In order to study the bonding performance of bamboo scrimber-concrete interface connected by adhesive and construct bond-slip constitutive model, single shear tests were carried out on 44 bamboo scrimber-concrete bonding specimens. Plus, the effects of bond lengths, widths and thicknesses of bamboo scrimber, concrete strengths, and adhesive layer thicknesses on the shear performances of bond interfaces were also taken into consideration. The results of the study show that the failure modes of the specimens are almost the same under different influencing factors. That is, debonding failure occurs on the concrete surfaces, and the cracks between the bond interfaces develop from the loading stage to the free end. The failure process can be divided into elastic stage, softening stage and debonding platform stage. With the thickness of bamboo scrimber, the strength of concrete, and the thickness of glue layer increasing, the peak shear stress of the interface also increases; however, the peak shear stress decreases with the increase of the bonding width. According to the experimental bond-slip curve, a bond-slip constitutive model of bamboo scrimber-concrete interface was established. Compared with the experimental results, this model can better reflect the relationship between the shear stress and slippage of bamboo scrimber-concrete interface.