摘要: 对复合材料开口补强层合板进行压缩试验研究。对复合材料开口非补强和开口补强层合板建立有限元模型,采用三维8节点厚壳单元 ( S8R),分别利用非线性分析和线性分析方法对复合材料的应力-应变响应进行模拟。通过试验数据与数值结果对比发现,几何非线性分析方法较线弹性分析方法能更好地符合试验结果。通过编制材料子程序 (UMAT) 来预测材料的损伤萌生和扩展,预测的应力-应变响应、损伤扩展、失效强度基本与试验结果一致。Abstract: The compressive experiments and the corresponding finite element modeling were studied for the repaired composite laminates under compressive static load to evaluate the efficiency of repaired panels. The geometric non-linear and linear methods were applied to compute the stress-strain response of the repaired and the unrepaired laminates. The finite element models were analyzed with the three-dimensional S8R shell elements. The non-linear geometry effect was incorporated in the present analysis, and the user material subroutine (UMAT) was programmed to predict the damage initiation and its progression. The predicted strain distribution, damage evolution and strength of the laminates are verified with the experimental results.
- composite laminates /
- finite element /
- mechanical properties /
- damage
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