固化度与固化收缩对非对称复合材料 层合板固化变形的影响
Influence of degree of cure and cure shrinkage on the finial deformation of the unsymmetric composite laminates
摘要: 采用三维有限元方法研究复合材料非对称层合板在热载荷和固化收缩载荷下的固化变形情况, 建立了材料力学特性、 固化体积收缩量和温度与固化度之间的函数关系, 考察了层合板变形曲率与温度和固化度之间的关系。数值计算结果表明: 非对称层合板变形曲率与固化终止时固化度有密切关系; 固化变形主要发生在降温阶段; 固化收缩对层合板变形曲率影响很小, 主要发生在第二个保温平台的前半段。Abstract: The deformation of the composite unsymmetric laminates subjected to the thermal and chemical volume-tric shrinkage load was investigated by the three dimensional finite element methods during the curing process. The material mechanical properties and chemical volumetric shrinkage were expressed as the function of the temperature as well as the degree of cure. The relationship between the laminate curvature and the temperature and degree of cure was studied. The results of the numerical simulation show that the laminates curvature was closely related to the degree of cure at the moment when the cure process terminated; most of the process-induced deformation was generated in the cooling stage; the chemical volumetric shrinkage has slight influence on the laminate deformation and it mainly occurs at the first half of the second temperature dwelling.