14 1.05
    PC70Th30C 0.30 0.22 5.16 1.22 1.01
    PC55Th45C 0.45 0.33 3.97 1.28 1.03
    PC40Th60C 0.60 0.52 2.71 1.42 1.07
    PThC 1 1
    Notes: a—Molar fraction of THFDM in the diol (CHDM+THFDM) feed; b—Molar fraction of ThC units in PCThC copolymers calculated by 1H NMR spectroscopy; LnCC and LnThC —Average sequence lengths of CC and ThC units; R—Randomness.
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    表  3  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的热性能参数

    Table  3.   Thermal property parameters of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    Sample Tg/℃ Tm/℃ ΔHm/(J·g−1) Td,5%/℃ Td,max/℃ Xc/%
    PCC 51.6 137.7 21.6 368 418 27.7
    PC95Th5C 50.3 136.6 18.1 367 410 17.7
    PC90Th10C 48.7 369 414
    PC85Th15C 46.7 363 414
    PC70Th30C 44.8 361 412
    PC55Th45C 42.6 328 408
    PC40Th60C 34.9 321 409
    PThC 25.3 320 401
    Notes: Tg and Tm—Glass transition temperature and melting temperature; ΔHm—Enthalpy of melting; Td,5% and Td,max —Decomposition temperature at 5wt% mass loss and the maximum decomposition rate; Xc—Degree of crystallinity.
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    表  4  PCC、PThC和PCThC共聚物的力学性能参数

    Table  4.   Mechanical property parameters of PCC, PThC, and PCThC copolymers

    Sample E/MPa σb/MPa εb/%
    PCC 351±15 29.5±1.8 174±24
    PC95Th5C 511±30 49.6±3.4 137±13
    PC90Th10C 515±27 46.2±2.2 127±16
    PC85Th15C 570±32 22.4±1.1 114±7
    PC70Th30C 501±23 29.7±2.5 159±21
    PC55Th45C 514±17 28.5±1.2 284±16
    PC40Th60C 93±25 8.1±0.2 261±34
    PThC 8±2 1.0±0.1 445±43
    Notes: E—Young's modulus; σb—Tensile strength; εb—Elongation at break.
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