Cure kinetics of the resin system for CFRP pressure vessel with ultrathin metallic liner
摘要: 应用动态差示扫描量热(DSC)方法对炭纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)压力容器树脂体系固化反应进行分析。树脂体系的活化能通过等转化率法获得, 假设反应机制服从自催化方程, 应用本文中提出的区间法建立了树脂体系固化动力学模型。通过固化过程中温度场实验可知, 针对具有超薄金属内衬复合材料压力容器树脂体系, 应用区间法建立的固化动力学模型的计算结果与实验结果吻合较好, 可以为具有超薄金属内衬的CFRP压力容器温度场、 残余应力场的数值模拟提供必要子模型。Abstract: The non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique was used to study the cure kinetics of the resin system for the CFRP pressure vessel. The activation energy of the resin system was estimated by the isoconversional method. The reaction mechanism was assumed to subject to an autocatalytic equation. The interval method presented in this paper was used to establish a cure kinetics model for the resin system. According to the temperature test during the curing process, the result calculated using the cure kinetics model shows a good match with the experimental data, which indicates that the cure kinetic model established by the interval method can present a necessary sub-model for simulating the temperature and residual stress fields of the CFRP pressure vessel with an ultrathin metallic liner.