采用SEM、TEM、DSC及材料力学性能实验方法研究了马来酸酐 ( MAH ) 接枝乙烯-辛烯共聚物弹性体 ( POE ) 对PA66/POE共混材料形态、微结构及力学性能的影响。结果表明:热引发官能化POE产物 ( POE-g-MAH ) 可显著改善PA66/POE共混材料的相容性,使材料分散相尺寸减小,分布均匀,且材料缺口冲击强度显著增大。实验发现,PA66/POE-g-MAH共混材料分散相的弹性体颗粒内部存在较多份量的有序结构,材料中的分散相颗粒具有明显促进结晶的作用,此作用引起PA66基体结晶温度增加,结晶度增大,并在分散相质量分数为15% 的脆韧转变条件下,达到极大值。试样熔体的冷却速率越快,则此种促进结晶的作用就越明显。
The effect of maleic anhydride (MAH) grafted POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) on the morphology, microstructure and mechanical properties of PA66/POE blends was investigated by means of SEM, TEM, DSC and mechanical properties measurement. The results show that the grafted product (POE-g-MAH) can improve the miscibility between PA66 and POE, decrease the particle size of dispersion phase and obviously increase the charpy notched impact strength of these blends. It was found that there are more regular structures in the dispersion phase elastomer particles of PA66/POE-g-MAH blends than those in the particles of PA66/POE blends; the dispersion phase elastomer particles of PA66/POE-g-MAH blends can accelerate crystallization of the matrix, and increase the crystallization temperature Tcd and the crystallization enthalpy ΔHc of the PA66 matrix. In the case when the brittle-ductile transition of the blend occurs, the accelerating action reaches the strongest, and the values of Tcd and ΔHc reach maximum; the faster the cooling rate of the melt specimens, the stronger the accelerating action of the particles.