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黄润 吴刘军 施鸿棋 顾英剑 潘育松

黄润, 吴刘军, 施鸿棋, 等. 面向抗肿瘤的可协同光热/化疗纳米体系的构建及其药物控释行为[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3747-3756. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231120.001
引用本文: 黄润, 吴刘军, 施鸿棋, 等. 面向抗肿瘤的可协同光热/化疗纳米体系的构建及其药物控释行为[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3747-3756. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231120.001
HUANG Run, WU Liujun, SHI Hongqi, et al. Construction of a synergistic photothermic/chemotherapeutic nanosystem for anti-tumor and study of its drug controlled release behavior[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3747-3756. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231120.001
Citation: HUANG Run, WU Liujun, SHI Hongqi, et al. Construction of a synergistic photothermic/chemotherapeutic nanosystem for anti-tumor and study of its drug controlled release behavior[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3747-3756. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231120.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231120.001
基金项目: 安徽理工大学环境友好材料与职业健康研究院(芜湖)研发专项资金(ALW2021YF07);国家自然科学基金(82071862)

    黄润,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为先进生物材料设计与开发 E-mail: runhuang@aust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TQ464;TB332

Construction of a synergistic photothermic/chemotherapeutic nanosystem for anti-tumor and study of its drug controlled release behavior

Funds: Foundation of the Institute of Environment-friendly Materials and Occupational Health of Anhui University of Science and Technology (Wuhu) (ALW2021YF07); National Natural Science Foundation of China (82071862)
  • 摘要: 传统治疗肿瘤的方式包括手术、放疗和化疗。手术治疗创伤大、易复发,放疗周期过长,尽管化疗被认为是消灭肿瘤细胞的首选但其存在着明显的毒副作用,长期化疗会严重影响患者的生存质量。因而,设计一种响应型功能载体实现抗肿瘤药物的高效运输及协同抑瘤在临床上具有广阔的前景。本文以CuS为光热剂,采用溶剂热及去模板法在CuS表面包被上介孔二氧化硅(mSiO2),借助mSiO2的大比表面积制备出高负载盐酸阿霉素(DOX)的纳米药物体系CuS@mSiO2-DOX。XRD、UV-vis、SEM、TEM及DLS结果证实成功的合成了颗粒尺寸约为300~400 nm的CuS@mSiO2-DOX纳米体系,且DOX的负载效率可高达99.76%。CuS@mSiO2-DOX在pH=5.5、45℃的条件下24 h时药物释放率达到63.44%,相比正常生理环境(pH=7.4、35℃)释放率提高了近20倍,呈现出明显的pH及温度响应释放特性。对纳米载药体系CuS@mSiO2的光热性能及体外细胞毒性进行了测试,结果显示CuS@mSiO2 表现出良好的光热稳定性、光热转换效率达到31.67%,且对正常的人肝细胞(HL-7702)呈低毒性。CuS@mSiO2纳米体系具有较好的生物相容性、良好的光热转换及载药性能,吸附DOX后体系表现出优异的pH及激光响应型药物控释性能,在联合光热-化疗协同抗肿瘤领域有望得到广泛应用。


  • 图  1  CuS@介孔二氧化硅(mSiO2)-盐酸阿霉素(DOX)的制备过程示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic representation of the preparation process of CuS@mesoporous silica (mSiO2)-doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX)

    CTAB—Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide; TEOS—Tetraethyl orthosilicate

    图  2  CuS、CuS@mSiO2、CuS@mSiO2-DOX的XRD图谱

    Figure  2.  XRD patterns of CuS, CuS@mSiO2, and CuS@mSiO2-DOX

    图  3  CuS、CuS@mSiO2和CuS@mSiO2-DOX的UV-vis-NIR吸收光谱

    Figure  3.  UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra of CuS, CuS@mSiO2 and CuS@mSiO2-DOX

    图  4  CuS (a)、CuS@mSiO2 (b)、CuS@mSiO2-DOX (c)的纳米颗粒(NPs)形貌;(d) CuS纳米颗粒TEM明场图像(右上方嵌入图为CuS颗粒内部的高分辨图像);CuS@mSiO2 (e)、CuS@mSiO2-DOX纳米颗粒(f)的TEM明场图像

    Figure  4.  Surface morphological images of CuS nanoparticle (NPs) (a), CuS@mSiO2 NPs (b) and CuS@mSiO2-DOX NPs (c); (d) TEM bright field image of CuS NPs (Inset in the upper right corner is the high resolution image inside a typical CuS NP); TEM bright-field images of CuS@mSiO2 NPs (e) and CuS@mSiO2-DOX NPs (f)

    图  5  CuS (a)、CuS@mSiO2 (b)、CuS@mSiO2-DOX (c)纳米体系的粒径分布

    Figure  5.  Size distribution of CuS (a), CuS@mSiO2 (b), and CuS@mSiO2-DOX (c) nanosystems

    图  6  CuS@mSiO2纳米体系对人肝细胞(HL-7702)的MTT毒性测试

    Figure  6.  Effect of CuS@mSiO2 nanosystem on human liver cells (HL-7702) viability by MTT assay

    图  7  DOX的标准曲线

    Figure  7.  Standard curve for DOX

    k—Ratio of absorbance to concentration, i.e., absolute correction factor

    图  8  不同pH和温度条件下的CuS@mSiO2-DOX的药物释放率曲线

    Figure  8.  Drug release rate curves for CuS@mSiO2-DOX under different pH and temperature conditions

    图  9  (a) 0.5 mg·mL−1 CuS@mSiO2激光(808 nm、1.5 W·cm−2)照射5 min、冷却15 min循环5次的温度变化曲线;(b) 不同浓度的CuS@mSiO2纳米体系溶液在激光(808 nm、1.5 W·cm−2)照射下的温度变化曲线;(c) 从图9(a)得到的时间常数τs;(d) 不同浓度的CuS@mSiO2-DOX纳米体系溶液在激光(808 nm、1.5 W·cm−2)照射下的温度变化曲线及激光照射前后CuS@mSiO2-DOX纳米体系溶液颜色变化插图;(e) 0.5 mg·mL−1 CuS@mSiO2-DOX激光(808 nm、1.5 W·cm−2)照射5 min,冷却15 min温度变化曲线;(f) 从图9(e)得到的τs

    Figure  9.  (a) Temperature change curve of 0.5 mg·mL−1 CuS@mSiO2 under laser (808 nm,1.5 W·cm−2) irradiation for 5 min and cooled for 15 min for 5 cycles; (b) Temperature change curves of different concentrations of CuS@mSiO2 solutions under laser (808 nm,1.5 W·cm−2) irradiation; (c) Time constant τs obtained from Fig. 9(a); (d) Temperature change curves of different concentrations of CuS@mSiO2-DOX solutions under laser (808 nm,1.5 W·cm−2) irradiation and the inset shows color change of CuS@mSiO2-DOX solutions before and after laser irradiation; (e) Temperature change curve of 0.5 mg·mL−1 CuS@mSiO2-DOX under laser (808 nm,1.5 W·cm−2) irradiation for 5 min and cooled for 15 min; (f) τs obtained from Fig. 9(e)

    θ—Ratio of (TTSurr) to (TMaxTSurr) when the laser irradiation is stopped at time t

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