Cost modeling for composite structure fabrication and its code development
摘要: 基于制造工艺过程的成本估算模型,采用Delphi 可视化编程语言和SQL server数据库开发工具,开发了复合材料制造成本评估软件。介绍了基于制造工艺过程的成本估算模型的基本特点,重点讨论了工艺时间模型并分析了构件复杂程度对工艺时间的影响。此外,通过引入曲率熵的概念,对前人提出的构件复杂性因子进行了改进,以便更合理地描述构件的复杂度。提出了成本估算软件的总体方案,确定了软件实现流程,并建立了成本数据库管理系统。列举了用该软件对一种复合材料单曲率板的制造成本进行估算的过程。应用所开发的软件对某型飞机的复合材料副翼和金属副翼的制造成本进行了估算,估算结果表明,复合材料副翼由于采用了低成本工艺与整体化的设计理念,其制造成本低于金属副翼。Abstract: The primary objective of this paper is to develop the cost estimation software for composite fabrication based on the existing cost models. On the basis of the manufacturing process-based cost modeling,a cost estimation code was developed by using software Delphi and SQL server. The fundamental features,time scaling laws and complexity scaling of the cost modeling were discussed in detail. Moreover,the product complexity scaling factor defined by previous researchers was improved to characterize the complexity of products by introducing a curvature entropy concept. The whole scheme and flow of the cost estimation code were proposed,and the cost database management was established. The cost of a simple curved composite part was evaluated using the developed code. The costs of two kinds of ailerons manufactured with advanced composite and traditional metal materials were also estimated. The results indicate that the manufacturing cost of the composite aileron is lower than that of the metal aileron because of using the low-cost process and integrated design concept.