玄武岩纤维丝束强度的 Weibull 和G auss分布统计分析
Bundle strength statistics of basalt fiber with Weibull model and G auss model
摘要: 通过假设检验验证了Weibull及Gauss分布模型对玄武岩纤维丝束强度统计分析的适用性,并用2种分布模型对BF-CSH-01、BF-CMD-02和BF-CAH-01 等3种纤维不同长度丝束的拉伸强度分布进行了统计分析。当纤维种类和试样长度变化时,采用2种模型统计的丝束强度的变化规律一致,即3种纤维中BF-CSH-01强度最高,BF-CMD-02的强度分散性最小;同种纤维中,随着试样长度的增加,丝束强度下降,强度分散性减小。2种分布模型相比,采用Weibull 模型计算的丝束强度略高于 Gauss模型,但强度分散性稍大。Abstract: The applicability of Weibull distribution model and Gauss distribution model was confirmed by hypothesis testing in the bundle strength statistics of basal fibers. The bundle st rength dist ributions in different lengths of basalt fiber BF-CSH-01 , BF-CMD-02 and BF-CAH-01 were analyzed with both the models. When the fiber and sample length change , the bundle strength transformation trends are the same in the two models. Among the three kinds of basalt fibers , the fiber BF-CSH-01 has the highest bundle strength and the fiber BF-CMD-02 has the smallest variation coefficient . For the same basalt fiber , when the sample length increases , the bundle strengths and the variation coefficient s of the strength decrease. A comparison between the Weibull model and Gauss model shows that the former has the higher bundle strength and a bigger variation coefficient .