
Preparation of highly salt-resistant MoS2-based hydrogel and its desalination performance

  • 摘要: 全球淡水资源短缺问题越来越严重,急需开发一种新的途径来缓解。太阳能驱动的界面光热蒸发是一种环保且节能的海水淡化和废水净化技术。以MoS2和海藻酸钠为原料,通过浸渍法和交联法将其负载在三聚氰胺海绵(MS),成功制备了可用于太阳能驱动界面光热蒸发的MoS2/MS复合海藻酸钙(MMCA)水凝胶。MMCA水凝胶的三维多孔网络结构和MoS2有助于实现太阳光的高效捕获,相互交联的多孔通道和海藻酸钙有利于水汽的充分传输和逸出。在1个太阳光强度的照射下,MMCA水凝胶表现出3.806 kg·m−2·h−1的蒸发速率和96.87%的光热转换效率。MMCA水凝胶具有很强的抗盐性和耐盐性,能在Na+含量约为1.0 wt.%的海水中保持3.745 kg·m−2·h−1的蒸发速率并且不会发生盐沉积。此外,MMCA水凝胶也对有机染料污染物表现出99%以上的去除率,具有极高的去除效果。MMCA水凝胶具有制备工艺简单、亲水性能优良和蒸发性能良好的特点,在海水淡化和废水净化领域具有较大的应用前景。


    Abstract: The global shortage of freshwater resources was becoming more and more serious, therefore it was necessary to obtain freshwater by desalinate seawater resources. Solar-driven interfacial photothermal evaporation, which was an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient technology, had been used to desalinate seawater for water purification and production. The MoS2/MS composite calcium alginate (MMCA) hydrogels, which could be used for solar-driven interfacial photothermal evaporation, were successfully prepared by loading MoS2 and sodium alginate onto melamine sponge (MS) by impregnation and cross-linking methods. The three-dimensional porous network structure and MoS2 of MMCA hydrogels help to achieve efficient solar light trapping, and the interconnected porous channels and calcium alginate facilitate adequate water vapor transport and escape. The MMCA hydrogel exhibited an evaporation rate of 3.806 kg·m−2·h−1 and a photothermal conversion efficiency of 96.87% under 1 solar intensity. The MMCA hydrogel is highly salt resistant and salt tolerant, maintaining an evaporation rate of 3.745 kg·m−2·h−1 in seawater with a Na+ content of about 1.0 wt.% without salt deposition. In addition, the MMCA hydrogel also showed a removal rate of more than 99% for organic dye pollutants, which is a very high removal effect. MMCA hydrogel has a simple preparation process, excellent hydrophilicity and good evaporation performance, and it has a greater application prospect in the field of seawater desalination and wastewater purification.


