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王自柯 段建新 赵军 杨永明

王自柯, 段建新, 赵军, 等. FRP筋在不同腐蚀环境下的层间剪切性能劣化试验[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(4): 2031-2042. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230822.001
引用本文: 王自柯, 段建新, 赵军, 等. FRP筋在不同腐蚀环境下的层间剪切性能劣化试验[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(4): 2031-2042. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230822.001
WANG Zike, DUAN Jianxin, ZHAO Jun, et al. Experimental study on the degradation of interlaminar shear performance of FRP bars in different corrosive environments[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(4): 2031-2042. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230822.001
Citation: WANG Zike, DUAN Jianxin, ZHAO Jun, et al. Experimental study on the degradation of interlaminar shear performance of FRP bars in different corrosive environments[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(4): 2031-2042. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230822.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230822.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52278282);教育部创新团队发展计划(IRT_16R67);河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(21A560012);河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)项目(222102320081)

    赵军,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为纤维聚合物(FRP)筋混凝土结构 E-mail: zhaoj@zzu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TU528;TB332

Experimental study on the degradation of interlaminar shear performance of FRP bars in different corrosive environments

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52278282); Program for Innovative Research Team in University of Minister of Education of China (IRT_16R67); Key Scientific Research Project of College and University in Henan Province (21A560012); Key R&D and Promotion Special Project in Henan Province (Tackling Key Scientific and Technological Problems) (222102320081)
  • 摘要: 本文研究了玄武岩纤维、玻璃纤维及碳纤维增强聚合物(BFRP、GFRP和CFRP)筋在水、强碱溶液(pH=12.8)、弱碱溶液(pH=11)、模拟海水及酸溶液(pH=1.5)这5种腐蚀溶液环境下的性能劣化情况。通过层间剪切强度测试、水吸收试验、DMA、FTIR和SEM探究了不同老化温度(20、40和55℃)与腐蚀时间(1、2、3、6和9月)下FRP筋的纤维-树脂界面粘结性能、微观结构及化学成分等的劣化规律。试验结果表明:FRP筋的层间剪切强度受腐蚀环境的影响显著,在强碱溶液中的劣化速率远高于其他溶液,其原因是高浓度的OH离子加速了FRP筋的水解和刻蚀反应,导致大量纤维与树脂发生脱粘,最终导致层间剪切强度降低;与BFRP筋和GFRP筋相比,CFRP筋的耐久性相对优异,在相同老化条件下具有更高的层间剪切强度保留率。


  • 图  1  短梁剪切试验装置与剪切破坏试样

    Figure  1.  Interlaminar shear test set-up and specimens after interlaminar shear failure

    BFRP, GFRP, CFRP—Basalt-, glass- and carbon-fiber reinforced polymer

    图  2  纤维增强聚合物(FRP)筋老化9个月后的表面形貌

    Figure  2.  Surface morphologies of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bars aged for 9 months

    图  3  老化后FRP筋的层间剪切强度保留率

    Figure  3.  Interlaminar shear strength retention of FRP bars after aging

    图  4  FRP筋在不同温度的溶液环境下的吸水率

    Figure  4.  Water absorption results of FRP bars in different kinds of corrosion solution environments at different temperatures

    图  5  FRP筋在55℃老化9个月后的储能模量曲线

    Figure  5.  Storage modulus curves of FRP bars after aged at 55℃ for 9 months

    图  6  FRP筋在55℃下老化9个月后的损耗因子tanδ曲线

    Figure  6.  Loss factor tanδ curves of FRP bars aged at 55℃ for 9 months

    图  7  FRP筋在55℃不同溶液中tanδ峰值随老化时间的变化曲线

    Figure  7.  Variation curves of peak value of tanδ of FRP bars in different solutions at 55℃ with aging time

    图  8  FRP筋在55℃不同溶液中玻璃化转变温度Tg随老化时间的变化曲线

    Figure  8.  Variation curves of glass transition temperature Tg of FRP bars in different solutions at 55℃ with aging time

    图  9  FRP筋在55℃不同溶液中老化9个月的FTIR图谱

    Figure  9.  FTIR spectra of FRP bars aged for 9 months in different solutions at 55℃

    图  10  短梁剪切试验后BFRP筋试样的SEM图像

    Figure  10.  SEM images of BFRP bars specimens after short beam shear test

    图  12  短梁剪切试验后CFRP筋试样的SEM图像

    Figure  12.  SEM images of CFRP bars specimens after short beam shear test

    图  11  短梁剪切试验后GFRP筋试样的SEM图像

    Figure  11.  SEM images of GFRP bars specimens after short beam shear test

    表  1  4种溶液的化学成分组成

    Table  1.   Chemical composition of four kinds of solutions

    CompositionSolution 2
    Solution 3
    Solution 4
    Solution 5
    NaOH 0.9 0.012
    KOH 4.2 0.028
    Ca(OH)2 118.5 0.00074
    H2SO4 1.58
    NaCl 24.53
    MgCl2 5.20
    Na2SO4 4.09
    CaCl2 1.16
    KCl 0.695
    NaHCO3 0.201
    KBr 0.101
    H3BO3 0.027
    SrCl2 0.025
    NaF 0.003
    Note: "—" represents "not available".
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    表  2  老化后BFRP筋的层间剪切强度

    Table  2.   Interlaminar shear strength of BFRP bars after aging

    Solution 1Solution 2Solution 3Solution 4Solution 5
    20 1 45.30 3.35 45.84 4.26 45.39 3.29 43.73 4.35 43.78 5.02
    2 42.02 3.02 43.21 5.99 43.74 1.72 43.01 3.93 42.68 1.70
    3 42.41 2.72 42.46 2.68 42.74 1.20 42.84 2.66 42.94 4.68
    6 41.72 1.59 42.54 0.27 42.19 2.37 42.39 1.53 41.84 1.15
    9 41.59 0.11 42.28 3.62 41.52 0.42 42.41 3.04 41.16 6.11
    40 1 46.38 3.02 45.64 3.62 45.17 1.20 46.45 3.52 47.58 1.15
    2 41.88 2.34 40.80 4.65 41.54 3.46 42.12 4.14 42.08 3.96
    3 42.01 3.47 40.10 2.94 42.23 4.02 40.39 4.22 40.00 2.59
    6 40.04 8.13 37.65 4.95 41.90 6.65 41.02 4.54 38.97 1.47
    9 40.55 1.49 34.57 6.43 40.51 4.16 40.08 2.55 40.03 1.64
    55 1 44.14 2.16 44.33 2.87 45.67 0.95 43.41 1.59 46.55 3.86
    2 39.10 4.05 37.63 4.80 40.63 4.84 39.49 1.72 39.16 1.23
    3 38.56 1.00 34.20 4.91 38.46 2.67 39.93 2.68 39.65 3.57
    6 38.43 2.60 20.59 1.32 39.29 7.61 40.19 0.12 36.85 4.64
    9 38.56 7.21 4.87 5.02 39.00 1.12 38.93 4.99 35.11 3.80
    Note: COV—Coefficient of variation.
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    表  3  老化后GFRP筋的层间剪切强度

    Table  3.   Interlaminar shear strength of GFRP bars after aging

    Solution 1Solution 2Solution 3Solution 4Solution 5
    20 1 43.25 4.54 41.87 5.49 41.36 4.32 44.61 4.22 43.18 2.21
    2 42.32 4.60 42.84 1.58 42.96 4.75 41.71 3.97 40.39 4.62
    3 39.92 3.72 40.80 6.17 40.92 3.45 41.29 4.58 40.09 1.46
    6 40.75 5.77 40.77 4.56 40.43 2.35 42.00 8.20 40.49 3.33
    9 43.04 1.03 41.72 0.67 41.96 7.10 41.08 2.88 40.06 7.35
    40 1 45.38 3.80 40.70 4.16 43.07 1.97 42.68 3.36 44.53 3.87
    2 40.80 1.23 41.87 3.80 40.55 2.82 41.20 3.48 40.17 2.72
    3 40.57 3.72 40.54 5.28 40.60 4.50 40.90 2.76 40.03 3.20
    6 40.12 4.15 36.53 6.12 40.57 0.80 42.47 8.06 41.79 1.46
    9 42.79 1.31 21.86 3.48 40.63 2.93 41.51 1.79 40.38 2.49
    55 1 42.11 4.54 44.02 1.75 42.61 6.67 42.86 1.57 43.67 0.94
    2 40.92 6.34 37.67 9.62 39.93 2.88 41.16 3.18 39.72 4.51
    3 38.99 5.55 31.68 13.99 40.19 1.77 40.75 1.47 40.13 1.91
    6 38.49 4.84 19.90 12.58 39.87 6.02 40.41 4.57 40.45 4.17
    9 37.33 1.54 10.09 14.82 38.81 7.07 39.37 1.07 38.98 1.54
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    表  4  老化后CFRP筋的层间剪切强度

    Table  4.   Interlaminar shear strength of CFRP bars after aging

    Solution 1Solution 2Solution 3Solution 4Solution 5
    20 1 49.31 1.89 47.88 3.89 47.40 1.41 49.41 3.49 47.71 3.33
    2 46.93 3.57 46.72 2.66 47.33 1.37 47.75 0.85 46.27 5.53
    3 43.48 1.72 45.64 4.22 46.37 5.96 46.30 1.76 45.73 4.14
    6 45.34 2.55 41.06 10.04 46.97 2.80 47.04 3.69 44.77 0.54
    9 44.04 1.16 41.28 9.22 46.60 2.33 45.17 3.07 44.34 3.30
    40 1 50.22 2.01 46.24 1.81 47.50 3.70 49.01 1.29 47.45 2.55
    2 44.72 4.53 45.90 8.89 46.17 3.26 47.65 3.63 47.27 3.27
    3 44.52 2.41 39.74 5.03 45.43 7.31 44.47 5.01 46.57 2.17
    6 45.85 3.51 40.66 1.55 45.60 1.76 43.67 5.35 44.80 2.37
    9 45.56 1.35 35.70 8.23 45.50 2.50 43.05 5.02 43.68 1.37
    55 1 48.85 4.70 45.87 1.46 47.48 4.70 48.94 5.85 47.37 2.39
    2 45.46 1.89 37.14 8.67 45.24 1.90 46.56 3.17 45.24 2.49
    3 44.71 5.04 30.91 5.62 43.77 3.65 44.48 3.45 45.19 6.92
    6 45.17 2.11 27.72 8.64 45.41 4.67 43.64 3.38 44.61 2.49
    9 42.32 4.08 20.32 15.87 42.78 1.71 42.71 3.38 42.36 3.11
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