Experimental study on acid and alkali resistance of basalt fiber used for composites
摘要: 考察了国产BF-CSH-01玄武岩纤维的耐酸碱性能, 对其在80℃ 2mol/L盐酸和氢氧化钠溶液中腐蚀不同周期后的质量变化、 单丝强度、 丝束拉伸性能及复合材料弯曲性能进行了实验研究, 并与前期研究的国产BF-CMD-01玄武岩纤维的耐酸碱性进行了对比。结果表明, BF-CSH-01玄武岩纤维耐酸性能优于其耐碱性能, 与BF-CMD-01纤维耐酸碱性相反。BF-CSH-01纤维酸碱腐蚀过程中的质量和强度下降规律存在较大差异: 在酸性介质中, 纤维强度及质量均缓慢降低, 而在碱性介质中, 纤维质量损失很少时强度即有大幅下降。 BF-CSH-01丝束拉伸强度和复合材料弯曲强度受酸碱腐蚀影响较大, 与单丝强度的变化规律一致, 而模量下降较小。Abstract: In order to study the corrosion property of a kind of domestic continuous basalt fiber BF-CSH-01, the mass loss, monofilament strength, tensile properties of tows and flexural strength of the composites were investigated in different immersion periods of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid of 2mol/L at 80℃. The results indicate that the acid resistance of this basalt fiber is better than the alkali resistance, which is contrary to BF-CMD-01 basalt fiber studied before. The tensile strength of BF-CSH-01 monofilament declines synchronously with the mass in acid mediums, while the tensile strength declines intensively with the little mass change in alkali mediums. The acid and alkali have a great effect on the tensile strength of the tows and on the flexural strength of its reinforced composites. The regularity of strength is in conformity to monofilament while the modulus is insensitive.