
Research progress on the stability and efficiency of the two-dimensional halide perovskite solar cells

  • 摘要: 为了实现绿色可持续发展,降低CO2的排放量,大力发展和利用光伏等清洁能源技术已成为未来能源发展的新趋势。最近,以有机-无机卤化物钙钛矿太阳能电池为代表的新一代光伏电池具有成本低、轻薄、制造简单等特点,符合未来发展的需求而备受关注。有机-无机卤化物钙钛矿材料是带隙可调的直接带隙半导体,具有较低的激子结合能、较长的载流子寿命和扩散长度以及较高的缺陷容忍度等优点,目前该类电池器件最高效率已经超过25%。但材料自身的不稳定性以及对水、热、氧、紫外光等环境因素的敏感已经成为限制其进一步发展的首要问题。而二维卤化物钙钛矿以其超高的湿度稳定性引起了各国研究者的注意,然而二维卤化物钙矿电池的效率与传统三维卤化物钙钛矿电池相比,还存在较大的差距。因此,在保持其良好稳定性的前提下提升电池的效率,是二维钙钛矿电池研究面临的关键问题。本文主要围绕二维钙钛矿的结构和制备方法讨论,针对稳定性和效率问题展开了讨论,致力于为发展制备出高效、稳定的二维卤化物钙钛矿太阳能电池提供指导。


    Abstract: To achieve green and sustainable development, reducing CO2 emissions, it is deemed necessary to continue to promote and develop clean energy technologies, such as photovoltaics solar cell technology. Among of photovoltaic technologies, the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells have the characteristics of low-cost, light weight, and simple manufacturing, which are more suitable for the requirements of future development. Perovskite materials are direct bandgap semiconductors with adjustable bandgap, which have lower exciton binding energy, longer carrier lifetime and diffusion length, and higher defect tolerance. The current maximum efficiency has exceeded 25%. However, the inherent instability of the material and sensitivity to environmental factors, such as water, heat, oxygen, and ultraviolet light, have become the primary problems limiting its further development. Recently, two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskite has attracted the attention of researchers around the world due to its ultra-high humidity stability. However, the efficiency of two-dimensional halide perovskite cells is still far behind that of traditional three-dimensional halide perovskite cells. Therefore, improving the efficiency of solar cells while maintaining excellent stability is a key problem in the research of 2D perovskite solar cells. In this paper, we mainly focus on the 2D halide perovskite film preparation and device structure, as well as efficiency and stability, and other issues to provide guidance for the development of efficient and stable 2D halide perovskite solar cells.


