Evaluation method for technology maturity of composite aircraft structure
摘要: 飞机设计人员在飞机总体方案论证阶段对主要结构件进行选材时, 需要对复合材料飞机结构的技术成熟度进行评估, 以确定是否选用复合材料。借鉴技术完备等级(TRL) 标准, 提出了一个复合材料飞机结构技术成熟度定量评价方法(TEMCAS)。TEMCAS 方法将复合材料飞机结构的技术成熟度分为 8 个等级, 涵盖了复合材料结构技术从设计需求到结构应用的整个过程, 通过对波音公司复合材料机身结构技术的技术成熟度评价实例证明了其有效性。在飞机总体方案论证阶段可以利用TEMCAS 方法, 对复合材料飞机结构技术的成熟度进行定量分析, 为初步选材复合材料结构应用的决策和风险评估提供依据。Abstract: In aircraftps overall plan design phase, designers have to evaluate the technology maturity of the composite aircraft structure to determine whether the composite will be applied to the given component . A quantitative evaluation method for technology maturity of composite aircraft structure (TEMCAS) is proposed according to technology readiness levels (TRL) standard. This evaluation method divides the technology maturity of the advanced composite aircraft structure into eight scales, covering all research and development processes, i. e. from demand research to production application. This method was further applied to evaluate the technology maturity of advanced technology fuselage composite of Boeing Company. It can be applied in the overall plan design phase to reduce the risk of aircraft-development and the impact of compositeps application on aircraft-development schedule.