
李亮, 蔡再生

李亮, 蔡再生. 磷氮复合阻燃环氧树脂的制备及其阻燃性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(11): 2707-2717. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.003
引用本文: 李亮, 蔡再生. 磷氮复合阻燃环氧树脂的制备及其阻燃性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(11): 2707-2717. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.003
LI Liang, CAI Zaisheng. Preparation and performance of flame-retardant epoxy resin composite containing phosphorus and nitrogen[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2020, 37(11): 2707-2717. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.003
Citation: LI Liang, CAI Zaisheng. Preparation and performance of flame-retardant epoxy resin composite containing phosphorus and nitrogen[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2020, 37(11): 2707-2717. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.003


基金项目: 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究计划面上项目(19KJD430009);盐城工业职业技术学院自然科学项目(ygy1702)

    蔡再生,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为功能高分子材料 E-mail:zshcai@dhu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Preparation and performance of flame-retardant epoxy resin composite containing phosphorus and nitrogen

  • 摘要: 为改善环氧树脂的阻燃性,成功合成了一种含苯砜基和磷杂菲杂环的阻燃添加剂(FRASP)。采用傅里叶变换衰减全反射红外光谱法(ATR-FTIR)、核磁共振(NMR)和元素分析等手段对FRASP的化学结构进行表征。将FRASP添加到双酚A型环氧树脂(DGEBA)中,经4,4’-二氨基二苯甲烷(DDM)固化后,制备出DGEBA-FRASP复合树脂。FRASP质量分数为9wt%的DGEBA-FRASP复合树脂的极限氧指数(LOI)达到35.9%,垂直燃烧(UL94)的等级为V-0级。残炭的形貌和激光拉曼光谱(LRS)分析显示,FRASP促进膨胀、致密、高石墨化程度的多孔炭层的生成。热重分析表明,FRASP改变了DGEBA-FRASP复合树脂的热降解过程,促进了DGEBA-FRASP复合树脂提前热分解,使最大失重率降低,并提高了残炭量。热裂解分析显示,DGEBA-FRASP复合树脂裂解过程中产生了含磷分子和不可燃气体,可稀释O2并抑制燃烧过程中自由基链式反应。FRASP分子中P、N和S的协同作用,改善了DGEBA-FRASP复合树脂的阻燃性能。
    Abstract: A flame retardant additive with sulfone and phosphaphenanthrene groups (FRASP) was successfully synthesized for improving the flame retardancy of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A type epoxy resins (DGEBA). The chemical structure of FRASP was characterized by attenuated total internal reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and elemental analysis. FRASP was added into DGEBA, and the flame-retardant DGEBA-FRASP composite resins were prepared via thermal curing reaction between 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) and the mixed DGEBA. When the mass fraction of FRASP is 9wt%, the limiting oxygen index (LOI) reaches 35.9%, and V-0 rating under the vertical combustion (UL94) test is achieved. The morphology and Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) analysis of char residues after UL94 test indicate that the addition of FRASP favor the generation of an intumescent, tight and high-graphitization degree char layer with porous structure inside. The thermosgravimetric analysis results reveal that FRASP changes the thermal degradation process of DGEBA-FRASP composite resins and the maximum mass loss rate decreases, which results in a higher residual char. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis shows that the phosphorus fragments and nonflammable gas release during DGEBA-FRASP composite resins thermal decomposition, which can dilute the O2 and act as free radical inhibitors in combustion. Owing to the synergistic effect of P, N and S in condensed and gas phase, the DGEBA-FRASP composite resins display improved flame-retardancy.
  • 图  1   含苯砜基和磷杂菲杂环的阻燃添加剂(FRASP)的合成路线

    Figure  1.   Synthetic routes of flame retardant additive with sulfone and phosphaphenanthrene groups (FRASP)

    DP—N-phenylsulfonyl dibenzimide; DMF—N,N-dimethylformamide

    图  2   对苯二甲醛、4,4’-二氨基二苯砜(DDS)、亚胺(DP)和FRASP的FTIR图谱

    Figure  2.   FTIR spectra of 1,4-Phthalaldehyde, 4,4’-diaminodiphenylsulfon (DDS), N-phenylsulfonyl dibenzimide (DP) and FRASP

    图  3   FRASP的31P-NMR and 1H-NMR图谱

    Figure  3.   31P-NMR and 1H-NMR spectra of FRASP

    图  4   DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP树脂在UL94测试时的图片

    Figure  4.   Digital photographs of DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins in UL94 test

    图  5   DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP树脂残炭的照片和SEM图像

    Figure  5.   Digital photographs and SEM images of char residue of DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins

    图  6   N2氛围下DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP树脂热降解前(a)、残炭外部(b)和残炭内部(c)的图片

    Figure  6.   Digital photographs of DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins before degradation(a) and exterior(b) and interior(c) of char residue after degradation in N2

    图  7   DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP树脂残碳的拉曼图谱

    Figure  7.   Raman spectra of char residue of DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins


    Figure  8.   TG and DTG curves of FRASP, DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins in air atmosphere


    Figure  9.   TG and DTG curves of FRASP, DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins in N2 atmosphere

    图  10   FRASP的热裂解图谱

    Figure  10.   Pyrogram of FRASP

    图  11   DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP9树脂的热裂解图谱

    Figure  11.   Pyrograms of DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP9 resins

    表  1   双酚A型环氧树脂(DGEBA)-FRASP复合树脂的配方及FRASP的质量分数

    Table  1   Formulas of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A(DGEBA)-FRASP composite reins and mass fraction of FRASP

    Neat DGEBA 100 22 0 0
    DGEBA-FRASP3 100 22 3.77 3
    DGEBA-FRASP6 100 22 7.79 6
    DGEBA-FRASP9 100 22 12.07 9
    Notes: DDM—4,4-diaminodiphenyl methane; MFRASP—Mass fraction of FRASP in DGEBA-FRASP composite resins.
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    表  2   DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP树脂的垂直燃烧(UL94)和极限氧指数(LOI)测试结果

    Table  2   Vertical combustion (UL94) and limiting oxygen index (LOI) test results of DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins

    SampleLOI/%t1 +t2/sDrippingRating
    DGEBA 24.8 NR Yes No rating
    DGEBA-FRASP3 33.7 6.1+6.3 No V-1
    DGEBA-FRASP6 34.5 4.3+3.0 No V-0
    DGEBA-FRASP9 35.9 2.3+1.9 No V-0
    Notes: t1—Self-extinguishing time after the first ignition, take the average value of 2 sets of samples; t2—Self-extinguishing time after the second ignition, take the average value of 2 sets of samples; NR—No ranking.
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    表  3   FRASP、DGEBA和DGEBA-FRASP树脂在空气下的TGA数据

    Table  3   TGA data of FRASP, DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins in air atmosphere

    DGEBA 362.2 384.7 –1.45 1.90
    FRASP 292.1 361.4 –0.46 43.41
    DGEBA-FRASP3 343.8 374.6 –1.26 2.85
    DGEBA-FRASP6 339.1 368.3 –1.14 3.72
    DGEBA-FRASP9 332.4 363.2 –1.13 5.74
    Notes: T5%―Temperature at 5% mass loss; Tmax―Temperature at the maximum mass loss rate; Vmax―Maximum mass loss rate; CY700―Char yield at 700℃.
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    Table  4   TGA data of FRASP, DGEBA and DGEBA-FRASP resins in N2 atmosphere

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-12-30
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