
Synthesis and properties of an SiC/Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z discontinuous reinforced ceramic composite

  • 摘要: 以聚硅氧烷类有机硅树脂YR3370(GE toshiba silicones)裂解生成的无定形Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z陶瓷为基质, 以0.8μm SiC颗粒为非连续增强介质, 制备了一种SiC/Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z非连续增强陶瓷基复合材料。含SiC颗粒50%的素坯在99.99%N2气流中于1100~1300℃下保温1h, 所制备的陶瓷基复合材料密度可达2.27g/cm3, 维氏硬度可达741kg/mm2。通过结构模拟和强度计算分析了SiC/Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z陶瓷基复合材料的力学性能, 其结构特点是连续的无定形Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z陶瓷基质包围着分散的作为非连续增强介质的SiC颗粒, 基质与增强介质之间具有合理的热匹配, 并且可以改善单一陶瓷材料的脆性。


    Abstract: Using the amorphous Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z ceramic pyrolyzed from polysiloxane silicon resin YR3370 (GE toshiba silicones) as the matrix, and 0.8μm SiC particle as the discontinuous reinforcement, an SiC/Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z discontinuous reinforced ceramic composite was prepared. When the biscuit contains 50% of SiC particle and is pyrolyzed in a 99.99% nitrogen flux at 1100~1300℃ for 1h, the ceramic matrix composite has a density of 2.27g/cm3 and a Vickers hardness of 741kg/mm2. The mechanics properties of the composite were discussed through structure modeling and strength calculation. The characteristic of the composite structure is that the discontinuous reinforcement SiC particles are wrapped in the continuous amorphous Si<em>xO<em>yC<em>z ceramic matrix, and there is reasonable thermal expansion compatibility between them, which can improve the brittleness of monolithic ceramic materials.


