合金元素对 Nb2Mo2Si合金相平衡及Nb2 Nb 5Si 3共晶组织形态的影响

Effect of alloying additions on the phase equil ibria and Nb2 Nb 5Si 3 eutectic morphologies of Nb2Mo2Si alloys

  • 摘要: 采用电弧熔炼法制备了 Nb220Si210Mo、Nb220Si210Mo23M (M = Cr , Al , Ti) (原子分数) 四种 Nb2Mo2Si基超高温合金。利用 SEM、EDS、XRD等实验技术对铸造合金的相组成与组织形态进行了观察和分析。Nb220Si210Mo 合金由铌固溶体 (Nb SS) 与βNb 5Si 3化合物两相构成 , 其铸造组织包含大量片层状共晶 (Nb SS 2βNb 5Si 3) 组织。少量合金元素 Cr (3 at %) 能够改变 Nb220Si210Mo 合金的相平衡关系 , Nb220Si210Mo23Cr 的铸造组织中不仅存在 Nb SS和βNb 5Si 3 , 而且还出现少量 Cr 2Nb相 ; 而添加合金元素 Al、Ti (3 at %) 并不改变 Nb220Si210Mo 合金的相平衡关系。添加 Cr 使 Nb SS 2 βNb 5Si 3共晶组织失去了平直片层特征 ; Al 有利于共晶组织中片层状共晶形成 ; 添加 Ti使共晶组织呈现羽毛状特征。合金化使 Nb与βNb 5Si 3的晶格常数发生变化 : Nb的晶格常数均变小; Nb220Si210Mo23Cr合金中βNb 5Si 3的 c/ a值减小 , 其它 3种合金中βNb 5Si 3的 c/ a值增大。


    Abstract: The alloying effect s of 3 at %M ( M = Cr , Al , Ti) on the phase equlibria and eutectic morphology of
    Nb220Si210Mo cast alloy were studied by SEM , EDS and XRD. All the studied alloys were prepared by arc
    melting. The Nb220Si2 10Mo cast alloy contains niobium solid solution (Nb SS) andβNb 5Si 3two phases. A large volume f raction of lamellar eutectic (Nb SS 2βNb 5Si 3) appears in the microst ructure. The Cr additions change the phase relationship in Nb220Si210Mo cast alloy. A Laves phase of Cr 2Nb precipitates together with Nb SS,βNb 5Si 3in Nb220Si210Mo23Cr cast alloy , while no third phase was observed in 3 at %Al or 3 at %Ti added alloys. The Nb SS 2Nb 5Si 3 eutectic st ructure loses it s st raight lamellar characteristic in Cr doped alloy , whereas the lamellar characteristic of Nb SS 2Nb 5Si 3eutectic was enhanced by Al additions. The lamellar eutectic morphology changes to featheriness as a result of Ti additions. The lat tice parameters of Nb andβNb 5Si 3change with the alloying additions : The lat tice parameters of Nb decrease in all the alloys ; the c/ a value ofβNb 5Si 3 decreases in Nb220Si210Mo23Cralloy , while the c/ a value ofβNb 5Si 3 increases in the other three alloys.


