
Nonl inear dynamic response for shallow spherical moderate thick shells with damage under low velocity impact

  • 摘要: 基于中厚壳几何非线性理论和损伤理论 , 采用应变描述的失效准则 , 导出了层合浅球壳含基体损伤和纤维2基体剪切损伤的损伤本构关系 , 建立了低速冲击下轴对称正交对称铺设层合中厚浅球壳的非线性运动控制方程。对未知函数在空间域采用正交配置法离散 , 时间域采用 Newmark2 β方法离散 , 对整个问题进行迭代求解。数值结果表明 , 损伤、 冲击物的初速度以及结构的几何参数都在不同程度上影响着低速冲击下结构所受的冲击载荷和结构的非线性动力响应。


    Abstract: Based on the geomet ric nonlinear theory of the moderate-thick shallow spherical shells and the damage
    theory , the constitutive relation for the laminated shallow spherical shells with mat rix damage and matrix-fiber shear damage was established by employing a st rain-based failure criterion. And a set of nonlinear equations of motion for the cross-plylaminated moderate-thick shallow spherical shells under the low velocity impact were derived. By using the orthogonal collocation point method and the Newmark method to discrete the unknown variable functions in space domain and in time domain respectively , the whole problem is solved by the iterative method synthetically. The numerical result s show that the damage , the initial velocity of the st riking object , and the shell geomet rical parameters all affect the contact force and the dynamic response of the st ructure under the low velocity impact to some extent .


