
Fabrication and properties of 1-3 cement based piezoelectric composites

  • 摘要: 采用切割-浇注法, 以硫铝酸盐水泥为基体, 制备了1-3型水泥基压电复合材料。详细阐述了1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的制备过程; 研究了0.375Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.375PbTiO3-0.25PbZrO3压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t对1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的压电性能、 介电性能和声阻抗的影响。结果表明: 压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t对1-3型水泥基压电复合材料性能有很大影响, 随着w/t的增加, 其压电应变常数d33、 机电耦合系数KpKt、 机械品质因数Qm、 介电常数εr和介电损耗tanδ均随着w/t的增加而减小, 而压电电压常数g33值几乎不受w/t的影响。在压电陶瓷体积分数仅为22.72%的条件下, 调节压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t至0.130, 可使复合材料的声阻抗与混凝土的声阻抗十分接近, 从而有效地解决了智能材料在土木工程中的声阻抗相容性问题。


    Abstract: 1-3 cement based piezoelectric composites were fabricated using cement as matrix by the cut-filling method. The fabrication procedure of the composites was introduced in detail. The effects of width to thickness w/t ratio of the 0.375Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.375PbTiO3-0.25PbZrO3 piezoelectric ceramic rod on the piezoelectric pro-perties, dielectric properties and acoustic impedance of the composites were studied. The results indicate that the piezoelectric constant d33, the electromechanical coupling coefficients Kp and Kt, dielectric constant εr and dielectric loss tanδ are all dependent on the ratio of width to thickness w/t of piezoelectric ceramic rods. By changing the w/t of piezoelectric ceramic rods, the acoustic impedance of the composites can be tailored to match that of the concrete, which shows that 1-3 cement based piezoelectric composite is suitable to be applied in civil structural health monitoring.


