
INVESTIGATION INTO THE ENERGY ABSORPTION AND FAILURE CHARACTERISTICS OF SYNTACTIC FOAMS AT HIGH STRAIN RATES(1.Institute of Solid Mechanics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China;

  • 摘要: 通过SHPB冲击实验装置对空心玻璃微球填充聚氨酯复合泡沫塑料进行了动态压缩实验,获得了不同密度复合泡沫塑料在高应变率加载条件下的应力-应变曲线,研究了材料的动态力学性能。基于所获得的应力-应变曲线,进一步分析和讨论了复合泡沫塑料的能量吸收特性,发现材料最佳吸能点的包络线是同一直线。此外,通过动态变形试件的扫描电镜分析,还研究了这类新材料的动态失效问题。


    Abstract: Some dynamic compressive tests about polyurethane rigid (PUR) syntactic foams have been done by SHPB experimental set. The stress-strain curves of PUR syntactic foams of 3 different densities are obtained at higher strain rates and their dynamic mechanical properties are also investigated at the same time. Based on all the stress-strain curves obtained, the characteristics of the energy absorption of PUR syntactic foams are analyzed and discussed furthermore. It is found that the envelope of optimum energy absorption of PUR syntactic foams is the same line in the energy absorption diagram. In addition, the dynamic failure characteristics are studied by means of SEM analyses for PUR syntactic foams specimens after loading.


