Piezoresistivity of cement-based materials with acetylene carbon black
摘要: 为探讨乙炔炭黑水泥基复合材料的压敏性,验证了利用基于埋入式环状电极的四电极法测试复合材料电阻的可行性;研究了一次加载至破坏时乙炔炭黑水泥基复合材料的电阻率变化规律,并通过在弹性阶段的加载考察了乙炔炭黑水泥基复合材料压敏性的重现性;分析了测试电流和试件偏压对压敏性的影响。研究结果表明,基于埋入式环状电极的四电极法测试压敏水泥基材料的电阻误差小于10 %,用于复合材料电阻的测试是可行的。掺量15 vol%的乙炔炭黑水泥基复合材料一次加载至破坏,电阻率变化率最大可达55 %,弹性阶段电阻率变化率可达35 %以上,且其压敏性基本不受测试电流和试件偏压的影响。乙炔炭黑是制备具有高感知灵敏度的压敏水泥基材料的一种有效功能组分。Abstract: The feasibility of measuring the electrical resistance by using the four electrode method based on the embedded loop electrode was verified in order to explore the piezoresistivity of cement-based materials with acetylene carbon black. The variation regularity of electrical resistivity of cement-based materials with acetylene carbon black was studied under single compressive loading. The reproducibility of piezoresistivity of these cement-based materials within the elastic regime was also investigated. The influence of measurement current and eccentric loading on the piezoresistivity of cement-based materials with acetylene carbon black was discussed. The research results show that the errors of electrical resistance measured by using the four elect rode method based on the embedded loop elect rode are lower than 10 %,which indicates that the four electrode method based on the embedded loop electrode is feasible for measuring electrical resistance. The fractional change in electrical resistivity of cement-based materials with 15 vol% acetylene carbon black goes up to 55 % and 35 % under single compressive loading and within the elastic regime,respectively. And the piezoresistivity is almost free from the influence of measurement current and eccentric loading. These findings suggest that the acetylene carbon black is an effective component for manufacturing piezoresistive cement-based materials with high sensitivity.