
Protein absorption on the triethyl phosphate modified titanium surface

  • 摘要: 通过磷酸三乙酯对钛表面进行改性,使表面含有机磷并且具有一定的疏水性。考察了不同初始浓度、温度和pH值条件下,小牛血清白蛋白(BSA)在钛表面的吸附行为,通过紫外分光光度计表征了BSA吸附的动力学特征。研究发现,在与含磷钛表面接触的前40 min内,BSA发生迅速吸附,随后逐渐达到动态平衡。根据Langmiur理论计算获得吸附等温线和最大吸附量。通过红外光谱和X射线光电子能谱分析表明BSA化学吸附到表面。对BSA在改性钛表面的吸附机制进行了初步的分析。


    Abstract: The titanium surface was modified by triethyl phosphate (TEP) to decrease its hydrophilicity. The BSA adsorption on the surface was investigated at different initial concentrations, different temperatures and pH values. The adsorption dynamics was examined by the ultraviolet visible absorption spectrograph (UV). The reason shows that during adsorption the BSA concentration in the solution sharply decreases in the first 40 min and then tends to be constant. The isotherm and adsorbed quantity were obtained according to the Langmiur formula. The BSA can be adsorpted onto the surface as shown by the Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


