Fatigue deformation characteristics and life prediction of ECC under uniaxial tension
摘要: 工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)多用于结构的抗震补强,其疲劳性能是工程中关注的重点。利用疲劳试验机对ECC试件进行单轴拉伸循环加载试验,分析了动力变形、损伤模型和疲劳寿命的发展规律。结果表明:单向拉伸疲劳荷载下,ECC应力-应变曲线呈疏-密-疏特点;残余应变呈三阶段发展,采用六次多项式进行拟合描述,相关系数基本大于0.9;针对第二阶段定义应变率及应变增长率两个物理量,发现拉应力比越高,应变率越大,第二阶段循环比越短;应变增长率在0.0028~0.0098之间变化,其随着拉应力比的增加而减小。用疲劳变形模量定义损伤变量,建立以循环寿命比n/N=0.7为分界点的两阶段疲劳损伤演变方程。针对应力比S=0.85进行验证,评估疲劳损伤程度并预估剩余寿命,其与试验结果对比相关性较高。Abstract: Engineering cementitious composite (ECC) is widely used in structural seismic strengthening, and its fatigue performance is the focus of engineering. The uniaxial tensile cyclic loading test of ECC specimens was carried out by fatigue testing machine, and the development law of dynamic deformation, damage model and fatigue life was analyzed. The results show that under uniaxial tensile fatigue load, the stress-strain curve of ECC is sparse-dense-sparse. Residual strain develops in three stages and is described by six polynomial fitting. The correlation coefficient is basically greater than 0.9. Two physical quantities, strain rate and strain growth rate, are defined for the second stage. It is found that the higher the tensile stress ratio is, the larger the strain rate is and the shorter the cycle ratio is in the second stage. Strain growth rate varies from 0.0028 to 0.0098 and decreases with the increase of tensile stress ratio. The damage variable is defined by fatigue deformation modulus, and the two-stage fatigue damage evolution equation is established with the cycle life ratio n/N=0.7. The stress ratio
S=0.85 was verified, and the fatigue damage degree of the specimen was evaluated and the remaining life was predicted, which was highly correlated with the test results. -
- ECC /
- tensile fatigue /
- fatigue deformation /
- fatigue damage /
- fatigue life predict
表 1 聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维的各项性能指标
Table 1 Various performance indexes of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber
Length/mm Diameter/μm Length-diameter ratio/103 Tensile strength/MPa Elastic modulus/GPa Elongation/% Density/(g·cm−3) 12 39 0.31 1600 39 17 0.91 表 2 工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)试件配合比(kg/m3)
Table 2 Mix ratio of engineered cementitious composite (ECC) specimens (kg/m3)
Cement Water Sand PVA fiber Fly ash Water-reducing admixture 380 190 190 26 253 10.1 表 3 ECC残余应变拟合六次方程相关参数
Table 3 ECC residual strain fitting six-order equation related parameters
a b c d e f g R2 S=0.95 2.18 −6.15 6.57 −3.27 0.74 −0.05 0 0.993 S=0.90 0.02 0.48 −1.22 1.1 −0.43 0.07 0 0.973 S=0.85 0.91 −2.16 1.67 −0.37 −0.09 0.05 0 0.95 S=0.80 −0.035 0.4 −0.874 0.7654 −0.307 0.05969 0.00043 0.9268 S=0.75 −0.934 3.57 −5.129 3.47 −1.12 0.161 0.0059 0.8468 S=0.70 −1.54 5.23 −6.78 4.20 −1.27 0.18 0 0.950 Notes: S—Stress ratio; a-g—Equation coefficients; R2—Correlation coefficient. 表 4 ECC残余应变拟合双对数方程相关参数
Table 4 Related parameters of ECC residual strain fitting double logarithmic equation
a b R2 S=0.95 0.59 6.7 0.984 S=0.90 0.82 6.04 0.994 S=0.85 0.74 5.89 0.999 S=0.80 0.627 5.892 0.999 S=0.75 0.885 5.18 0.998 S=0.70 0.83 5.15 0.997 表 5 不同应力比下的ECC第二阶段应变增长率
Table 5 The second-stage strain growth rate of ECC under different stress ratios
S Strain growth rate ε 0.95 0.0028 0.90 0.0042 0.85 0.0045 0.80 0.0055 0.75 0.0068 0.70 0.0098 表 6 ECC试验方程拟合参数与相关系数
Table 6 Fitting parameters and correlation coefficients of test equations for ECC
S a1 b1 c1 R2 D0.7 a2 b2 R2 0.95 0.28 19.41 −0.11 0.971 0.642 0.01 4.04 0.997 0.90 0.25 37.04 −0.04 0.978 0.783 3.26×10-14 29.52 0.996 0.85 0.06 6145.94 0.19 0.999 0.695 3.64×10-39 87.25 0.977 0.80 0.05 84328.71 0.10 0.903 0.653 4.26×10-20 43.37 0.935 0.75 0.07 25819.68 0.05 0.964 0.738 1.51×10-24 53.26 0.842 0.70 0.21 37.81 0.02 0.925 0.713 8.57×10-5 8.08 0.995 Notes: S—Stress ratio; a1, a2, b1, b2, c1—Equation coefficients; R2—Correlation coefficient. 表 7 ECC残余应变计算与疲劳寿命预测
Table 7 Residual strain calculation and fatigue life prediction of ECC
Cycle index n Residual strain Life prediction 1000 0.005580 4615.5 2 000 0.006567 4614.5 3000 0.007074 6264.4 4000 0.007896 5048.0 表 8 ECC疲劳损伤变量计算与预测
Table 8 Calculation and prediction of fatigue damage variables of ECC
Model calculation n/N D* Test result n/N D n=1 000 0.21667 0.62169 n=1 000 0.1979 0.61626 n=2 000 0.43343 0.66322 n=2 000 0.3958 0.65783 n=3 000 0.47890 0.66926 n=3 000 0.5937 0.68214 n=4 000 0.79239 0.69500 n=4 000 0.7916 0.69500 Notes: D—Damage variables; D*—Prediction of damage variables. 表 9 ECC模型预测结果与试验结果对比
Table 9 Comparison of model prediction results and test results of ECC
Stress level S=0.85 Life prediction/
Test lifeDamage prediction/
Test damagen=1000 0.9133 1.0088 n=2000 0.9132 1.0082 n=3000 1.2396 0.9812 n=4000 0.9990 1.0000 -
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