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李佳欣 高铭 谭淋 戴启洲 敖天其 陈文清

李佳欣, 高铭, 谭淋, 等. 静电纺丝纳米纤维膜材料吸附处理废水中污染物的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2022, 39(4): 1378-1394. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20211008.001
引用本文: 李佳欣, 高铭, 谭淋, 等. 静电纺丝纳米纤维膜材料吸附处理废水中污染物的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2022, 39(4): 1378-1394. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20211008.001
LI Jiaxin, GAO Ming, TAN Lin, et al. Adsorption treatment of wastewater by electrospun nanofiber membranes: A review[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2022, 39(4): 1378-1394. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20211008.001
Citation: LI Jiaxin, GAO Ming, TAN Lin, et al. Adsorption treatment of wastewater by electrospun nanofiber membranes: A review[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2022, 39(4): 1378-1394. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20211008.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20211008.001

    陈文清,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为环境功能材料研制及应用技术研究、富营养化水体及污染场地评估与生态修复 E-mail: wenqingchen621@163.com

  • 中图分类号: X52

Adsorption treatment of wastewater by electrospun nanofiber membranes: A review

  • 摘要: 静电纺丝纳米纤维膜具有独特的网状结构和相连通的微孔道,作为一种新型吸附材料,具有比表面积大、孔隙率高、易改性、易回收和化学稳定性好等优势,在吸附废水中的污染物方面得到了广泛的应用。本文首先简单介绍了静电纺丝的工作原理,随后,概述了静电纺丝纳米纤维膜作为吸附剂用于水污染处理的最新研究进展,主要包括有机污染物、无机阴离子、重金属离子的吸附去除及在海水淡化方面的应用。同时,讨论了电纺纳米纤维膜对污染物的吸附机制。最后,展望了静电纺丝纳米纤维膜材料在污水处理中存在的挑战和前景。本综述无论从宏观上电纺纳米纤维膜的设计与合成还是微观的吸附去除机制,都可帮助研究者对静电纺丝纳米纤维膜材料有更深刻的理解。


  • 图  1  静电纺丝技术的发展历史

    Figure  1.  Development history of electrospinning technology

    图  2  静电纺丝装置示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of electrospinning apparatus

    图  3  使用干涉色技术的数码摄像机拍摄的射流照片[31]

    Figure  3.  Photographs of the jet obtained with a digital video camera using the interference color technique[31]

    图  4  静电纺丝纳米纤维膜作为吸附剂在废水处理中的应用

    Figure  4.  Application of electrospun nanofiber membrane as adsorbents in wastewater treatment

    图  5  超声处理制备聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)/氧化石墨烯(GO)复合膜的过程示意图:(a) 通过静电纺丝技术制备的PVDF纤维膜;(b) 在超声处理过程中PVDF膜在GO水溶液中溶胀;(c) GO迁移到溶胀的PVDF膜的孔中;(d) 停止超声处理后GO片被限制在PVDF膜中[36]

    Figure  5.  Schematic representations showing the preparation process of the composite poly vinylidene fluoride (PVDF)/graphene oxide (GO) membrane with the aid of ultrasonic treatment: (a) PVDF fibrous membrane as prepared through the electrospinning technology; (b) PVDF membrane was swelled in the GO aqueous solution during the ultrasonication process; (c) GO migrated into the pores of the swelled PVDF membrane; (d) Stopping ultrasonic treatment and GO platelets were restricted in the PVDF membrane[36]

    图  6  聚多巴胺(PDA)@二醋酸纤维素(DCA)-COOH膜的合成示意图[38]

    Figure  6.  Synthesis diagram of polydopamine (PDA)@cellulose diacetate (DCA)-COOH membrane[38]

    图  7  Fe3O4/聚丙烯腈(PAN)复合纳米纤维的制备过程

    Figure  7.  Preparation procedures of Fe3O4/polypropylene cyanide (PAN) composite nanofibers

    图  8  用电纺PAN纤维膜制备多孔芳香框架(PAF-45)-聚丙烯(PP)纤维膜的示意图[52]

    Figure  8.  Schematic representation of preparation of porous aromatic framework (PAF-45)-PP fiber membrane from electrospun PAN fiber membrane[52]

    图  9  PAN/端部开口碳纳米管(o-CNTs)复合纳米纤维的合成及对芘的吸附[53]

    Figure  9.  Synthesis of PAN/open-end carbon nanotubes (o-CNTs) composite nanofibers and adsorption of pyrene[53]

    图  10  亲水性介孔碳纳米纤维的制备、电容去离子(CDI)和模拟沙质海水的过滤[64]

    Figure  10.  Schematic illustration of the preparation of hydrophilic mesoporous carbon nanofiber fabric, capacitive deionization (CDI) and the filtration of simulated sandy seawater[64]

    表  1  不同吸附剂对废水中污染物的吸附性能比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of adsorption performance of different adsorbents for pollutants in wastewater

    AdsorbentPollutantAdsorption conditionMaximum adsorption
    Regeneration rate
    after 5 cycles
    PVDF/GO membraneMBT=30℃, adsorption time
    (24 h),100 mL MB solution
    (50 mg/L)
    PDA-MPs incorporated electrospun fibersMBpH=9.0, T=55℃1 722.1>80%[37]
    PDA@DCA-COOH membraneMB, CRdosage membranes (30 mg)
    50 mg/L MB, 100 mg/L CR
    69.89, 67.3196%, 80%[38]
    PES nanofibrous membranesMB2257.8881.45%[39]
    PES composite nanofibrous membranesRBpH=5.0, initial concentration of RB is 5 μmol/L95%[40]
    PQAMMOT=45℃, pH=3909.8>85%[41]
    Electrospun CuO-ZnO composite nanofibersCRdosage of fibers (8 mg)
    5 mL CR solution (50 mg/L)
    Hierarchical C/NiO-ZnO nanocomposite fibersCRT=30℃, pH=6-7613>98%[43]
    p(NIPAM-co-MAA)/β-CD fibersCVT=55℃, pH=91 253.78>73%[44]
    AN-co-ST electrospun nanofibersBV 14pH=6.2, 50 mL dye solution,
    0.1g fibers
    Fe3O4/PAN composite electrospun nanofiber matTCpH=6, T=25℃
    10 mg fibers, 20 mL TC solution
    SDZ solution (2.5 mg/L)
    PAF-45-PP modified electrospun fiber membraneIBPF, CLXN, DEETPPCPs solution (50 mg/L)
    Dosage of membrane
    (0.2 g/L)
    613.50, 429.18, 384.61>98%[52]
    PAN/o-CNTs electrospun nanofibersPyreneDosage of fibers (0.25 mg)
    Pyrene solution (0.2 g/L)
    MgSi/PAN composite fibersDiquatpH=8197.53[54]
    MWCNTs-LCEFMsPhenolic pollutants[55]
    One-dimension ZrO2 mesoporous fibersFpH=3, 30 mg fibers
    50 mL fluoride solution
    CNF-NiOCl0.5 g/L NaCl solution
    Voltage=1.2 V
    Hydrophilic carbon nanofiber fabricClVoltage=1.2 V19.34>94%[64]
    CNFZIFClVoltage=1.2 V,
    flow rate=20 mL/min
    CNF@Mn2O3ClVoltage=1.2 V27.43>94%[66]
    Graphene hydrogel and ZrO2−doped TiO2 nanofibersClVoltage=1.2 V9.34[67]
    Ultrathin MnOx−modified porous carbon nanofiberCl0.5 g/L NaCl solution,
    flow rate= 10 mL/min,
    voltage=1.2 V
    LNPPMPO3- 40.4 g fibers
    100 mL phosphate solution
    Chitosan/Al2O3/Fe3O4 composite nanofibrousNO- 350 mg fibers, pH=3, T=20℃
    100 mL nitrate solution
    (20 mg/L)
    ABN/TPU-NFMNO- 3Nitrate solution (25 mg/L)14.9[72]
    PAN/TiO2 composite nanofibersPb2+pH=5
    Pb2+ initial concentration is 600 mg/L
    The crosslinked PVA nanofibersPb2+Pb2+ initial concentration is 100 mg/L168.3[75]
    DR-EDTA/PAN membraneCu2+pH=6.5,T=60℃
    Adsorption time is 12 h
    MgAl-EDTA-LDH@PAN composite membraneCu2+Cu2+ initial concentration (64 mg/L)
    Dosage of membrane
    (1.50 g/L)
    PVC/TNT composite membranesCu2+94%[78]
    PS fibrous mats coated with CS-REC nanospheresCu2+pH=3
    Cu2+ initial concentration (50 mg/L)
    PAN/TiO2 electrospun nanofibersCd2+pH=7
    Cd2+ initial concentration (600 mg/L)
    EDTA-EDA-PAN modified nanofibersCd2+T=25℃32.68>55%[81]
    PAN/MOF-808“hydractivated” composite membraneCd2+pH=4.6±0.2
    Dosage of membrane
    (20 mg)
    30 mL Cd2+ solution
    EDTA-EDA-PAN modified nanofibersCr(VI)T=25℃66.2490%[81]
    Nanosized chitosan fibersCr(VI)pH=3131.58[83]
    PAN/PEI/Ppy nanofiber membraneCr(VI)pH=3
    Cr(VI) initial concentration (400 mg/L)
    ZCNsAs(III), As(V)T=40℃28.61, 106.5790%[85]
    Ce-CHT/PVA complex fiberAs(III)18.0[86]
    PAN/SiO2/APTES composite nanofiber membraneTh4+, U6+T=45℃249.4, 193.1>88%[87]
    PAN/CNS nanofibrous membraneLa3+174.580%[88]
    PAA-S HNFsLa3+, Eu3+, Tb3+pH=6
    Initial concentration is
    250 mg/L
    232.6, 268.8, 250.070%[89]
    Notes: PVDF/GO—Poly vinylidene fluoride/graphene oxide; PDA-MPs—Polydopamine microspheres; PES—Polyethersulfone; PQAM—Poly(quaternary ammonium) modified nanofibrous membranes; p(NIPAM-co-MAA)/β-CD—Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid)/β-cyclodextrin; AN-co-ST—Acrylonitrile-co-styrene; PAN—Polyacrylonitrile; MMT-CA-NFM—Montmorillonite-impregnated cellulose acetate nanofiber membranes; CNF—Carbon nanofiber; PAFs—Porous aromatic frameworks; FM—Fiber membrane; MWCNTs-LCEFMs—Laccase-carrying electrospun fibrous membranes; PEI—Polyethyleneimine; ABN/TPU-NFM—ABN impregnated electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane nanofibrous membrane; DR-EDTA/PAN—Diazoresin-ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid/polyacrylonitrile; CS-REC—Chitosan-rectorite; EDA—Ethylenediamine; Ppy—Polypyrrole; ZCNs—Zirconia embedded in carbon nanowires; CHT—Chitin; APTES—Aminopropyltriethoxysilane; CNS—Carbonaceous nanospheres; PAA-S HNFs—Polyacrylic acid−silica hydrogel nanofibers; MB—Methylene blue; CR—Congo red; MO—Methyl orange; RB—Rhodamine B; CV—Crystal violet; BV 14—Basic violet 14; TC—Tetracycline; CIP—Ciprofloxacin; SDZ—Sulfadiazine; PPCP—Pharmaceuticals and personal care product; IBPF—Ibuprofen; CLXN—Chloroxylenol; DEET—N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide.
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