
Progress in bionic research on biomaterials of beetles

  • 摘要: 在经过长达百万年的进化过程中, 甲虫类生物材料形成了具有优异力学性能的优化的结构设计, 精巧而强韧的材料拓扑几何和满足多功能需求的表面结构, 成为当今材料仿生学新的研究对象之一。本文中从仿生学的角度出发, 对甲虫生物材料的微细结构、力学性能测试、功能形态学及材料几何构型拓扑等方面, 回顾了近年来国内外对甲虫的脚爪、鞘翅及飞行翅等甲虫生物材料的研究状况和进展, 并探讨了在各项研究中存在的问题及今后该领域的重点研究方向。


    Abstract: Evolving for millions of years, the biomaterials of beetles have developed an optimized st ructure with
    excellent mechanical performance, elaborate and rigid geomet ry shape and multifunctional surface texture, which makes it become one of the new object s in bionics. In this paper, the progress in bionic research was reviewed on the microst ructure of biomaterials, the mechanical performance, the functional morphology and the geomet ry shape in topology. The research status of biomaterials (including the beetle claw, the elyt ra and the wing) was summarized, also the problems existing in each work were discussed while the research emphases were prospected in future in the correlative area.


