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尹玉 陈杰 刘蓉 赵伟

尹玉, 陈杰, 刘蓉, 等. 具有亮红色发光的Tm3+/Ho3+掺杂NaErF4@NaYF4核壳纳米晶的可控制备及其上转换发光性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3591-3601. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231106.001
引用本文: 尹玉, 陈杰, 刘蓉, 等. 具有亮红色发光的Tm3+/Ho3+掺杂NaErF4@NaYF4核壳纳米晶的可控制备及其上转换发光性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(7): 3591-3601. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231106.001
YIN Yu, CHEN Jie, LIU Rong, et al. Controllable preparation and upconversion luminescence properties of Tm3+/Ho3+ doped NaErF4@NaYF4 core-shell nanocrystals with bright red emission[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3591-3601. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231106.001
Citation: YIN Yu, CHEN Jie, LIU Rong, et al. Controllable preparation and upconversion luminescence properties of Tm3+/Ho3+ doped NaErF4@NaYF4 core-shell nanocrystals with bright red emission[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(7): 3591-3601. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231106.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231106.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51902125);吉林省科技发展计划(YDZJ202101ZYTS029);吉林市科技发展计划(20210103092);第七批吉林省青年科技人才托举工程(QT202316)

    陈杰,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为稀土光功能材料的开发与应用 E-mail: jiechendr@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O734;TB332

Controllable preparation and upconversion luminescence properties of Tm3+/Ho3+ doped NaErF4@NaYF4 core-shell nanocrystals with bright red emission

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51902125); Science and Technology Development Plan of Jilin Province (YDZJ202101ZYTS029); Science and Technology Development Plan of Jilin City (20210103092); The Seventh Batch of Jilin Province Young Science and Technology Talents Promotion Project (QT202316)
  • 摘要: 为了获得具有红光发射的上转换纳米材料,以实现深层生物成像的应用,采用热分解法制备了一系列Tm3+、Ho3+掺杂NaErF4@NaYF4核壳上转换纳米晶,并对其形貌、结构和发光性能进行了表征。结果表明:所制备NaErF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+和NaErF4∶Ho3+裸核均为六方相结构,呈现良好的球形形貌,平均粒径分别为28.01 nm、23.19 nm、27.89 nm。包覆NaYF4惰性壳层后,样品晶型没有改变,形貌变为短棒状,平均长度增大至37.82 nm、38.51 nm、42.65 nm。在980 nm近红外光激发下,由于Er3+4F9/24I15/2跃迁,所制备NaErF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+和NaErF4∶Ho3+裸核均呈现明显的红光发射,且包覆NaYF4惰性壳层后,发光强度和荧光寿命都明显增加,特别是NaErF4@NaYF4核壳样品的发光强度约是NaErF4裸核的1787倍,荧光寿命达到2.04 ms。此外,与NaErF4@NaYF4纳米棒相比,NaErF4∶(Tm3+, Ho3+)@NaYF4体系中的Tm3+、Ho3+充当了能量捕获中心且与Er3+之间发生能量传递,使其具有更大的红绿发射峰比值(R/G),发光颜色更趋近于红色,与色坐标(CIE)颜色区域相一致。最后,根据发光强度与激发功率的关系,详细分析了上转换纳米晶的发光增强机制及可能存在的能量传递过程。


  • 图  1  NaErF4 ((a), (g))、NaErF4∶Tm3+ ((b), (h))、NaErF4∶Ho3+ ((c), (i))、NaErF4@NaYF4 ((d), (j))、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 ((e), (k))、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 ((f), (l))纳米粒子的HRTEM图像和尺寸分布图

    Figure  1.  HRTEM images and size distributions of NaErF4 ((a), (g)), NaErF4∶Tm3+ ((b), (h)), NaErF4∶Ho3+ ((c), (i)), NaErF4@NaYF4 ((d), (j)), NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 ((e), (k)), NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 ((f), (l)) nanoparticles

    d—Average diameter

    图  2  NaErF4 (a)、NaErF4∶Tm3+ (b)、NaErF4∶Ho3+ (c)、NaErF4@NaYF4 (d)、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 (e)、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 (f)纳米粒子的EDS图谱

    Figure  2.  EDS patterns of NaErF4 (a), NaErF4∶Tm3+ (b), NaErF4∶Ho3+ (c), NaErF4@NaYF4 (d), NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 (e), NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 (f) nanoparticles

    图  3  NaErF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+、NaErF4∶Ho3+裸核(a)及NaErF4@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4核壳纳米粒子(b)的XRD图谱

    Figure  3.  XRD patterns of NaErF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+, NaErF4∶Ho3+ core (a) and NaErF4@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 core-shell nanoparticles (b)

    图  4  在980 nm激发下不同裸核纳米粒子的上转换发射光谱(a)和红绿发射峰比值(R/G) (b)

    Figure  4.  Upconversion emission spectra of different bare core nanoparticles under 980 nm excitation (a) and ratio of red to green emission peaks (R/G) (b)

    图  5  980 nm激发下NaErF4@NaYF4 (a)、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 (b)、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 (c)核壳样品与对应裸核的上转换发射光谱对比图;不同核壳样品的上转换发射光谱(d)和红绿发射峰强度比值(R/G)图(e)

    Figure  5.  Comparison of emission spectra between bare core and core-shell samples under 980 nm excitation: (a) NaErF4@NaYF4; (b) NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4; (c) NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4; Emission spectra (d) and the ratio of red to green emission intensity (R/G) (e) of different core-shell samples

    图  6  不同裸核(a)和核壳(b)纳米粒子653 nm (Er3+4F9/24I15/2 )处发射峰强度IUC与泵浦功率P的对数图

    Figure  6.  Logarithmic plots of upconversion emission intensity IUC at 653 nm (Er3+, 4F9/24I15/2 ) versus pumping power P of bare core (a) and core-shell (b) nanoparticles

    图  7  NaErF4@NaYF4 (a)、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 (b)、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 (c)核壳纳米粒子的上转换发光机制图

    Figure  7.  Upconversion luminescence mechanism diagram of NaErF4@NaYF4 (a), NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 (b), NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 (c) core-shell nanoparticles

    GSA—Ground state absorption; ESA—Excited state absorption

    图  8  980 nm激发(Ex)下NaErF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+、NaErF4∶Ho3+裸核(a)和NaErF4@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4核壳纳米粒子中653 nm发射(Em) (b)的荧光衰减曲线

    Figure  8.  Decay curves of 653 nm emission (Em) in NaErF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+, NaErF4∶Ho3+ core (a), NaErF4@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 core-shell nanoparticles under 980 nm excitation (Ex) (b)


    图  9  980 nm激发下NaErF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+、NaErF4∶Ho3+裸核(a)及NaErF4@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4核壳(b)纳米粒子的色坐标图

    Figure  9.  Chromaticity coordinate (CIE) diagram of NaErF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+, NaErF4∶Ho3+ bare core (a) and NaErF4@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 core-shell (b) nanoparticles under 980 nm excitation

    Tc—Color temperature

    表  1  NaErF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+、NaErF4∶Ho3+及NaErF4@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4、NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4样品的色坐标参数

    Table  1.   CIE parameters of NaErF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+, NaErF4∶Ho3+, NaErF4@NaYF4, NaErF4∶Tm3+@NaYF4 and NaErF4∶Ho3+@NaYF4 samples

    No. Sample CIE (x, y) CCT/K Color
    1 NaErF4 (0.4608, 0.4652) 5067 Yellow
    2 NaErF4∶0.5%Tm3+ (0.6649, 0.3123) 2962 Red
    3 NaErF4∶0.5%Ho3+ (0.4638, 0.4969) 5103 Green-yellow
    4 NaErF4@NaYF4 (0.4711, 0.4984) 5083 Green-yellow
    5 NaErF4∶0.5%Tm3+@NaYF4 (0.6138, 0.3764) 4080 Orange-red
    6 NaErF4∶0.5%Ho3+@NaYF4 (0.5109, 0.4719) 4908 Orange
    Note: CCT—Color correlated temperature.
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