
Effect of CaCO3 fillers on volume shrinkage of unsaturated polyester and their mechanism

  • 摘要: 研究了CaCO3填料对不饱和聚酯树脂(UP)体积收缩性能的影响,通过SEM、DSC、TG和溶胀实验研究了其作用机制。填料的加入导致填料/UP复合体系的体积收缩率先上升,后下降;用偶联剂对填料进行表面处理后加入复合体系中发现,复合体系的体积收缩率变小。填料主要通过以下3个方面影响复合体系的体积收缩:填料取代了部分树脂,有利于体系的体积收缩率下降;复合体系固化后在填料及UP界面处形成空隙,有利于复合体系体积收缩率的降低;填料抑制苯乙烯的挥发,导致体系中不饱和聚酯固化密度增大,使体系体积收缩率上升。偶联剂的加入增加了填料与树脂的界面作用力,且可使苯乙烯的挥发量增加,导致其交联密度下降,使体积收缩率下降。


    Abstract: The effect of fillers on the volume shrinkage of the unsaturated polyester (UP) was studied. And the mechanism of CaCO3 fillers influence on the volume shrinkage of UP was investigated by SEM,DSC,TG and swelling test. With the increase of the fillers in the CaCO3/UP composites,the volume shrinkage ratio of the composites is improved at a lower filler amount,and then decreased at higher filler amounts. Compared with the composites obtained with the CaCO3 fillers untreated with coupling agent,the composites obtained with the CaCO3 fillers treated with coupling agent had a smaller volume shrinkage ratio. It was found that the CaCO3 fillers influence the volume shrinkage of the composites by the following ways:in the composites the resin is replaced by fillers and the form of cavity between the interface of the resin and the fillers is beneficial to the decrease in volume shrinkage;the decrease of volatility of styrene by the fillers causes the decrease of the crosslinking density of the composites,resulting in increase of the volume shrinkage. The improvement of interface action between the fillers and the resin,and the decrease of volatility of styrene as a result of coupling agent application result in the decrease of crosslinking density,leading to the decrease of the volume shrinkage. 


