
Influence factors of vacuum assisted resin transfer molding process for 3D spacer fabric composites

  • 摘要: 三维夹芯层连织物复合材料是由纤维连续织造呈空芯结构的织物作为增强体制备而成的新型轻质复合材料, 本文中以三维夹芯层连织物复合材料为研究对象, 发展了适用于酚醛树脂的真空辅助成型工艺方法, 重点考察了影响复合材料制造质量的关键因素。结果表明, 芯柱高度对织物的抗压缩能力与厚度回复率影响显著, 热处理有利于织物的厚度回复; 注射过程中, 树脂沿织物平面纬向渗透速率大于经向, 使用高渗透率介质层、 降低树脂黏度有助于提高树脂在层连织物中的分布均匀性。


    Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) spacer fabric composite is a new light-weight sandwich structure, the reinforcement of which is integrally woven with a hollow core. A vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process was used for the fabrication of 3D spacer fabric composites with phenolic matrix. The key process problems, such as infusion process, fabric thickness recovery and resin distribution, were investigated systematically, and the influence factors were discussed. The results indicate that higher fiber volume fraction can be achieved for thicker 3D spacer fabric composite. The resin impregnation velocity in the weft direction is larger than that in the warp direction. And heat treatment enhances thickness recovery properties effectively. Besides, high permeability media(HPM) and low viscosity are helpful to resin distribution.


